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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    % WATER FACILITIESSU MAMTA RLYAS VEGAS. NEVADA Comparison of Appraisal Data as Developed in Conferenct , with Water District Engineer: Plus additions to 5/1/52 EA&SL PRODUCTION FACILITIES LVL&W DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES Sheet 1 of 3 ITEM UPRRCo. DISTRICT DIFFERENCE UPRRCo TOTAL WATER FACILITIES REPRODUCTION COSTS DEC. 31. 1950 1. HEW $1,617,478 $1,567,872 $ 49,606 $1,625,347 $1,533,151 $ 92,196 urxuiuo . $3,242,825 JD loixliUT $3 ,101,023 $141,802 2. Depreciated 1 ,236,716 1,185,062 51,654 1,334,790 1 ,120,232 214,558 2,571,506 2,305,294 266,212 ADDITIONS - JAH. 1. 1951 to MAY 1, 1952 3. Total additions except ser6v2i,c8e0 6connect6i2o,n8s0:6 0 I83 ,.884 183,884 0 246,690 246,690 0 4. 877 Service Connections 23.730 23.730 0 23,730 23,730 TOTAL COST OF REPRODUCTION HEW LESS DEPRECIATION PLUS ADDITIONS TO MAY 1, 1952 (ITEMS 2 PLUS 3 PLUS 4) $1,299,522 $1,247,868 $51,654 $1,542,404 $1,327,846 ~ V7* ?1 ^J Mfgfuw r».r $214,558 $2,841,926 $2,575,714 $266,212 TEE ABOVE A M3 IMPS ARE EXCLUSIVE OF: 1. Value of land and water rights. 2. Value of automotive, shop and other equipment, 3. Value of material and supplies on hs>and. 4. Going concern value. Date: June 18, 1952 * mgr 14. 1952 - added I; I i III I Adjust sent# suggested Jaae* St f%»tg&aesy fear eonsideratiou in determin­ing ffeise* 1 * Overhead Percent?*®## 2 » Remove ;<f Bflgplace ^veae»t# *LV iJI? $ 4 Depreciation ©a Appraisal dost# for period Dec* 1950 to tfay 1952 fetal# oral of land JMId lead total# ia#l land IfcPikJp 267.650 I 200,829 - Deduct 76,5a * 109.500 * ~~^aLiS£ M d $3,109,576 M l p g i €r©dl$# to District - Bstimted refunds to suMivider# Service installation <&#*®e*f District Octal • $5.00 $ t m *762 Deduct JtuMS $2,01^,32^