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    This item has not been digitized in its entirety. The original item is available for research and handling at the UNLV University Libraries. Additional digitization is available upon request. Please contact Special Collections to request additional digitization or with any questions regarding access at 3JH ?╟≤ H11V3H ?╟≤ SS3NISD9 f3WOH ?╟≤ OXflV :3DNVMnSNI Suiddvoav uuapojft isojft sjsqai,s t kJShSS. j 8ZSfr-9 '03 ciujo)I|??3 'aiuand ??1 THE GREEN SHEET A U T O MOTIV E S ERVI C E DEALER NEWS Vol. XXVI?╟÷No. 5 1700 West Eighth Street Los Angeles 17. Calif. MONDAY. AUGUST 27. 1962 Suppliers Pledge Operator Support It costs Continental Oil Co. $2,- 000 each time it changes lessees in a service station, ?╟úso why wouldn?╟╓t we want the retailer to do well??╟Ñ the company?╟╓s co-ordin- ator of marketing trade relations asked dealers attending the Na- tional Congress of Petroleum Re- tailers in Roanoke, Va., this week. Another spokesman for supply- ing oil companies contended the ?╟úhealth of the dealer is inescap- ably tied with the health of the supplier.?╟Ñ Also heard in the panel discussion to smooth relationships between the two interests was the observation that many dealers are struggling because they are trying to run stations that should have been pulled down years ago. Cor Wash Club Discounts Gas A new wrinkle tin. jnembership discount operations! affecting mo- torists was revealed last week when California Car Wash, 2861 Foothill Blvd., one of a chain of 14 outlets operated by B & M Inc., Walteria, Calif., announced it DUnkirk 7-5355 20c PER COPY Californians Spend SI Out of Every $5 on Cars and Upkeep New Car Dealer Sales Up 24%; Retail Auto Supply Sales Up 20%; Service Stations Up 11 %; Garages, 5% The high level of business activi- ty in California attained in the final quarter of 1961 continued through the first quarter of 1962. Self-assessed taxable transactions during the latter period totaled $5,749,141,000, an increase of 8.1 percent from sales of the compar- able period of 1961. With employ- ment at a record level Californians had more money than ever before; they were spending it more freely, and at the same time they were making greater use of credit faci- lities. State sales and use taxes on self-assessed taxable transactions during the first quarter of 1962 totaled $BJft,474,230. This amount was increased by $3,883,000 in board-assessed taxes, interest, and penalties on unreported or under- reported transactions and by $350,315 in sales taxes withheld by the State Controller from motor and for high-test motor vehicle fuel for highway use. These are the two principal types of retail sales exempt from state and local sales and use taxes lit Cali- fornia. The amount spent for food at food stores licensed by the State Board of Equalization is estimated at $1,060 million for the quarter and approximate- ly $425,000,000 were spent for 1,427,175,000 gallons of high- test motor vehicle fuel. New first-quarter records were set by each of the three major categories for which sales data are printed. Retail stores with tax- able sales of $3,843,011,000, or 9.6 percent more than those of the comparable period of 1961, per- formed the strongest. Taxable transactions of business and per- sonal service establishments rose to $235,106,000, up 5.7 percent, as they continued to record the most consistent increase among