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    COPY 0 Omaha * January 26, I f ® 3703*1 Mr* &« I. Bennett « Los Angeles: (CC - Mr* A* a* Stoddard Mr. %st. Reinhardt - Los Angeles Mr. T. fc Bockes) Supplementing my telegram of December 9, 1949, regarding services of officer® of the IpffA&Geu for whom si. the present tits* no amounts are charged, arsd al@o for officers of UPRKCo* who devote &©**« part of their time to LVLSDiCo* Further study indicates that the expense aggregates 412,063.00 as developed by the following summary compiled from responses aw»d« to my maligrasi a-$10 of December 20, 1949* General administrative, management, engineering legal and accounting expense for an average year. ? M i In Which incurred Accounting Legal executive Engineering MAasnsaigstearn tI ndtursetarsiuarle rdevelopment tGaexneral Manager of Properties total LV L&W do« IwiaA?. idbi.CtOjL Total #3,633.00 4 312*00 41 4,145705 1,400.00 m m 1,600.00 1,125.00 1 ,125.00 2,2$%. 00 4.00 c.00 70.00 » > » 70.00 1,260.00 1,500.00 2,760.00 100.00 ~ ~ 100.00 450.00 100.. 00 950.00 9,040.00 3 ,537.00 12,083.00 These expenses are equivalent to 6*3# of the gross revenues of 4191*000 received in 194#? In »y opinion these expenses arc reasonable and If you and Mr. Reinhardt concur, I will arrange to add the® to the recorded expenses when computing a fair return on the rate base. Preliminary computation of a fair return on the rate base was supplied on statement ffi»m attached to my letter of November 10, 1949 to Mr. Reinhardt. A phot©static copy of this letter le attached.