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    2 - § § f t 7u>,\ Application No. 7201 C ertificate Record Ho. 1855 Book 6 Page 1855 WHEREAS, Las Vegas Land 8t Water Company By Leo A, MeNamee, its Attorney, has presented to the State Engineer o f the State o f Nevada Proof o f Application o f Water to B eneficial Wse, from Las Vegas V alley Artesian Basin or Subterranean Channel through 16* wood stave 8c 24” cast iron pipe lines fo r Municipal supply and domestic purposes. The point of diversion o f water from the source is as follows* SWJ- SW§ Sec, 29, T, 20 S ., R. 61 E ,, M.D.B.& M. or st a point that bears N. 81°-25»- 30” E. 443 feet from the SW Cor. of said Sec. 29. situated in Clark County, State of Nevada. NOW KNOW YE, That the State Engineer under the provisions of Section 72, Chapter 140, Statutes o f 1913, has determined the date, source, purpose and amount o f such appropriation, together with the place to which such water is appurtenant, as follows* Name o f appropriates Las Vegas Land 9s Water Company P ost-offlee address* Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada. Amount o f appropriation* 2,30 Cubic feet per second. Period o f use, from* Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 of each year Date o f p rio rity of appropriation* Aug. 23, 1924. Description of works o f diversion, manner and place of use*- Water from subterranean channel or artesian b e lt is diverted through a 12 inch d rille d w ell, 636 feet deep, to a s e ttlin g basin? thence through 24 inch wood stave pipeline to a 2,500,000 gallon concrete reservoir. Water is drawn from the reservoir through one 16” wood stave and one 24” cast iron pipeline, from which main pipeline 10” , 8 ”, 6 ” and 4” wood and cast iron mains distribute water fo r municipal supply and domestic use, to the C ity o f Las Vegas, Nevada, located in portions of Sec. 27, See. 26, Sec. 34 and Sec. 35, T. 20 S ., R. 61 E ., M.B.B. & M., Sec. 2 and 3, T. SL S ., R. 61 E ., M.D.B. & M. Note: The water under this C ertificate is used in conjunction with the water granted under C ertificate No. 1856. The righ t to water hereby determined Is limited to the amount which can be b e n e fic ia lly used, not to exceed the amount above specified, and the use is restricted to the place where acquired and to the purpose fo r which acquired. THE STATE OP NEVADA CERTIFICATE OP APPROPRIATION OP WATER IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I , GEO. W. MALONE, State Engineer NO. 46868 Piled fo r Record at request of Geo. W. Malone Oct. 3, 1932. o f Nevada, have hereunto set my hand and the seal o f my o ffic e , this 29th day o f September, A.D. 1932. GEO. W. MALONE at 40 min. past 9 Am in Book 1 of Water App. Page 81, Clark County, Nevada, Records. David Farnsworth, Recorder (SEAL) State Engineer.