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ESTABLISHED 1888 (Q) BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York NEW YORK, N.Y. DAILY NEWS Circ. D. 2,402,346-S. 4,716,807 ,D?·C 27 ?9B2- Broa.div&'it By DANTON WALKER &P Incidental Intelligence Britain's .',',A Calendar for Coronation Year, 1953," put out by the British Travel Association, the most beautiful souvenir in thisSy?╜$a&Nf j > Christmas mail. eMbre than two dozen superb color prints of scenes in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, with Queen Elizabeth H on horseback as the lead. . . . Christmas cards for '52, incidentally, w&re- the nicest in years. No gags, no low comedy, none-of the vulgarity j j that once marred the true spirit of the occasion. , . . Heaviest Christ- J mas shopping -among foreign groups in New York, according to an in- 1 j! formal survey, were UN representatives from Russia a*id the satellite Rations. . . . During his holiday in Key West, Mayor lmpellitteri made a remarkable'catch on a deep-sea fishing trip?╟÷15 barracuda. . ?╟? . 4 Rocky Graziano makes his nite club debut at the Beachcomber in Miami Beach tomorrow. . . . A blood-plasma being perfected in Sweden (experimented on since 1947) may be next year's Christmas gift to Jj i the world's fighting forces. q?║SI isP*! gjgf"-' ?╟≤ ?╟≤ * \jT^ Mutual Network will make January memorable in radio circles with j a series of special programs featuring civic crime fighters, as a public service. . . . Chicago^s Palace Theatre will be the next important house to install Cinjir;ajgita'equipment. ... A major civil war brewing in one j of HollywoodK&iggest movie studios. . . . The Caivacade of America's televised pre^e^ttion of the trial of John Peter Zenger, titled "Mightier Than the S'wfedv'-' will be releasedgjon film for the use of journalism schools throughout the country. This was the historic trial which established the ^rMgiple of* freedom of the press in this coUntary. . . . Carl Hubbell, former pitching star of the New York Giants, makes his debut as actor?╟≤ ingMGM's baseball epic. "The Big Leaguer," to-be filmed--in Hollvwogg- "shortly. .-. -_-" ~ | Joe vE;1Lfewis just discharged from Presbyterian Hospital after an extens al checkup. . . . Jack Entratter -reports, business at the new S^ifiiseJlffiifel. in Las Vegas running to well o^eV ,$W0,^# per week. I |*-vBSzooKa-pIaymg Bob Burns now a gentleman farmer in California's San, E^rtfa^ohValley. . . . Gene Schoor, who authored the Jim Thorpe storyi*)Si^^fe>ries "on Red Grange, Ty Cobb and Jo^tOiMaggio^ penning books on Chyisty Mathewson and Jack Dempsey. . . . Las Vegas* 'Flamingo Clob tempting George Raft to resume his hoofing-in a nite clvtb '*ctjS possibly with Gene Baylos as partner. . . . President Batista will -dedicate" 1 -:'-nc-uv/ bathing beaches in Cuba next Summer. . . . Betty H^io'ir_jvas_-o])sne;-'l '->\?.iine-si o? in Los Angeles to rhandle all -her .TABLISHED 18: BArclay 7-5371 PRESS GtlPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York NEW. YORK, N. Y. Worl^Telegram & The Sun jS??S$fc. D. 555,017 DEC 2 QJ551i New York?╟÷Day by Day Too Many Lases ^HOLLYWOGDl Dec. 20.?