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    LtiV'ri&UJtttt, f A. BULLETIN Circ. D. $&$& ATLANTA, GA. Circ,. *&]MiflBA6.rfe SETlSfiii CANTON, OHIO *REt>OSITOBY ?√ßCfrcJ?. 63,342 -^68,068 iwwIiMi SEP 16 19! iRita Hayworth Threatenjed ' "?√ß - United Press Telephotot HAYWORTH, ttAYMES GET MAERIAGE LIGENS;^ A ?║?║|Sr? X^ntei* Is Ja?╜k Entratter, the Best Man LAS flfcASJMMBLE Mp|Do/,SeaIs; ' feKita^I'Romanc^ LAS VEGA;^ NevlMBept. 24 W?╟÷While ifcarby crapshooters l^^^^^&^^^e|^iS^>4l^?Θ╝5p^^ft Hayworth and Dick Haymej|dbday gambled once more with matri- mony.y5^^^ ^SHfc,. ?·?√ß?· ?√ß I" 1 ' '" '*" The 34-year-pl^fee?║s--^^er ' JODAY'S'ljOURhiiUt crooner, 35, will recite vow;^5^M^i7^W'^^^^^^C'' ' ^v^ge has said three tir^gs-bec^^^i a " ' | simple ceremony|^^ie Gpld|^9m TRiUllTIONJMKISS.. Dick Haymes and |?║Ja Hja?·yvorth em- braceeir the traditional kigs following their marriage in Las Ve^as,- where they vrill--honeymoon>.several days before Haymes goes" to the East Coast. |pr a singing engagement. (I|^?? Telephoto). ( 14th Tirn^l^Eact ISowm CrooneMpWife \ xs*^,^ *o?· the Sands Hotei District Judge Frank S^Sfaimee will officiate jj&mthe fiwNiiHate ceremony. Jack %ntratterM^i*ifal manager of the Sands, o#ji^^.fhe I only attendanfeyl^tograi^l^ *^nd ^reporters will- outnumber'ijffie incited guests three to one?** yjm. The unpretenji^s affair wifjatjll |'^^e^^|.^^^it\t?║iJ||pL- se^e@| star's lavish French wedding ta Printer.ATy5" ^ah in 1949. Mis! I Hayworth will ' not even ,have a!rBram,1!' "aiiU_ i-ma..v.=7w^.m new wedding gown. She said she J' Marquis Child* - ... 2\i ewould' *^fji&*lRphie linen straigMieQur World Quiz .4^**^ft'"^? ^;a?╜iak*ia liEieree Harris ?╟≤ *-^j^^_^&^p Wsjkjfefr ?√ß ?√ß Page Around -Town . ?·&fc. |g| 69 Classified 1|#t Ads ..,.* 3S43 Comics. .. .^^p^^^^P.'^vWk Crossword Puzzle .......... 44 -1, 3?║:' Dorothy Kilgallen ........... M Drew Pearson . *$!????-'?╟≤?╟≤* ' 27'-. Ed Danfis^^p^ySg^.fflg' .Edito^al#*''^-j^^^|^fe^^ Marketedand Fina Edressgwhich she lias worn before.. Her head wilt be covered by a] toast-cel^re'd- hat pi tulle alfe'yel-I vet. She will weat glomes to^fettch] Ithe hat. E3^ 'c f?·^^W$ '. I MefQS Harris ' feoe iety-gvVbmen 30-35 ; iSporfs ..':'.-. ..--??'-. ?╟≤.?╟≤ ?╟≤ > ?╟≤ 4o-51 Slate.News,,,.,:, 6,7, 9, 20, 53 fc|^^ip.yGJgisS& will belfcusi-; jness and le^al-.lgsociates *$HLthe | couple. Tht^ftBfl|^ grelati*' {hand will belj|pe's||jrid.<= daughters. They-j|re''^gb< jthe offspri^fe^Miss fSi 'marriage fd-iDr-son Welles j the Princess!*|ta%mine,,- 3%, _^ . her Moslem, father a direct de-.;j"^eporiationj ??√ß scendant of the?╜prophet Moham-i Une-born'?╟≤ CS^^e'^ipiyisstm^ [med. iwill he. and Rita ^ then'iiy,e in7 ; Final barrier tor the wedding wasf^'I'm not gqing' to be d^Oited.'C cleared yesterday when Haymesjhe Answered. "We both/intend to v copped a seven-minute'divorce de-iUye in the U.S.A."; | cree from Nora Eddington Flynr&f _ _ . Haymes. Less than an hour later,] he brought Rita back to the court-1 house, where both ,nervously filled] edgj^he marriage Ijqense forms. W Both Haymes and Rita claimed permanent residence in Nevada, iut said they will soon move near JjSr^nwi&i, Cfnh.,-where^they are v.iooking for ahouse. ?╤m?