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Letter from E. E. Bennett (Los Angeles) to C. M. Cory, April 21, 1954


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Letter references two bills, Senator McCarran's correspondence about the bills, and the bills with regard to bids for bonds.

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Box 25 Folder 80-11 Vol. 5 of 7 LVL&W Co. Sale of Water Production of UPRR Co.


    hln001209. Union Pacific Railroad Collection, 1828-1995. MS-00397. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    Los Angeles - April 21, 1954 80-11 Mr. C. M. Cory: I enclose herewith copy of letter from Senator McCarran to Harry Miller, dated April 14, 1954, which Mr. Campbell sent to me. I frankly can not understand the Senator's comments with respect to the broad scope of these bills, and for your Information I am enclosing copies of drafts sent to him by the O'Melveny firm, which I assume is the form in which they were introduced. However, the Senator knows more about these matters than I do, and I would appreciate if you would keep in touch with his office and ask him to advise you from time to time the status of these two bills, and if he will be kind enough to send me copies of his information to you, maybe I can do something through some of the other people in Congress. As I understand the situation, it is anticipated that the bids for the bonds may be contingent upon getting these rights of way, and, as you know, the bills will have to go through both the Senate and House Committees and then the Senate and the House itself, and if they should not be expedited they might die if Congress recesses in July; and if the sale is contingent upon the bills passing, we may find ourselves still owners of the Water Company until Congress reconvenes. You can see, therefore, my reason for wanting to keep in touch with the progress of these bills in Congress. I would appreciate if you would return to me the drafts of these bills as they are my only copies. E. E. Bennett Enc.