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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, April 2005



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    Congregation Ner Tamid ~-(m) Looking Towards The Futufle Worship Services Friday, April 1 6:30 pm Tot Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Music Season Sabbath with Steve Dropkin ~ Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, April 2 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, April 8 7:30 pm Shabbatone Family Service ~ Oneg co-sponsored by Linda Goldstein and co?sponsored by Sally Nyberg Saturday, April 9 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, April 15 7:30 pm Shabbat Services with Scho^ln-Residence Joel Gri./j^Br ? Oneg sponsored by Sisf^rood Saturday, April 16 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, April 22 7:30 pm Shabbat Services ? Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, April 23 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Sunday, April 24 10:00 am Passover Morning Services Friday, April 29 7:30 pm Shabbat Services ? Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, April 30 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Yiskor Service 11:00 am Torah Study Candle jf Lighting Times Bn Aprils April 15 April 22 April 29 5:55 pm 7:01 pm 7:06 pm 7:11 pm 7:17 pm April 2005 Vol. XIX No. 4 Aclar II/Nisan 5765 CNTT raditional f* ass over ^)eder Have your family join ours for a traditional Passover Seder at Green Valley Ranch, 2300 Paseo Verde Pkwy, Henderson (Green Valley Pkwy & P215). RSVP to the temple office now 733-6292, space is limited. No money can he accepted at the door. Temple Members ~ $65 Non-Temple Members ~ $85 Children 5-12 ~ $18 Under 4 ~ No Charge f \ Scholar-ln-Residence Weekend ~ April 15-17 ~ Joel Grishaver Writer, Teacher, Storyteller We are proud to bring you Joel Lurie Grishaver for our Scholar-ln- Residence Weekend. The Scholar-ln-Residence program is sponsored by the Oscar Alterwitz Memorial fund. This fund was established by Mr. Alterwitz' family and friends to pay tribute to his long-standing concern and interest in adult education for the Jewish community. Joel is a co-owner of Torah Aura Productions and the Alef Design Group. He co-edits three weekly publications: Bim Bam, C. Ha (pronounced "seecha"), and the Torah Aura Bulletin Board. He has authored or co-authored more than sixty books including Shema is For Real and Forty Things You Can Do to Save the Jewish People. He attended Boston University and the University of Chicago, pursuing graduate Cont. on page 3 \______________________________________________________________________J Music Season Sabbath Friday, April 1st, 7:30 pm Special Guest Steve Dropkin Adult and Children's Choirs join Steve, along with our Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein, to bring you an amazing Jewish music experience!This past year saw a tremendous outpouring of financial support for the victims of the Indonesian tsunamis. The visual images on television and on the Internet brought into our homes the tremendous devastation of that region. People of every faith and nation responded with assistance to provide immediate humanitarian aid when it was needed most. For Jews, Passover is essentially a "low tech" way of teaching the same message. Through ritual and special foods we are taught to be kind to the stranger because we were strangers in the land of Egypt. Further we are reminded to feed the poor and to invite into our homes those who have no place to go for Passover. Tradition even teaches us that the prophet Elijah visits every home coming in disguise. We do not know whom he will look like and therefore we must treat everyone with respect and dignity as if they were this miraculous prophet. In other words we shouldn't and don't need a tsunami to remind us of our responsibility to each other. It is a part of who we are and what we are taught to do. And lest we forget, holidays such as Passover return each year to remind us of our history and the importance of maintaining our values. One organization in particular that deserves our support is that of Mazon. Mazon was founded in 1985 with a mission to fund existing hunger programs throughout the world. When the disaster struck in Asia, Mazon immediately provided thousands of dollars to the Santa Monica based International Medical Corps, which in turn provided much needed medical assistance to the victims of the tsunamis. But Mazon does not just respond to disasters, it responds all year long to the needs of the hungry. Its reach is global and local. Yes, it has even given financial support to JFSA's food bank here in our own community. Mazon's resources are collected through a very Jewish idea conceived by the original founder of Mazon, Leonard Fein. Fie felt that as Jews we