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    s 2-84*36 a~$S~36 2 *«i*§ ® §-t§~®a 8- £9*32 2*30*32 o*l*3d t^g-aa 9*3*36 $-?-36 9- 6*36 § * § * » 9*19*36 141*11 9*12-36 fpiwi facxfxc -nmmmt mw*»t ----------- jAftJ?Qgl»* M i r M l Ko. g m 8, 1W® to tug. 84, 1936, preparations fo r d rillin g . startad d rlliin g -d rilla d a f t is s ilt , lla tro tk and peeked s ills * solid 44 f t drlXXod is a llie s sand-repaired boiler-using ooXIA tools-have to keep pips below to o l-it is very loose-left hole in evening with pipe 19* ahead o f tools, s t ill look­ing fo r soaethlag hard Soft! otiXX fe iift i up in eaeiag-drllled 40 f t is Xoooo oiXioo toad Yo repair sand liae-olutoh and d r ill. Drillsd 18 f t la Xoooo i U Ih i m A waiting for plpo 1'nload pipe and tooXo and driXX 90 f t is Xoooo oiXioa sand w ill land 16* vhw X got oaao. § p ia oXay i f I do not got hard balew, d rilled h i f t la s ilic a oaad (Xoooo) and rod oloy Sot Id* on Xlaootofto-drilX thr oast 9 ft* fa t la toot puap before perforating p it to eat i f X ooald haadlo water, p oll ioao and oat, aftor sotting i t toot two hoars to drain pit* tr ille d X# f t rod elay, liaestone and olay fla p oat of p it - wait on gravel. Did aat want to atart lata wont to poor a ll eeaeat in ona day Feep oat of p it, otartod to pour oeaeat-alrer aotor hroka down repelr sana, pm p oand up, w ill halt to k a il* tufi&stoia today finishad pouring oaaont oat Id* off-pat ap aafoty Xiao w ill havo to ropair aoow la A.a, *U1 not hold elay oattlags, ffolo vory noddy. This Is the second pump ssat as on this Job that nssds ropairs badly. brillod do f t with Xlaastoaa atraaha w# had i soow valve* to ropair wall flows a X ittla , pressure wary ligh t. Ran SO f t . ia alay aad gravel, wall startad to flow batwosa Id* sad 18* asking* sboat 100 gals, psr alant# Xiaastons 423-42? flowed over 12 inshoa, d rilled 80 f t in clay, gravel aad liaastsaa. wall 433 faat atm flows bstwssa 16* snd 18* * d rllltd 42 ft la osnd, i&m* liaastsas aad broken roak (lia a rook) $o change la flow betweaa Id* and 12*. Ran TO f t in liaestone aad rad olay Flow stoppod between ld # and 12*. D rilled 64 f t in rad o la y aad een«at graval