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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 14, 1929 to February 11, 1937, lvc000003-200


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    At this time the matter of hiring local men on the improvements in the City was brought before the Board for consideration. Upon motion of Commissioner Mundy seconded by Qommissioner Thomas the following Resolution was introduced and passed: Resolved, that it is the sense of this Board of Commissioners that in all sepcifications and contracts for any public works in the City of Las Vegas that it shall be provided that local labor be used as far as they are competent. Vote on said Resolution was as follows: Commissioners Mundy and Thomas and His Honor the Mayor E.W.Cragin voting Aye. Noes none. An Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance declaring the determination of the Board of Com­missions of the City of Las Vegas to make certain improvements in the City of Las Vegas by grading for and surfacing with road mixed oil graveled surface and construction hydraulic cement concrete curb and gutter (Combined) on certain streets and protions of streets in said City; describing definitely the location of said improvements; providing that the cost and expense thereof shall be paid entirely by special assessment upon all the lots included in the special assessment district, hereby established, according to benefits, except where, by the Charter of the City of -t-as Vegas certain protions thereof are required to be paid from the general fund of said City of Las Vegas, and other matters relating thereto," was read to the Board for a second reading, and passed by the following vote, Commissioners Mundy, and Thomas and His Honor the Mayor E.W.Cragin voting Aye. Noes none. The Clerk was directed to have the above mentioned Ordinance published for one week six issues in the Las Vegas Age, a daily newspaper printer and published in the City of Las Vegas. Said Ordinance to be know as Ordinance No. 171, and to be in full force and effect from and after its complete publication. On motion of Commissioner Mundy seconded by Commissioner Thomas the following Resolution was duly adopted: BE IT RESOLVED, that as a basis of ascertaining the amount of assessment to be levied yo reimburse the City of Las Vegas for moneys expended and to be expended in the construction of the highway noe being constructed by the department of highways of the State of Nevada, with Federal Aid, from the easterly limit of the intersection of Fremont Street and Fifth Street in said City of Las Vegas, running thence along said Fremont Street as laid out and extended in and easterly direction to the easterly boundary of said City of -"as Vegas, it is hereby determined that the entire cost of such improvement exclusive of the portion borne by the Federal Government including surveying and engineering charges, shall be assess to the property owners of property abutting on said improvement according to benefits. Vote on said Resolution was as follows: Commissioners Mundy and Thomas and His Honor the Mayor E.W.Cragin Noting Aye. Noes none. „ "An Ordinance empowering, authorizing and directing the ex-officio Assessor of the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, to levy a special assessment to defray the costs of making certain improvements in the City of Las Vegas, by grading for and surfacing with roat mixed oil graveled surface and constructing hydraulic cement concrete surb and gutter (Combined) om certain streets and portations in said City, according to the plats, diagrams and estimates of cost thereof on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of -"as Vegas; describing de*- finately the location of said improvements, stating the amounts of said assessments and design­ating the lots, lands and premises to be assessed according to benefits; providing for the ^ payment thereof, and other matters relating thereto,"was read to the Board for a first time and laid over for a second reading. "An Ordinance empowering, authorizing and directing the Ex-Officio Assessor of the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, to levy a special assessment to reimburse said City for the costs of construction of a highway with Federal Aid from the easterly limit of the inter­section of Fremont Street and Fifth Street in said City, running thence along Fremont Street as laid out and extended in an easterly direction to the easterly boundary of said City of Las Vegas; describing definately the location of said improvements, stating the amounts of said assessment, and designating the lots, lands and premises to be assessed, aboutting on the said improvement; pro­viding for the payment thereof, and other matters relating thereto," was read to the Board for a first time and laid over for a second reading. "An Ordinance to prohibit excavating, grading, paving, leveling, repairing, sidewalking corsswalking,. or filling in any public street, highway, avenue or alley within the City Limits without first obtaining a written permit to do so and giving a bond to replace the street in proper 8983W?gpgtih3Paia^M"So?Pg?MMH9 An Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of ^as Vegas relating to the constru— therewith ction of driveways," was read for a second time and passed by the following vote; Commissioners Mundy and Thomas and His Honor the Mayor E.W.Cragin voting Aye. Noes none. Said Ordinance to know as Ordinance No. 172, of the City of Las Vegas. The Clerk was directed to have said ordinance published in the Las Vegas Age, a daily newspaper printed and published in the City of ^as Vegas, for a period of one week, six issues,and s&id Ordinance to be in full force and effect from and after its complete publication. No further business appearing before the Board at this time the meeting recessed until Friday the 14th day of August 1931, at the hour of three ^'clock P.M. N.B. Vote on excavating Ordiance. Was read to the Board for a second time and passed by the following vote: Commissioners Mundy and Thomas and His Honor the Mayor E.W.Cragin voting Aye. Noes none. Said Ordinance to be in full force and effect from and after its complete bpulication in the Las Vegas Age, a daily newspaper published in the City of Las Vegas.