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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes Index 2, 1911-1960: documents, item 045


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    Assessment District (#100-9) - Public hearing reserved to May 29 - 5/23/1951
    Assessment District (#200-1) - Claims for Damage [not legible] Refereed to City Mayor - 2/23/1951
    application , [not legible] - [not legible] [not legible] Station [not legible]  [not legible] , 1951 - 5/23/1951
    Assessment District(#100-2 & 100-3) - Partial payment on (100-1) & final on (100-3) [not legible]  cargo approved - 5/23/1951
    Assessment District (#100-9) discontinued - Public hearing [not legible] & Clark - 5/29/1951
    Application cigarette - [not legible] Review journal - 5/29/1951
    Application Legion( Change of address) - [not legible]  [not legible]  [not legible] - 5/29/1951
    Appointment of Housing authorized by Commissioner - held in [not legible] - 5/29/1951
    Application cigarette - Granted [not legible] [not legible]  [not legible] - 6/6/1951
    Application Gaming - Granted Dairy Ban - 6/6/1951
    Application Liquor - Granted [not legible]  [not legible] Market - 6/6/1951
    Appointment Ralph [not legible]  - [not legible]  service [not legible] - 6/6/1951
    Agenda - [not legible] [not legible]  of the agenda is made well to referred to City [not legible] - 6/6/1951
    Assessment District (#200-2) [not legible]  from [not legible]  [not legible]  accepted - Resolution #231 adopted - 6/6/1951
    Application Gaming - Granted [not legible]  [not legible]  [not legible]  - 6/6/1951
    Application Liquor - Granted [not legible]  [not legible] Shop - 6/6/1951
    Assessment (#200-2) - Parietal payment to Wells Cargo approved - 6/6/1951
    Application Gaming - approved [not legible]  - 6/13/1951
    Application Gaming change of [not legible]  - Frontier Race House Road [not legible]  in [not legible]  - 6/13/1951
    Assessment District (#100-2) - Partial payment to Wells cargo approved - 6/13/1951
    Assessment District (#100-3) - Final Payment to [not legible] county Electric approved  - 6/13/1951
    [not legible] County Electric - Final payment approved assessment District(100-3) - 6/13/1951
    [not legible]  for appointed civil service [not legible]  
    Appointment to Civil service [not legible]  - Change [not legible]  and [not legible] [not legible] [not legible] [not legible] [not legible] [not legible] [not legible] - 6/13/1951
    Assessment District (#200-8) - Final payment approved to John B. Powers - 6/20/1951
    [not legible]  on Rock [not legible] [not legible]  [not legible] [not legible] requested by [not legible]  [not legible]  & [not legible]  [not legible] - to be [not legible] of next meeting - 6/20/1951
    Acceptance [not legible]  - Special Meeting - 6/28/1951 
    Application Gaming(Renewal) - Granted [not legible]  [not legible]  - 6/28/1951
    Application Liquor(Renewal) - Received in name of Shaw and [not legible]  Hayes [not legible] New Yorker Bar - 6/28/1951
    application,Liquor & gaming - approved [not legible]  of Club 3rd - 6/28/1951
    Application, Gaming - approved Frontier [not legible] Club - 6/28/1951