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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, February 12, 1980






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 9 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000230. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 AGENDA SENATE MEETING #11 February 12, 1980 Moyer Student Union Building Room 20 3 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #10 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Publications Board Chairman, Bill I-Ialdeman VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board B. Entertainmetn and Programming Board 1. Approve Contract for $1300 for Dixie Six LTD 2. Order 10 spots on KFM 3. Approve $350 plus transportation for Folk Dance Approve $200 plus transportation for 2 more dancers 4. Approve $150 contigent for Edye Gregoary 5. Approve $125 donation to Prentice Minner for service C. Elections Board D. Organizations Board E. By-Laws Committee F. Energy Committee G. Ad Hoc Committees VII. Old Business A. Allied Health College Vacancy, Denise Rajnovich (vote) VIII. New Business A. Resolution 4-7980, Invitation for "Draft Demonstration(s)" B. Academic Standards New Cheating Policy, discussion and reccomendations IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment MINUTES SENATE MEETING #ll February 12, 1980 4:00 p.m. Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order The tenth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order by the Senate President at 4:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Moyer Student Union Bxiilding II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Dorothy Halpin R.ick Oshinski Susana R.eyes Bill 1-Ialdeman Claire Dowell Dale Hulen David Martinez Dave Levins Cindy Simia Ray Corbett Excused Absent-Kelly Campbell III. Approval of Minutes #9 Senator Levins announced that the Republican Convention was ? Lincoln Day Dinner in Honor of Senator Laxalt. Also under this iterri, Senator Martinez'noted the dinner was free and tickets could be obatined throuoh Dave Entler, not purchased. IV. Executive Board Announcements Radio Station- President Campbell that extension for the construction contract is ptncUi^ with the FCC. A letter of apoointement for Gordon Alsum has been given, . . for this month?and next month for, $400 consulting fees. UNR-UNLV Football Game President Campbell announced to the Senate that he had spoken with Dave Ritch, president of UNR, both UNLV and UNR are circulating petitions around the campuses. Washington D.C. Conference Vice-President Wyman announced that the seminar on the conference was held in the CSUN offices. Also, there will be a written report done by the CSUN secretary. Part 2 of the seminar will be at a later date. Marty Burzinski "Skip" Kelley Derrek Yelton Denise Rajnovich Pam Roberts Minutes-Senate Meeting #11 February 12, 1980 Page 2 Allocation of Funds, Item of l^Tew Business President Campbell requested that it be put under New Business, it concerned funds for out of state travel $488.00 plus car. President Campbell received an invitation from the President to go to Washington D.C. Washington D.C. Written Report Senate President Pro Temoore Burzinski had announced at the Senate Meeting #10 that he would submit a written report to the Senate about the D.C. conference. However, since the CSUN secretary is doing one there shall be no need to do two reports. Nominations University College Q ) Vacancy's Senate President Alderman announced on next weeks agenda there will be nominations for the University College Senate seats. Board Nominations Senate President Alderman announced that there are also onenings on Entertainment and Programming Board, and. Elections Board. Precinct Meeting Vice-President Wyman announced that there would be a precinct meeting for county and state elections. Let know if you are interested. V. Executive Board Nominations A. Publications Board Chairman, Bill Haldeman Senate President Pro Tempore, Burzinski moved to approve there was a second. Discussion took place. Some of the Senators felt that the "Yell" should comment on the nomination. Senator Levins moved to table the motion there was a second. Discussion took place. Some Senators wanted to wait till'they could receive some more information, There was a call for the question which passed with thirteen >in favor and one opposed. The vote was taken on the motion to table which passed with ten in favor three onnosed, and one abstention. 0 , ' . _ 4 , . - • _ • Senate President Alderman reminded the Senate to look at their constitution and see what a Board is to be doing. VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board There was no report. Next meeting will February 27, at 2:30 n.rn. B. Entertainment and Programming Board There were no minutes to be read. Senator Simla moved to annrove a contract for $1300 for Dixie Six LTD , in spots on ICFM, $350 plus trans-portation for folk dancers, $200 plus transnortation for 2 more dancers, $150 contigent for Edye Cregory, and $125 donation to Prentice Minner for service. There was a second. The motion passed with eleven in favor and three abstentions. C. Election Board There were no minutes. It was announced that filing for office would be March 3-7, 198n. Minutes-Senate Meeting #11 February 12, 1980 Page 3 D. Organizations Board There was no report. E. By-Laws Committee There was no report. The board is presently trying to find a time to meet. F. Energy Committee There was no report. The next meeting will be February 22, at 3:00 p.m. G. Rebel Mascot Committee It was announced that the first meeting would be next week. The student Senators on the committee have met informally with the Alumne Association and A1 Negratti who are both interested. Senator Martinez moved to recess for 5 minutes, and was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. At 4:33 the Senate President called the meeting back to order and the Senate moved into Old Business. .1. Old Business A. Allied Health College Vacancy, Denise Rajnovich Senator Kelley moved to approve there was a second. The motion passed unanimously. Senate President Alderman announced the new Senator Denise Rajnovich. Senator Rajnovich took a place at the Senate table. B. Organizations Board President Campbell received the minutes of the Organizations Board. There was a motion in there that needed to be voted on by the Senate. Senator Levins moved to table the minutes and vote on the motion. There was a second;. Vote was taken on tabling the minutes which passed unanimously. The vote was taken on the motion to -approve $56 for two picnic pumps which passed unanimosuly. VIII. New Business A. Resolution 4-7980, Invitation for "Draft Demonstration" Senator Kelley moved to approve there was a second. Discussion took place concerning the resolution. It was expressed that CSUN should have nothing to do with political affairs. Also if the motion passed or not the demonstration would still go on. There was a call for the question whicK passed with eleven in favor and four opposed. A vote was taken on the main motion which failed. B. Allocation of Funds $488 plus car Out of State Travel President Campbell was asked to attend a meeting in Washington D.C. with President Carter of the U.S. there would be approximately 200 people attending. Senator Martinez moved to approve the $488 plus car the motion was seconded. Discussion took place. There was a call for the question which passed unanimously. The motion passed with fourteen in favor and one abstention. Minutes-Senate Meeting #11 February 12, 1980 Page 4 C. Academic Standard New Cheating Policy Discussion and recotimendations took place. The Senate expressed some of their own ideas concerning the policy. The Senate was interested in what the Juducial process would be if someone did get caught cheating. It was expressed that the Instructor has most of the decision anyway. IX. Open Discussion Vice-President Wyman announced that there would be another seminar on the Washington D.C. conference , Wednesday February 20, 3:00 p.m. in the CSUN offices. Senator Haldeman read the preamble of the Constitution which stated that CSUN recognizes voices on campus. Senator Martinez expressed to the Senate that it is necessary to do research before deciding on who you want 1".o sen- somewhere, or the amount of money you want spend. Discussion was held concerning the advertising of Black History Week. Senator Roberts asked that an ammendment to the Organizations Board Operating Policy be on the next Senate meeting agenda. Seriate President Pro Tempore Burzinski announced that UNLV'S Hol'line is a worthwhile program and everyone should be aware of it. Vice-President Wyman asked the Senators on the Academic Standards Conmittee to check into the prob ation requirements for each college. Senator Reyes moved to adjourn the motion was seconded which passed with fourteen in favor and one opposed. X. Adjournment The Eleventh meeting of the Conoslidated Student Senate was adjourned at 5:25 p,m. Repectifully Submitted by, Re'spectifully Prepared by, Robin Starlin Senate Secretary Lorraine Alderma] Senate President