╟÷One of the legendary accounts that] Las Vegas is now assimilating has to do with my buddy and fellpw- uncle of Elizabeth Taylor, Howard* Young. He was still cussin' when I caught up with him on Summit Ridge, overlooking Beverly Hills in the Michael Wilding homestead last evening. ... No one appreciated the yarn mpre than Michael, who is new here from London and who occasionally makes a wrong turn himself. . . .. Anyway, Howard Young weeks ago phoned, the transportation chief in his midtown hotel and instructed him to line up a trip to the Taylors house in Beverly Hills for Christmas by 1 way of Las Vegas. ... The good ??orter went about his duties as faithfully as he has unmistakenly attended to Young's travels for decades.... How- Frank Farrall ard tipped him $25 after tickets Were handed to him, bid the stafi au revoir and announced .that he was headed fpr Las Vegas to join Farrell for the VIP premiere of the Sands, a new hotel and gambling place now headed by our former C^HBBhager- pal Jack Entratter. . . . Young tootled out West, as nonchalantly as you please via Santa Fe. At sonie point between Chicago and Fare- Thee*Well, Young happened to run out of reading material. So he picked up a train booklet and perused. Suddenly he realized-that j there was a Las Vegas in New Mexico?╟÷and just as suddenly be re-' alized thfflr&n^ibt be a terrible mistake,,- *'; He was right. ... Instead of routing him through Nevada, the Manhattan hotel's dutiful transportation, porter presumed .that Young, an art connoisseur* surely would have nothing to do with what gpes on in Las Vegas, Nev, I The porter had heard 'about art colonies in New Mexican places like i Taos jusUgittside of Santa Fe. . . . And that's how Young managed I to ??ave abpufc $lQ,00Q-^and how the Nevadan Las Vegas didn't get M "^cauae'anyone who travels through Nevada's Las Vegas with 1Q Wajg*?^ *??ose usually has to phone his banker for, more scratch1 By Frank Farrell Hedy Lamarr makes me feel as if I'm on the wrong terminal oi the movie business. Several pals have called me advising that she's wandering in and out pf toy departments, hooded in babushka, selecting trains, dolls, tricks, etc., for her youngsters.... Others deplore jmy raving about Las Vegas. The> tell me its medical history is one (of the national disgraces of ah time. Try and get a doctor in Las Vegas, if you need pne. And heavy losers frequently do. Seems the medicos of that hamlet, which suddenly bloated from 9000 to 30,- 000 population, have formed an impenetrable phalanx. Doctors Lamarr Taylor from other states just are not wanted, no matter how serious the plague. Because handling sickness is a closed corporation, reserved for a few:.4^??te the startling bulge in residential figures. .. .What* time for jfopj^geanor-Roth tp break a molar in half chew^^^^^^b|ii^^i^ard candy. Trying to find a doctor iivith a:*cs?½o^%e^,ee.^:"l*aa?d enough. Trying to find a dentist leaves you with, no^jjng-but a toothache. . . . We told you earlier this week hcwrj copiwj^iimThomas shook $ie bones in Las Vegas and so terrifl|^,fS^ar^#a1??rS--that Jney yelled for the boss?╟÷because while Dani^.|^d^thVidlCj^.^e'i?Θ╝rap table lost upwards of $40,000. Well, I t5fatq^e<l him l&i^aiain'leirly Friday morning after his two nightly shofwraj Jta?· I??ra^^afcnfy hand his' weekly paycheck to the pit-bpss who 1Sfiri!Hf?·wI it into $1000 bills, Thei pit-boss kept 10 of the G-notes for passing along to the Sands accounting office. Danny got the rest?╟÷and it wasn't much. , . . All of which proves that Jimmy Durante, Graham Gardner, Joe Cohen of Variety, Rpsemary Wilson, the Sands' headwaiters and I know as much about gambling as Danny does. *.. That's nothing-?╟÷and that ahVbrother. _, _ ESTABLISHED |888 v_^ BArclay 7-5371 l65RrSKSCuL,fF,NG B^EAU jgj_Church Street -J^?·yL SPRIJVCfFIELD, OHIO NEWS Cl>c. D. 28,424 D?·G u wm I iMew York CS/alcaBe r| By LOUIS SOBOL NEW YORK, Dec. 24.?╟÷Blanche Friml, l famed beauty in her day, and once the wife j of Composer Rudolph Frim*/ passed away ! recently, destitute, in .saJj&harity waj?d?in j Paris ... Also in the American hospital in I Paree is Louisa, widow of Jack Kreindler I ?