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Letter (copy) from inmates at Nevada State Prison to Ernest Newton (Carson City, Nev.), October 28, 1968



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    28 October 1968 Carson City Mr. Ernest L. Newton Secretary of Nevada Taxpayers Association 202 South Fall Street Carson City, Nevada 89701 Dear Mr. Newton: This letter is coming to you and copies are going to the two lead?ing Heno and Nevada newspapers because it is time for the Legisla?ture to sit down?and determine how much of the taxpayers money should be 3pent - and where. It is high time tfoat the taxpayers of Nevada had a voice in this critical matter. Hhey should know if it is their goals that are being fulfilled - pr the goals of opportunists. Politicians of Nevada have gain? 3 control of the people and their income In a manner easily comphpable to the Ger?many of the thirties. Hence, this lettef^-fiOi?-xiiose who have not?hing to fear. In some small way, we hdpe~te~"bringx to light some of the things the taxpayers of NevadtCQa^e a rlgnt^to know, things that should be investigated in ord'^r to ^ t an end\?h, the legal financial bleeding of this Sta' For yearklthe true reherds will show that ever more money has been asked of i\ie Legislature. Shy? For years, ev^ry July, when the prison receives it^yllotted money, as much as one-half has to be paid out fo>LTanrt; year's bills, *hy? This is much too consistant to be uassed oTT^ohly as poor management. There remains only the bare fact that THE MONEY IS NOT IJ3EP FOR ITS PURPOSE * AM" P03SIBLY NEVER REACH] 3 THE ; E3IC-N&TEE DESTINATION. This year will be no different. The ?arden here has told us he will try to put "the bite" on you for a 2 % increase in budget. Will you stand still for this?? Except for the past few years, the inmates and a small number of civilian personell operated the prison. Since then, the taxpayers pay for a civilian cook who does nothing the inmates have not done and still are doing. There is the ware?house man with some sort of title who receives a fat salary for doing something that sounds impressive on paper. The warehouse is managed no better now than before - nor is it better supplied. The P.A. system in the new hospital was financed from money alloted for \ On October 16th 1968f a Heno m e r stat^i "the retirements of th< mental hospital, the prison ancKrsmiyxles for retarded children as being among the State1 s other needs". MV?e must plan and build for tomorrow." tnli is fine. However, it has been for years, and wi^V^contiTnu? to- Ik - as long as the taxpayers fail to speak up, th^/only tool NntistTtjjk for political campaigns by the politicos and/?their laejwy^. Worse, the taxpayers accept this pap thereby indfijrectly aiding these "political tarts" in their demagoguery. \npes# personal' gains are cf course made at the ervenae of every raanVyoaan, and^child in the Itate. Build and H^kT'rdoiE forv^oS5ii*iwl ^here? In a prison? Is this what the taxpayers want? Let us look at the politicos* joy - the Nevada 31site -'risen. \\ for hospital operation. Where did it go? This cost a good five figures. Dozens of radios and TV sets were recently collected - Where are they? The new bakery ran out of money to the extent of $28,COO, the cost of an oven. When the special request for this was denied, all of a 3udden the oney appeared and the bakery open?ed. *here was this money hiding - and more im ortant - where would it have gone had the special recuest be granted???? ihi->k about that for a moment* How could the funds permit a new car for the new warden when we had no food? Why must an imaate pay for dental work today? Why are some Inmates refused medical treatment? Why must every ( or nearly so) lunch consist of soup, beans or other 3tarch form. Why are some Inmates refused their 64 stamp which the State provides? Why is a salaried woman required in the records section where an inmate can handle the job for jal few dollars per month? Why does this State have to import 3 0 -cailed "eyperts" from California to run this prison? Are we to believe that there are no individuals in Nevada vho are Qualified?? Did ytm notice how thick?ly the whitewash was applied when Mr. Toland of; the Parole Office spent the two year budget in about six^hachtHsIlnd then resigned?? Many things in this State are purchased o ut?fstate that could be made by the prison - and SOT i s t e r ^ b W ^ t h local Industry. Should not the taxpayers be made ?ware of/thisTl\ The ?tatWpXevel "pork-barrelers" would have us believe It Is better to simply ask for more money again - and again - again./ /J ?he present harden has asked fci\ac, thprease - supposedly for nec?essary security (and his jger^nalNMms) . Ask about the rl&stic knives ye had last year. they cost - and where they are now. This Is an example of hi$V^ims\\He anticipates success in his recuest because Ym says the mmate^pbpulation is increasing. Of course it has, an$: will continue to do so - because he has in?directly and ?irectlin arranged for) it to do so. In order to do this he has assumed the duties of Jvsimj and Jury - sentencing men to ad?ditional time for a nmt. crime. Ao warrants were issued, no one has legal aid, , ^d-ge^i^guries - only the Warden* At this rata, can Itr^be long beforc-the guards are ordered to wear iaekboots' How long before the prison has its own red, white and black flag flying ate<?ve both the\N.S. and State flag? HE is the instigator of higher tAxes to meet Necessary funds to build bicger prisons - the "house of \Hocker". F'of HeavBn*3 sake Mr. Newton, if your group does want L lggVV,. prisons ?/yon* t you at least think you ought to see that that is whare^the^auhey goes? -"hat do you think would happen If an auditor REACHCSfiecleea this place over????? ?? say refuse additions' blackmail money, Investigate every phase of the prison's operation, let the legally appointed Parole card decide what to do with the in?mates as the court intended. Give the extra money to the retarded children - not to an egocentric intent on empire building. We re?ceive no value from it. As inmates are judged by their past, judge the prison by its past. Investigate and voice your rights. The constitution was not written by Warden Hecker or the Attorney Gen?eral of the State, nor should they tell you what your taxes should be. The decision is yours. Remember, it is exactly people like the present Warden who cause local Inflation and eventually national. Think it over. Signed, The inmates of N.S.P. I Mrs, Flor Duncan 170 Cochran Las Vegas, Nevada