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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas ~ December 17, 1952 Referring to our conversation a short time ago concerning anticipated home construction at Las Vegas. X ara attaching herewith, statement of Development Projects under construction or in contemplation together with &n estimate of new home construction by private individuals in presently subdivided areas. 1?h© location of the various projects are Indicated on the attached map by corresponding numbers. In addition to the projects listed on the attached stateiaent, there are two additional major projects under consideration which I have also indicated upon the map by capital letters. A. Charleston Heights Becker and Associates have acquired in excess of 309 acres for housing development. They contemplate early : ; truotlon of 200 homes with ultimate development over a 5-year period of-lhOO homes. 1. Wolttahek Tract Planning Commission has approved development of Tract containing approximately 32 acres with single and multiple units and Subdivider contemplates early construction of 350 dwelling units. Mr. Win. Reinhardt - Los Angeles W, DiiXiB On