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    APPEN DIX A BM I to com m en ce d e liv e ry of w ater. BM I shall not be obligated to d eliver water fo r and on beh alf of the W ater D is tr ic t in e x ce s s of five m illio n (5, 000, 000) gallon s d aily or one b illio n , eight hundred and tw en ty-five m illio n (1, 825, 000, 000) gallon s p er annum until said W ater D is trict has in sta lled or cau sed to be in ­sta lled in the W ater F a cilitie s additions or betterm en ts n e c e s s a r y to in c re a s e the d e liv e ry cap acity of said Water F a c ilitie s b y th irteen m illio n , seven hundred fifty thousand (13, 750, 000) gallon s p er day. DURATION OF AGREEM ENT 32. The te rm of this agreem ent shall be fo r a p e rio d of th irty - fiv e (35) y ea rs fr o m and after the date the W ater D is tr ic t shall com m en ce to r e c e iv e water d e liv e rie s hereu nder, u n less soon er term in ated as e ls e ­w h ere h erein p rovid ed . EN LARG EM EN T IN C A P A C IT Y OF W ATER FA CILITIE S NECESSITATED B Y W ATER DEMANDS OF W ATER DISTRICT 33 B e fo re the Water D is trict shall be entitled to dem and d e li­v e r y of w ater in e x c e s s of five m illion (5, 000, 000) gallon s p er day or one b illio n , eight hundred tw en ty-five m illio n (1, 825, 000, 000) gallons p er y e a r, as p rov id ed in P a ra gra p h 19, said W ater D is tr ict shall a. its own expen se m ake additions and betterm en ts to the Water F a c ilitie s to in c re a s e the d e liv e ry cap acity of said W ater F a c ilitie s b y th irteen m illio n , seven hundred fifty thousand (13, 750, 000) gallons p er day The W ater D is tr ic t shall subm it to BMI plans and sp e cifica tio n s fo r said additions and betterm en ts fo r the w ritten approval of BM I, w hich app roval shall not be unreasonably w ithheld. A fter the app roval of said pLans and sp e cifica tio n s by BM I, the Water D is tr ic t shall without un­rea son a b le d elay m ake and in stall said additions and b etterm en ts. Any such additions or betterm ents con stru cted as an in tegra l p art of the W ater F a cilitie s shall b ecom e the p ro p e rty of BM I, p rov id ed that BMI a g rees that no allow ance fo r d ep recia tion or a m ortization on saM additions and betterm en ts shall be included m the ch a rges p rov id ed in P a ra g ra p h 23 h e re o f. A - 13