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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, November 20, 1957 to December 2, 1959, lvc000011-621


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    Mr. William Curtis, operator of the Las Vegas Emergency Ambulance Service, addressed the Commission, stating there was somebody on duty at his place of business 24 hours a day and that he had 6 pieces of equipment, 2 of which were '59 Fords, which were serviced by a mechanic every month. Mr. Curtis did not believe his equipment had ever been inspected. Chief of Police Ray Sheffer stated a traffic policeman was assigned to accompany two City mechanics, and their report indicated they did go to Mr. Curtis' place of business and conduct the investigation as well as they could, without an attendant, as Mr. Kennedy had stated. Commissioner Fountain asked Mr. Curtis what his regular charge was to pick up accident victims on calls out of the City and he replied it was $15, flat fee, plus $1 per mile for the first person, and the rest were half price; furthermore, Mr. Curtis stated he had proof this was in accord with charges made by the other company. Commissioner Fountain was of the opinion the Mercy Ambulance Service had performed very satisfactorily; that the reports on this company in regard to their equipment and financial status were very good, and was in favor of carrying on the contract with them. Mr. Curtis cited an instance which occurred at 5:35 P-M. on October 27, 1959, in which Mercy Ambulance did not pick up an injured person within 25 minutes, at which time the Police Department called his company. He stated, further, this company had also refused someone without money. Mr. Curtis added the California Highway Patrol had inspected his outfit and found it to be good. Commissioner Whipple asked Mr. Curtis if he had refused to give a financial statement to Dun & Bradstreet, and he stated he had refused them information over the telephone. Commissioner Whipple asked Mr. Kennedy if the City presently had a binding contract with the Mercy Ambulance Service, and Mr. Kennedy replied in the affirmative, stating it would be necessary to give Mercy Ambulance Service 60 days notice if the Commission desired to rebid for this service or divide it between the two companies. Commissioner Sharp raised the question of qualifications for drivers and attendants employed by ambulance operators and suggested getting an opinion from a group of doctors. Commissioner Whipple agreed this was extremely important. Mr. Kennedy suggested they be required to have a Red Cross Certificate and Mr. Curtis was of the opinion that would not be worth much. He added he employed four corpsmen. George Dickerson, attorney for the Mercy Ambulance Company, was in favor of a complete history as to each applicant's qualifications, including equipment and listing of personnel, with their longevity of service in this particular field of endeavor. He also stressed the importance of the qualifications of the ambulance drivers and attendants, not only for welfare of the victim, but for preserving the scene. He thought it would also be important to get a report from the law-enforcement agencies as to the cooperation experienced with the applicants, as well as information from the insurance adjusters in regard to claims where insurance companies must defray the expense. Mr. Dickerson further suggested consideration be given to the background within the community of each applicant. Chief Sheffer stated there was presently an ordinance being formulated that pertained to the problem being discussed. Commissioner Sharp moved this matter be held in abeyance and the City Manager be instructed to make further report in regard to qualifications to be required of the employees of the ambulance companies and other pertinent information regarding the applicants. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Elwell, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor Mayor Gragson voting aye; noes, none. GENERAL FUND City Manager Kennedy advised the General Fund Balance as of November 15, 1959, was BALANCE $1,243,857.98; Gross Payroll was an estimated $115,000; Service & Material Warrants were $72,495.3; there was a refund to Daisy Hunter for an application withdrawn on a Beverage License and a refund to Vegas Liquor on a billing for 4 machines in an "A" location, but was charged for a "B" location. INSURANCE DEDUCTIONS Commissioner Sharp moved the following insurance deductions from employee's savings FROM EMPLOYEES be approved and the Director of Finance and City Treasurer authorized to issue the EARNINGS warrants: Approved Equitable Life Assurance Society $531.98 Bankers Life & Casualty Company $524.09 Motion seconded by Commissioner Fountain and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Elwell, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor Mayor Gragson voting aye; noes, none. URBAN RENEWAL AREA City Manager Kennedy presented a request from the Urban Renewal Area Advisory Committee ADVISORY COMMITTEE for a joint meeting to be held with the Board of City Commissioners in regard to Urban Renewal matters. Meeting to be held with City Commission Commissioner Sharp moved the City Manager be instructed to set up a meeting between and Planning Commission the City Commission, Urban Renewal Area Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Elwell, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor Mayor Gragson voting aye; noes, none. 11-18-59