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I agree.Reinhardt - Los Angeles Lae Vegas - February 18, 195ft v 23-1-137 001 Hr. E. E. Bennett I am submitting herewith original and nine ooplea of letter of submission to Mr. Stoddard together with ten ooples of Form 30 Estimate dated February 18, 195ft, both of which cover construction of water main to serve a portion of Blocks Hob. ft and 7 of Charleston Village Tract Ho. 1, Las Vegas, Nevada. Estimated oost of this projeot la less than $2,000.00 and approval of the Hater District is not required. I am also attaching one oopy of a rough drawing dated February 3, 195ft, which I have prepared and whloh shows In red oolor looatlon and size of proposed water main. This drawing may be used by Hr. R. L. Adamson In preparation of the usual number of work order prints. Attachments LRMtlm