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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    'COLE FISCHER ROGOW, INC. 2. MEDIA SCHEDULE Las Vegas Review Journal - Jan. 2 & 3 (7x7 ad) 5 & 7 (4x4 ad) A total of 4 ads (130" ) 474.50 Sun - Jan. 2 & 3 (7x7 ad) 4, 6 & 8 (4x4 ad) A total of 5 ads (146") 652.62 L.V. Israelite - Jan. 5 (4x4 ad) 32.00 1159.12 Los Angeles L.A. Times - Jan. 3 & 5 (4x561i.) 828.80 A total of 2 ads (448 lines) Herald Examiner -Jan. 2, 4 & 9 (4x56 li) A total of 3 ads (672 lines) 1220.80 Long Beach Ind. Press Tel. Jan. 4th (1 ad, 4x56 lines) 168.11 Hollywood Reporter - Jan 4th 90.00 Variety - Jan. 3rd 95.00 2402.71 Total space 3561.83 Approx, total production847.37 Grand total $4409.20 We trust that this information will be satisfactory as submitted. Very truly yours, COLE FISCHER ROGOW, INC. zt ?√ß __?╟÷ Ida L. Lustman cc: Rudy Perkal