·f'$ffll_W&^ * "ALL. MY work is in the East," I the crooner Chained. Miss Hayw4j^m> said she plans W^S VEGAS, Nev. ffi-Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes 1 are on -the fourth honeymoon for each of them today following a brief flash- ?╟≤bjalbflit wedding in a gambling resort hotel. m '1 .feel wonderfully happy," the redhaired .bride ! said | after the three-minj$e' ceremony. "I am married to the man I really love. JySpunds so wonderful to be called ^?√ßs. 'KfeymesK** ?√ßl$S '$$?$& movie Star and the crooner! ^kvfly to New York Saturday and | ^P* to -Philadelphia, o. where thel i^^^grpom starts a iright club en- l^^ment MondayCnight. ' e *i^JPravel With Haymes ^ * N';6ur careers, in fact nothing, ?√ß^pt ever separate us," Ritag-de- ^^d. She saf^-she'll travel with Haines on Nsgn|?║fet club, tout. They have rented .Ca house"- in Greenwich;'' Cohn;v 3\Sss Hayworth I said she'll commute between there and, Hollywood .-for- one picture a The ceremOj|y.agg|s afffljormed by ^^^&P 15 1353 Girls Fly to Rita Vjpder Elm^^uard' Wmom Heath Threat ipijS fi^fermea urn Judge ? Frank ,l|^N#^ h the Gold ?√ß?√ß?√ßJtooi^lfcfee.jKJL .HQ!!LI Roule1*& gam^Hf -bwjl- m?Σ≤^. . i continued whirring in the nearby casino. Rita's two daughters, Rebecca, 8, by her marriage to* actor Org ?╟≤WeiW.. ^ld Princess Ye.evpjr-' [3%, by ex-husband Aiy Khan. I looked on from a divani^ Bride Was In Tears J|^-rl The bridal couple sai%'$heir do's" firmly. Big tears came inh Rita's eyes .at the wor&s; Th< j douhle-ringCGeremony wa^:'over,be fore she got ber ring on Dick" '?╟≤| finger; she put it on afterware I Little Yasmine shrilled, ' 'Mams ' I' want a ring, tooe' ^K"- ' Several; hundred persons hue the way, as the Couple, arm i arm, walked from her quarters 1 a remotecjart of the hotel to'th ' ceremon^^ Vim ^^^-??^ - Miss Ha^oe|h ^fore a short I sleeved, blu^hnen' dress, a toast- colored tulle gjaffjg".; velvet hat and matching glov^J?║Her bouquet was- of orchids and Mes of the valley. Haymes wore a Jmie pin-^ripe suit with blue tie. wMg /#. |p Divorced Wednesday Before her marriages to Welles, and Prince Aly,^|||. w#vWed to oilman Edward JudSon.- Haymes* previous, wives were actress Jo- I anne Drl||.danCer Joanne Marshall, and Nora: Flynn 'Hayme?║|C ex-wife of .Errol Flynn. The 'cr?╜|ner got a Nevada divorce > Wednesday from Npfe^; who obtameAaa'^^lifornia deraee from himwlasti'' ^ef|?? I In connection ..with his h^taigra- tion difficulties', meaiutime, the honeymooning/Sooner cauid take cheer from -^|.' federal cotfR; * deci-1 -s-ion-'yesterday in ' Miami, Fla. 1 g|p . a sffaSilar ,cese at^lp^ni, I I Judge John* W. ?╟≤ Holland ?╤uiedk'' in b^feoferal District Coi^ that^tti^ re-XJ Vmrh of Harry ?√ß 0.,y;?╤giler,'a'62^gfor- |.Ariei?╟≤ Miami Beach newspaper publisher, from Puertb""Rieo i'n gl951 ''did n<>t; Cons'titiitfelan entry into tiH^'Uinted -States" within the mean- irtf *of the -19T w Act." Puerto Rico., and .Hawaii, are in- [sular possessions of- the Unitedl f.iptrs Jnfk;e Holland held that! I.".For a"?√ß:resident." alien to make b'ppnfrv. he- must - go to.' a -.foreign 105 SHOWN CONFERRIfi|^^HBp'itttorliey. Bartley Crum, in her hotel I {suite in Las Vegas, Nev-.r fll*Wi| itar Rita Hayworth reveals she has I received two Written threats' et fflJBfigarement or death if she doesn't j I return her daughter Yasmftie-,im *ly, IChan.i.N^:um said he has asked j ; the Aga Khan, Aly's father, to determine whether any ot his Moslem I followers are responsible., >Aliss Hayworth rejected^"ari,; offer by Aiy j || Khan, her former husband, of a million dollars for'their daughter. ! (ipteriia,tio'ttal "Soundphoto) LAS VEGAS (UPj ?