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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Post Office Box 511 ?╟≤ 1250 Sixth Avenue ?╟≤ San Diego 12, California Public Belations Director She Sands Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Sirs It has just occurred to us that your Club may he interested in furnishing us with some souvenirs, posters, or table favors for our fashion Show, to he held at the San Diego/Club, fehruary 12th* Our theme will he "Plight fashions" and the Marston Department Store, San Diego, will he providing the models and fashions* The program they have prepared for us will revolve aroudd what my-lady wears to and at Las Vegas* All of the proceeds derived from our fashion Show will he donated to Muscular Dystrophy and anything you see fit to give us, in the way of table favors, would he most gratefully appreciated* If you find it convenient to donate something to our cause, would you kindly mail it to* Pebruary 1, 1958 Miss Sophie Morris 601 first National Bank Bldg. San Diego 1, Calif* Tours sincerely. Modernaires of the San Diego Club