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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes Index 2, 1911-1960: documents, item 548


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    Nevada sanitation - Request to renew garbage contract filed - 5/2/1951 Nevada sanitation - Garbage contract Discussion of new plans held in abeyance - 5/9/1951 North 8th request for use Permit by [not legible] Stewart - Public hearing set Rezoning Bucks’ Subdivision - 5/16/1951 Nellis Air Base [not legible] [not legible] approved [not legible] Frank - U.P.R.R. - 5/29/1951 North Main Street - [not legible] requested from mesquite to [not legible] also [not legible] hydrants to be considered at next meeting - 6/20/1951 Naval armory - City engineer to work up lan for read connection from 2nd to 5th street - 6/20/1951 Notice of Special Meeting - called by his honor - 6/28/1951 [not legible], W. - Denied request to keep [not legible] at no. 9th - 7/5/1951 [not legible] E.J. Motel [not legible] assignment - appeared [not legible] Board regarding [not legible] abatement - 7/18/1951 North 10th street Between Ogden & Stewart Vacation - Public Hearing Set - 7/18/1951 Nevada Bar Liquor application - Held in abeyance - 7/18/1951 National Dem Women’s assignment Request Restrooms - use of Old Library Building Referred to City attorney - 8/1/1951 [not legible] on South Main Report by Police Department - Read & ordered filed - 8/1/1951 New Vegas Bar [not legible] & [not legible] Liquor application - no action Taken - 8/1/1951 Nevada Bar Liquor application change [not legible] - Estate of Joseph [not legible] removed - 8/1/1951 Notification of volunteer licenses - Report referred to Fire chief - 8/1/1951 Nevada Sanitation [not legible] report complaint heard - [not legible] of trash removed held [not legible] to joint meeting of City [not legible] need North Las Vegas - 8/15/1951 North Main between 300-500 Building - Request for fire hydrant by arnold referred to Fire Department - 8/15/1951 North 10th vacation between Ogden & Stewart approved - Public Hearing order adopted - 8/22/1951 New Vegas Bar [not legible] & [not legible] - Denied Liquor application 3rd addition - 8/22/1951 Nevada Sanitation Mr. Murphy requests meeting for discussion - Meeting set for Sept. 14,1951 - 9/5/1951 [not legible] of [not legible] Liquor store appears Liquor license - Given warning on sale of liquor to minors & allowed to stay in business - 9/19/1951 North South 6th - 76 parking meters to be purchased & installed - 9/19/1951 [not legible] [not legible] Service - Gaming application approved 4th addition change - 9/26/1951 North Las Vegas [not legible] Company - Taxi application approved 4th addition - 10/3/1951 Nation [not legible] Company Performance Bond $1,304,325 released - Wells Cargo [not legible] assessment District # 200-2 - 10/17/1951 Nellis air Force Base R/W [not legible] Track - Resolution # 241 [not legible] deed adopted : Deed from [not legible] House, [not legible] [not legible] [not legible] - 10/17/1951 North Las Vegas & County: agreement approved - On [not legible] expenses of Regional Planning Commission - 10/17/1951