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BCC - Mr. A. M. Folger h m £m0&m.$ October S8, 1049 i nr* i# 1* ijuiaisert cee Mr. A* eto d d ard m , «. c* Pmrkim m * a. a * rooms®) la our recent ©onferaaoe with tea SfeMgi Public Swrwioo Cosetiaafont* last- Vegaa fttayor <uii City Comsiaaionsrs concerning tea Lot Vegas water situation, the natter of a l w wMatagp was diocyseed at length. It m m tee opinion of tee t e w «aad City authorities that proamt ordinances requiring Install*! ion amt sadntenenae of recapture facilities on cool* lag and refrigerating plants, if properly policed, would rea~ in substantial reaction in m t e r ®ori»s®i?bIon* It was agreed tea teber C«pai^ and Citer would ioin^y wake a * a m y of all water-using equips®®! in tk# Otter to determine if tea present ordinances wars being c m - plied with. Aa at*tad in y w milgra® of October a*th to nr* farina, the «ater Cowpscy C^peeS to furnish a representative malifiad to inspect mter-ueiag facilities, determine if m m faellitiaa ©oispXy with City ordinance® and are nelntoined and operated &» required, and to ae&w a# to possible * « v im i» w»t*r conauraptio®, fin City will provide a polio# officer to aoempesy mar representative and issue eitationa in ante cases m rn rn City ordinaneas are not being oowglied with. If Mr* Anderson is to be assigned to tela work, aa iweewwmled by tar* far kina, will appreciate early advise as to when be will b© available m teat necessary arrsngcisarite a m be eoneluded with the City* It a m further agreed teat, with tea approach of tern weather neat y a m , the water Compaq and tea city will «wpl«y apeoial off tears whose M y it will be to see teat City erdixs&mee prohibiting water waste «ro compiled with. m further agreed teat before any new water service eomeetlona are sad®, tea Water Company will wake a survey to detonates teat all water-using facilities installed amply with City requirement®, luring tea confer® net., we advised tee Public tervloe Ceameeica teat, as mar records indicate mar present water rates are inadequate to net a fair return on our investment, we anticipated filing in tee near future an application for a gteaf*l increase la ratea* |gg attitude of tea member® of tea FCblio Service Ooisitesio®, aa wall aa that of the City