╟÷as' the result of a fall from a horse, riding I tb hunt ... Close friends of popular Dolly [ Stark, the former ump, are convinced he is j already wed to the wealthy Betsy Levy, g At j least, he's around introducing her as M$s+ j Stark . . . Carl Brisson/wbo was in town I for a feV days, told me he will sing in the Cafe De Paris in London during Coronation week. A sentimental engagement, for this I is the club of which he was once co-owner land which was bombed during the German j air raids. * * * I Barney Ross flew in from the Coast?╟÷ ?√ßjubilantly displaying color photos of his ?√ßbrand new grandchild. . . For once it's the^. ?√ßcolumnists versus the critics. Practically- levery paragrapher was enthusiastic about ?√ß"Two's Company" in contrast with the luke- Iwarm reception accorded by the aisle-sitters. ,-MThis department had one of his best eve- ?√ßnings in the theater?╟÷-and left with that ?√ßpleasant glow which comes from sitting in I ?√ßon a hit. . . Incidentally, Vinton Freedley foamed around the lounge before the first ?√ßact, examining pictures, the ceiling, hfgfav I MAnd then I recalled?╟÷once this theater, the IfAlvin, had been his property?╟÷in co-owner- Mship with Alex Aarons. The house derived j pits name from the combined first syllables pof their front monikers. I Youngest actor in 20th. Century-Fox's ?√ß"Taxi" is a Manhattan baby, John Joseph ?√ßJoyce, Jr. Even as they were shooting the Skid's scenes, the mother was" hauling the I (father into court, claiming that as soon ar 'he had signed the social security papers If or the baby, he stopped working and became abusive. . . Suggested billing for the I [Georgia Gibbs-Johnnie Ray Christmas pack- I jage at the Capitol: "Her Nibs and His I {Bibs". . . Eisenhower is one of the few wealthy men to become President in recent years?╟÷but unlike F.D.R. and Teddy who inherited most of their money, he earned ,most of it himself, through his book and j careful savings.' ?╟≤ The Talmud is being translated into English under, the auspices of the American Biblic?·$'i|Sp6ie^ of which Dr. John Myers is th^^l^d^iSfifejfirst gesture in this direc- !tiojfia'Jm^e"^han 5,000 years. The first completed volume of the eighteen planned has -'.-already:- ?╟≤?╟≤been presented to President Trum-atig,. The second volume will be presentedW:;,Queen Elizabeth during the Coro- ation. It is* estimated'^!; will be 16 years >efore the remaining books are completed, j . . Scheduled to follow Danny Thomas as | ttraction at Jack Entratter's newLas j l^egas" Sflns Hotel arp T.o?╜?╜ ?√ß?╜?√ß?√?--- *af :<and, m^^v^m. '1 J PI PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU : 165 Church Street - New York LOS ANGELES, CALIF. NEWS Circ. D. 254,870 DEC 18 1952 Los Vegas hotel puts movie blurbs in 'time capsule LAS VEGAS, Nev., Dec. 18.-(U.E) Movie stars were planning a bit I of long-range publicity today by [placing mementoes in a nine-foot aluminum time capsule to be opened in the year 2052. The capsule, which already contains a micro film of movie trade papers and gossip columns, was unveiled here yesterday at opening ceremonies of the new $5,- 500,000 Sands Hotel. \-T: gr| Placed ^tt*THe""T!iSjbosal of future historians was Jimmy Durante's hat together with a story Of his life; a Frankie Lane record, Bing Crosby's pipe, Arthur Godfrey's ukulele and a copy of Talullah Bankhead's autobigraphy. During the next 12 months other celebrities will add their trademarks to the capsule before it us buried 20 feet under* the hotel building on Dec. 17, 1953.