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    LAS TBOAS LABS AID WATBB COMPAKT # — Sheet % Property embraced la water distribution system at Las Vegas, Sera da. A 9 Additions B • Betterments *•e a it Bate : i e• *• 1 : : V.O. Vo. : Class and site of pipe : t04 : Vo. of 1 units 3 3 X Original cost to date of property in place as of December 31. 19%9. fi?$ Sise - 9•ai Kind : Units i Investment s : Cost i Beeorded Amounts t j Sstimated t total 1 :Unltiprice: Amounts j COriginal Cost : $ 8 f f 19^7 582 8* Cast iron pipe Lin.Ft.. 3,560 8,623.77 A 8.623.77 8.623.77 5«3 « N 9 9 • 846 3,582.57 A 3,582.57 3,582.57 1948 59% n ft 9 M 9 752 3 ,o %2 .6o a 3,042.60 3,042.60 1949 60S s # 9 9 9 2*550 9 ,673.20 A 9,673.20 9.673.20 19^9 6lH s s 9 9 S 3.659 8,596.89 A 8,596.89 8,596.89 I9H9 625 9 s 9 ft s 32 386.06 A 386.06 386.06 Total 8* cast iron 71.04© 166.818.7% 13S.725.25_ 61.771.90 200.497.15 1938 344 10* Cast iron pipe Lin.Ft. 1.13% 2,480.14 B 3.60 4,082.40 4,082.40 xgHx Hi 6 * « 9 9 » 1,955 3.H8H.17 » 3.90 7,624.50 7,624.50 1942 %39 « 9 9 9 s 1,176 4,822.29 A 4,822.29 4,822.29 1947 567 s 9 S H 9 H98 1,202.11 A 1,202.11 1,202.11 1947 57% K N s e 9 350 1.9%5.51 A 1,945.51 1.945.51 1949 625 • S n 9 9 3.832 1 9 ,840.51 A 19,840.51 19.840.51 1949 6l4 S S 9 9 9 2.072 10.280.66 10.280.66 10.280.66 Total 10* east iron 11.017 44.055.39 38.091,08 11.706.90 49.797.98 .... 194o H07 12* Cast iron pipe Lin.Ft. 738 1,724.88 A 1.724.88 1,724.88 1942 388 « s 0 N « 2,820 6,135.92 A 6.135.92 6 ,135.9 2 19 Hi 4l6 s s 9 N s 69O 1,474.90 B 3.90 2,691.00 2 ,691.00 1945 515 . « * N 9 * 3,250 14,764.13 A 14,764.13 14,764.13 1945 5X6 * • 9 « « 5,765 28,752.06 A 28,752.06 28,752.06 1949 625 s ft M » R 2 , p 6 IS,563.44 A 18,563.44 18,563.44 1949 6l4 s s « S 9 2.629 16.061.38 A 16 .061.38 16.061.38 Total 12* east iron 18.628 87.476.71 86.001.81 2.691.00 88.692.81 1939 378 16* Cast iron pipe Lin. Ft. 23% 903.78 A 903.78 903.78 total water lines 703.188.82 648.582.01 146.222.18 794.804.19 Work shop and equipment 1912 1080 Shop building, frame Bach 1 285.31 285.31 285.31 X912 1080 Equipment and tools IlOt 1 307.05 307.05 307.05 ftgi 579 Chevrolet truck Bach 1 1.779.43 1,779.43 i.779.%3 X9H9 620 International truck « 1 1.739.00 ______ 1.739.00 1.739.00 fetal work shop end equipment _____________».m>-79_________ ?UlO.TO _? ___________________ >*.110.79 1912 1080 Office furniture and miscellaneous property Miscellaneous office furniture Lot 1 331.81 331-81 331.81 1941 415 Chevrolet sedan Each 1 1 ,039.00 1 ,039.00 1 ,039.00 1948 607 Oldsmoblle * * 1 2.724.80 2,724.80 ______________________ 7^-80