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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Date: February 22, 1973 Client: MGM Grand Hotel Project; Proposed Radio Schedule for Donn Arden Audition Commercials Atlanta WQXI - $650 WGST - $350 Miami WQAM - $750 WIOD - $450 Boston WRKO - $1,260 WBZ - $ 800 New Orleans WTIX - $575 WNOE - $410 Chicago WLS - $2,200 WCFL - $1,100 Cleveland WGAR - $550 WIXY - $800 Dallas KLIF - $840 KRLD - $7 60 Detroit CKLW - $1,620 WXYZ - $ 840 New York WABC WCBS- - $2, -FM - 000 $800 San Francisco KFRS KSFO - $1 - $1 100 ,000 St. Louis KXOK - $850 KSD - $400 TOTALS: A - All stations - $23,925 B - #1 stations only - $14,815 Houston KILT - $7 20 KIKK - $600 Los Angeles KHJ - $1,,700 KIIS ~ $ 800 60-second announcements. To be scheduled on the Saturday and Sunday immediately preceding audition date in each city. Radio stations with primary appeal to listeners age 21 to 30 years old are to be used. The budget in each market is based on a schedule of 12 announcements on each of the #1 and #2 ranked stations* in each market appealing to the age group desired, They are listed #1 and #2, in order, for each city. *Source: ARB - Oct./Nov. f72 rating period - based on Sat./Sun. cumulative listening by women age 18 to 34. oo ;u Gardner, Stein and Frank, Inc. ?╟≤ Twenty North Wacker Dri Chicago, Illinois 60606 ?╟≤ (312) 372-7020 ( V