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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas, Nevada Las Vegas, Evening Review-Journal February 18, 1942 SCHOOL CHILDREN TRANSPORTATION ASSURED TODAY School children of Whitney and Midway today were assured of transportation to and from their , | classrooms fdr the remainder of ; the present school term, when R. J. Walsh, president of Inter- I state Transit Lines announced his | company would continue service until the end of the present se­mester; ? Meeting with members of \ board of education of Duck j Creek school district in the of- j ? fice of Walter. R. Bracken this imorning, Walsh declared his company realised that an emer- gency exists in this area due to the large influx of workers on [the Basic Magnesium plant, and that “We ard glad to take our share of the 1 responsibility for [meeting that emergency. “We are not in the business of I It.ran snorting School children,” he continued.” Ordinarily that’s -a I matter up to the school boards in the district affected. Because of the rapid growth in Midway and j Whitney, we realize this is im­possible right now. “We will continue the present service until the end of the pres- ient semester, with the under­standing that by fall, the board of education4 will make arrange­ments to meet the situation, either; through the construction of new schools there or by ar­ranging for their own buses,” he concluded. Members of the board, J. H. Bunch; Leo Thurman and Well­ington Rogers expressed them­selves as well pleased with the outcome of the negotiations, and said .they expected to have school, facilities reaoy. within the . dis­trict,, by nexllfajl! ?' ‘‘ I P* jg ’ .