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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    IRAL ARTISTS CORPO; NEW YORK ?╟≤ CHICAGO 8 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE "ON LONDON CH BEVERLY HILLS CHICAGO 3, ILL. ?╟≤ STATE 2-6288 Local No.. LOCAL #180, JAMBS LYTLE, SECY OTTA. FED. OF MDS 394 BANK STREET OTTAWA 4, CANADA THIS CONTRACT for the personal services of musicians, mat^thi^ 30m MARCH 64 ir of...............?╟÷ ................... 19........... between the undersigned employer (hereinafter called the ?╟úemployer?╟Ñ) and............?Σ≤..!?Σ≤...............................I....musicians (hereinafter called ?╟úemployees?╟Ñ), (Including the Leader) llle emPloyees,as musicians severally on the terms and conditions below. The leader represents that the f?Σ≤?1 ??y<aV1 dy desi^na?ed have ag^ed to be bound by said terms and conditions. Each employee yet to be chosen shall be so bound by said terms and conditions upon agreeing to accept his employment. Each employee may. enforce this agreement. The employees severally agree to render collec- MkK v . . . . . , , TOk RTJunic.c .RT.Q^ua lively to the employer services as musicians m the orchestra under the leadership of , EHIS BROOlCS hXSl%RS Place of Engagement follows: Date(s) of employment , Hours of employment " ifWTP j&, & / ?·kij^3 t Type of engagement (specify whetj^er^dance^stage $how, banquet, etc,)... Prjce agreed uponJL ciry wnetner dance, stage show, banquet, etc.)....__ ,U1J LJ" sOO.OO NET (SIX BlhXDSED IXJLLAR ?·~??'r30""PMi?╟÷??-"REngARaA?·rTX sum?╟÷-------------- b m Aa lifI WB'irmxrr vie -ADVISED Bpics Qm mm $ uhxtssf5 BTmrnscusse&cy# the a?Σ≤^ringigemedntS. ?╟úpenses ?╟ú8reed t0 be reimbursed **i the '?╟úPWer in accordance with the attached schedule, or a schedule to be furnished the employer on or before DEPOSIT: ?╟÷~?╟÷-?╟÷?╟??╟÷------------------------------.?╟÷ (Certified Check, Money Order or Bank Draft) payable to General Artists Corporation upon signing of contract. (In the event that, contrary to contract specifications, an uncertified check is tendered by employer, same will be received and deposited for clearance purposes only. If check is not paid upon presentation, this contract, even if signed by all parties shall be of no force and effect.) BALANCE to be paid in United States currency to General Artists Corporation or Leader on or before conclusion of engagement. There are to be no deductions for any reason whatsoever. Overtime Charge ?╟÷__;_.______?╟÷___________________________...... ,, ?√ß' :* - ?√ß?√ß?√ß .. ?√ß The employer is hereby given an option to extend this agreement for a period of......................weeks beyond the original term thereof. Said option can be mad^ effective only by written notice from the employer to the employees, not later than...........?╟?........ days prior to the expiration of said original term, that he claims and exercises said option, and a copy of said notice shall be filed with the local in" whose jurisdiction the engagement is to be played. Upon request by the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada (herein called the ?╟úFederation?╟Ñ) or the local in whose jurisdiction the employees shall perform hereunder, the employer either shall make advance payment hereunder or shall post an appropriate bond. If a?y employees have not been chosen upon the signing of this contract, the leader shall, as agent for the employer and under his instructions, hire such persons and any replacements as are^ mjuired for persons who for any reason do not perform any or aU services. The employer shall at all times have complete control over the services ofemployeesunde^SrSntmcT and the leader shall, as agent of the employer enforce disciplinary measures for just cause, and carry out instructions as to selections and manner ofperforma^ employees to perform is subject to proven UetenUon by sickness, accidents, or accidents to means of transportation, riots, strikes, epidemics, acts of God, or aw othW legiaSSf conditions beyond the control of the employees On behalf of the employer the leader will distribute the amount received from the employer to the employees including Wmself as indicSed ffiffiSPsB posite side of this contract, or in place thereof on separate memorandum supplied to the employer at or before the commencement of theemploymentherlund?randtakeS turn ?ver ?o- the employer receipts therefor from each employee, including himself. The amount paid to the leader includes the cost of transportation, which will b^reported by the leader to the ^nployer All employees covered by this agreement must be mmnbers in good standing of the Federation. However, if the employment provided for hereunder is subject to the Labor-Afanacement elations Act, 1947, all employees, who are members of the Federation when their employment commences hereunder, shall be continued in I H , . , . - ... RH H I H-------------?╟÷?╟÷' employment commences hereunder, shall be continued, in such employment only so lone as thev continue such membership in good standing. AIL other employees covered by this agreement, on or before the thirtieth day following the commencement of their employment or the effSe dati of later- 811111 beoome and t0 158 ?╟ú?╟úa** in w?╜d standing of the Federation. The provisions of this paragraph shall not Srae Vitira SS Ld unttl to C0ntrl0t Shal1 OTer be s?? as t0 lntcrfere ?╟úWW* hereunder to the Federation pursuant Any employe** who are parties to or affected by this contract are free to cease service hereunder by reason of any strike, ban. unfair list order or requirement of the Federation and shall be free to accept and engage in overemployment ox the same or similar character or otherwise, for othor employers or persons without any liability whatever, any other provisions of this contract to the contrary notwithstanding. ' oujlgauon or confSrinfwTth theS erapliye^s^ Wh??Se iurisdiction the employees shall perform hereunder shall have access to the place of performance (except to private residences) for the purpose of The performances to be rendered pursuant to this agreement are not to be recorded, reproduced, or transmitted from the place of performance, in any manner or by any means whatso- ever, in the absence of a specific written agreement between the employer and the Federation relating to and permitting such recording; reproduction or transmiSon. * W means whatso The employer represents that there does not exist against him, in favor of any member of the Federation, any claim of any kind arising out of musical services* rendered for anv such employer. jNo employee will be required to perform any provisions of this contract or to render any services for said employer as long as any such claim is unsatisftS or unpaid in whole or in part. If the employer breaches this agreement, he shall pay the employees, in addition to damages, 6% interest thereon plus a reasonable attorney's fee unpaid, in whole or amo^suffSein1 SlgninS HI contract Limself, or having same signed by a representative, acknowledges his (her or their) authority to do so and hereby assumes liability for the I To the extent permitted, by applicable law, there are incorporated into and made part of this agreement, as though fully set forth herein, all of the By-laws Buies and Herniation* of the Federation and of any local of the Federation in whose jurisdiction services are to be performed hereunder (insofar as they do not conflict with those of Se Fede?Ition) Ld the employer acknowledges his responsibility to be fully acquainted, now and for the duration of this contract, with the contents thereof. ?╟╓ THIS CONTRACT SHALL NOT BE BINDING UNLESS SIGNED BY ALL PARTIES HERETO. ^ Name of Employer------11^ C# Accepted by Employer. Street Address ______... BLVP,______________________________________________ Accepted LOS ANGELES, CALIF. City & State-----------------------------------------------------------?╟÷?╟÷ Return all copies signed to c: Phone ......-?╟÷.?╟÷ ------?╟÷---------?╟÷^?╟÷.?╟÷ .... If this contract is made by a licensed booking agent, there must be inserted on the reverse side of the contract the name, address and telephone number of the collecting agent of the local union in whose jurisdiction the engagement is to be performed. EMPLOYER?╟╓S COPY GENERAL ARTISTS CORPORATION 8 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CHICAGO 3, ILL. Form B-2a 3*61