╟÷ I^ta Hayworthrsnd her two daw^i- 1 ters were guarded as heavily as a president on tour today as the .. I FBI investigated threats that three-year-old Princess Yasmini would be killed if she is not returned to her Moslem father, Prince Aiy Khan, H^ ?√ß?√ß?√ß?√ß?√ßMM ii IHSiH Yasmin and Rebecca, 8, the actress' child by her former husband, Orson Welles, were flown here under guard Monday; night to be with their mother,^ wh^%g waiting to marry crooner Dick Haymes. Five $$$& bodyguards from a private^jSgtective agency put the children^gfcn an airlines plane in Los Angeles and three accompanied them on the flight here. More bOd& guards, iaecompanied ?╟?by Haynwl?*iiiit ^e plane when it landed here, and wfteii the chil- dren arrived at the Sands Hotel, I'wtlgtevv.,th<ffry mofl^i* is* staying, sM^or^lSrk'CdUmy sheriff's deputies tooiM%p a close watch outside j [the star^c^oms. The children hadj been guarded at Miss I^ayworth's } West ?·&v Angeles home since the j threats were received. j '^hC actress, who had remained1 at the hotel, threw her arms around 1 her children, crying, "Oh, Godg we're a$ tbfeether again. We're all safe." ';ii!||||fi Miss Hayworth has received two LteJtei&;f(omL New Rochelle, Tf. Y.g threatening death for Yasmin "aljKl bodily harm to the sultry film star unless the^Phild is returned to her father in Europe. She ?·Sil$o was warned not to marryjipaymes "or you'll get yourJs||lainto a lot of trouble." ' It wl^'believed the letters could have beeae; sent by a fanatic Moslem. j^^ik^a^^^i i csas^ ?√ßjgkM_m Gen. Bradley Robbed?╟÷ [ The Hotel Astor suit of retired I Gen. and Mrs. Omar Bradley was burglarized yesterday of furs and -: ] other property valued at more than ?√ß j $3200. The former chairman of the 1 Joint Chiefs of Staff is now chair- man of B,,?nva itoT:cii?√ß'% V>p- .. velopment,._Iafi^otn HeW York. TARRYTO^i||M. Jtt Cii' - D- :1^8- - Rita Hayworth to j Wed Singer Today LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP)?╟÷Rita' Hayworth and Dick Haymes tdj day gambled once more ""iU matrimony* The thirt^our-^ff^ild actres|:. and her croone??^^^y-five, thist afternoon will re^^^:.vows each! has said three tin^^efore, iir a| simple ceremony^OT the Gold Room of the Sandgalifllel. BISMARCK, N. D. TRIBUNE Circ. D. 12,140 SEP 25195|e Rita Sobs As She, . j Crooner Haymes Exchange Vows I LAS VEGAS, my) <^&kgay- I worth' and Dick Hayme'sy$|ffi.on I the fourth honeymoon for^|fe?╜t^>of them Friday following a br^}^^> Ibulb-lit wedding in a gamTKtogLf|- I sort hotel. I liI feel wonderfully hapftjUrtdhr ! redhaire^gbride said af^t |he I three-mlnhte ceremony. '.Mlm I I married to the!|man 1 reaJ^^&ve. I lit sounds so/wonderful to fcs^yped I I Mrs. Haymes.*^ j THE MOVIE star and the crooner I J fly to New York Saturday awlTater I to Philadelphia, where the;; i^rlde- i I I groom starts avinight cl^ engage- | I ment Monday night. I "Our career%- in fa#5nothing, j ?√ßj will ever separate us,^$?