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I agree.i p p n 4 m Las Vegas land and Water company % ..HIP E. CALVIN, President, Omaha, Nsbr. C. BARRY, Auditor. Los Angeles, Cal. P. SMITH. Secretary. Los Angeles, Cal. H. LEETE. Treasurer, Los Angeles, Cal. OFFICES PACIFIC ELECTRIC BUILDING LOS ANGELES. CAL. AND LAS VEGAS, NEVADA CHARLES ADAMS, AGENT LOS ANGELES. CAL. WALTER R. BRACKEN, VlCE-PRES. and AGT. LAS VEGAS, NEV. Omaha, Nebraska, October 16, 1933. Mr. Walter R. Bracken, Vice-President and Agent, Las Vegas Land and Water Go., Las Vegas, Nevada. Dear Sir:- I return herewith letter October 13th from Leslie R. Saunders, to you, which.accompanied your letter same date, in which Mr. Saunders withdraws his offer to purchase 64.8 acres of land in the Las Vegas Townsite, sale of which was recommended in your letter September 5th. I note you state you have received no reply to this letter. For your information, I wired you September 11th from Omaha as follows: "You may make up and forward to me deed covering proposed sale to Leslie R. Saunders and I will ask for approval." T am investigating the forwarding of this message and its non-receipt by you. In view of your letter October 13th I will close my file on this subject for the present. Yours truLy,/ / Enc.