·Uta de-1 clared. She said she'll travel with j Haymes on his night "dub tour. I Tliey have rented aglliibuse in Greenwich, Con&i Miss Hayworth; I slid she'll commute between there I |pde Hollywood for one picture ag I The ceremony was performed by I fhdge Frank MacNamee in the Gold Room of the Sands_Ifcit?·l. I Hi wialette games and^iloxTnacmnes| continued whirring in the nearby II casino. il [ RITA'S TWO daughters, Rebecca, '[ 8, ^bj^^r,marriage to actor Orson L WelS.?^^;and Princess Yasmine, ^**fS>^-? ny ; ex-husband Aiy Khan, looked on from a divan. The bridal couple said their "1| do's" firmly. Big .tears came into I Rita's eyes at tfie words. to- : 1; ?√ß>m-*-?╟÷mi!.r**K?╟÷-?╟÷-, ?╟÷Associated Press WIREPHOTO. SAFE TOGETHER tObAYli Rila Havworth greets Yasmine, ZV2, and Rebecca^ 8, in her suite in Las Vegas today after their 'hurried flight from Los ^Angeles. Oh, Go&9 W?Θ╝re Safe, Together, Actress Greets Sleepy Daughters Las Vegas, Nev.?╟÷-(U.R)?╟÷Rita Hayworth and her twojf daughte^^rejpe guarded as heavily as a president on tourt today as the FBI investigated threals ffe^t 3-year-old I Princess Y4smi?║-W?╜tal^ be killed if she is not returned toi her Moslem father, Prince Aiy:'~?╟÷~ :=^=w-w.?╟÷?╟÷- ". __JJUMIT"JJ Khan.. g W-M Yasmin and Rebee^-.x^Jp^-w actress' chi^.^'h?½ fb^ner S??s- ^^ts?* 13&(%'*(&&flHyte Jleferwere flown j here under guardJ?║ast: nigh|Jtoj?╟÷ ?√ß'?√ß?√ßW 'imm ?√ß<?╟≤ k-S&asai be: With their m??^#, ^833^8' waiting to marry crooner Dick Haymes. j h The actress, WhA, had remained at her hotel, ra^^r than meet I the children at t^e airport, threw j her arms aroi|tic^ her children, [crying, "Oh, God, we're all to- I gether again. We're all safe." I LOTS OF MOONS l^Ylismin, who had been sleep- ling in the arms of her nurse, J was awakened by news photog- I raphers' flash bulbs, and exclaimed: "Ooooh, I see lots of moons." Rebecca immediately asked her mother if the hotel had a swimming pool. W^S g Five husky bodyguards from a .private detective agency put the [children on an airlines plane ,in fLes Angeles last night and three $|5?·ompanied them on the flight. J&QgP bodyguards, accompanied j by 3ftsymes,aBaet the plane when it lai^ateiw. rVS^en jtfee chil-! dreh^^Pved gilt the, .'.Sands Hotel, shifts $|&Qterk County sheriff is deputi^Sfo^ up WwqSb watch outside ?╜fe*#ar's rooms. The :hildren hag^eefa. guarded at BOSTON, MASS. GLOBE (Evening) Circ. E. 151,503 SEP Zk 1951 Rita WTi^Frills |at Wedding to Haymes By SHEILAH GKAHAM LAS VEGAS, Nev., Sept. ,24 (NANA)?╟÷When Ritr Batyworthj marries Di'Ck Haymes toJ^- in the gold room at the Sands Hotel, here. the only things My llUBffll"T!Ofe! ceremony m'will be%j^i.^ -name of the room and the gold rings each [will wear' in the d6u^^!Mg ceremony. ----:-.yy*- ?╟≤ . m^MjrM ' It took Dick 'ex^c||y s*ven minutes'- K)( get' his freedom from Nora Haymes yesterday. and Rita was so overwrought with the days of waiting fo^^?║ign the waiver j) that she a broket .^^n completely lane, wept for two hdtirs. a As they I stood in -line foylrtheir marriage I,license, Rita saS|tfsa;*I'm nervous." ?; Today's wedding?╟÷Rita's fourth?╟÷ twill be nothing like her lsst nup- tials, ,;With Priiiig/. Al^S Khan in his lu>:u::ious.jfChateau. i'Horizon.. surrounded*' b^nobil-ity up to her neck' and' :fa^fOus Mrfe.iworn by Indian Frin^ses." -i(;|-'-' |;'-"*- " , "I want V. weddinj with no frills this" time." Rlta^tfild me. "All I want thiset'iffie is lOisr Haymes."/