were obligated to tax ourselves whenever we celebrated a simcha. After all, what is more Jewish than thinking of those less fortunate when we are enjoying our own good fortune? Fie suggested originally that 3 % of the cost of a simcha be given to mazon. Fo^ example, if a family spent $ 10,000 on a bar mitzvah, they would then donate $ 300.00 to mazon. Ti^P idea caught on and today millions of dollars are collected and dispersed by Mazon for hundreds of needy causes. To participate in Mazon you are not required to stay to this formula. It is only a suggestion. You can give any amount at any time. But the idea remains sound: help bring help where it is most needed when it is most needed. Remember Mazon does not create new programs. It only identifies programs that are doing a wonderful job of helping the poor and gives them concrete financial support. To learn more about Mazon, please go to their website at Or contact them at 1990 South Bundy Drive, Suite 260, Los Angeles, CA 90025. Phone: 310?442?0020. This year, when we pray, "Let all who are hungry come and eat", let our prayers take concrete form through our generosity and support of this wonderful organization. Rabbi Sanford Akselrad F rom T he R abbi___________________________ ANNUAL TEMPLE Sunday, May 1st Don?t get ?Pass(ed) Over?. Leave the matzah behind and join us for our Annual Temple Family Picnic at Mt. View Park in Henderson (same as last year) from Noon - 3 PM. The park is located on Wigwam near the corner of Valle Verde just behirjj Bartlett School. Food and drinks will be provided. Please bring your lawn chairs, blankets and games for outdoor fun. RSVP TO THE TEMPLE OFFICE 733-6292. 2 www. Ivnertgrn id-org Committees & Auxiliaries FIRST MONDAYS RS^? to Temple Office 733-6292 "Fi'SWvlondays'' continues April 4. These classes cover a broad range of Jewish Life - Jewish Contributions to Dance Art, What is Religion: A Sociological Perspective, and the Educated Jew: Survey of Jewish History, Ideas and Peoplehood. There is no charge for these classes but pre?registration is required. RABBI'S LUNCH & LEARN Tuesday, April 5th, Noon Bring your lunch and join Rabbi for an open discussion on Midrash. / \ Committees / Auxilaries v__________________________) Annual Men's Club Gre Tournament Su^Ry, April 10th Cost: $125/person RSVP Mike Milano at or Howard Layfer at Once again it will be held at the Las Vegas National Golf Club. Registration begins at 7:00 am, followed by breakfast and practice range, with a Shotgun Start at 8:00 am. Lunch will follow golf. SISTERHOOD'S ANNUAL ALL WOMEN SEDER Wednesday, April 27th, 6:00 pm RSVP to Temple Office Sisterhood invites you to join them at their Annual Women's Seder, complete with a traditional Seder dinner. Cost is $24 for Women, $12 . for Girls 13 and under. Seating is limited so get your checks in now, payable to CNT Sisterhood. YOM HASHOAH CANDLES Sponsored by Men's Club Once again The Men?s Club will be sending out yellow Yom Hashoah Candles for the National Observance Day, May 4th. When you receive your candle in the mail, please remember to send your contribution, payable to CNT Men?s Club. The funds collected will be used to continue this program and support the many other programs of our congregation. CNT Men?s Club appreciates your support. Scholar-ln-Residence Weekend Schedule Adult Learning ~ Friday Evening ~ Shabbat Services 7:30 pm ?Stories We Pray? ~ Saturday Morning ~ 11 am -12:30 pm "The Day the Talmud was Created? A look at the orisins of the Talmud and how it speaks to us today ? Saturday Evening ~ 7 pm - 8:30 pm ?Meet the Evil Urse!? Jewish insights into the nature of the soul Havdallah, Light desserts ~ Sunday Morning ~ Joel speaks to Parents and Students of Religious School ~ Sunday Afternoon ~ Teen Program Scholar from page 1 studies at the Hebrew Union College and the University of Southern California. His real education comes from working with the many Jewish day camps, summer camps, children's museums and youth groups; from teaching in Hebrew schools, day schools, Hebrew high schools, and graduate schools. In 1998, Joel was awarded the Covenant Award for outstanding contributions to Jewish education. is a founding board member of the Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education, a cdHultant to the Whizin Institute for Jewish Family Life, and a faculty member for the Department of Continuing Education of the University of Judaism. More than twenty weekends a year, Joel teaches Jewish learners of all ages as a Scholar-ln-Residence in communities all over North America and Europe. A p ril 2 0 0 5 3 Just a I As I'm writing this, I was thinking about the music that will be "happening" in Aprir If you are reading this after April 1st, then you hopefully got to enjoy our "Music Season Sabbath" with Steve Dropkin. Our wonderful Adult Choir and Jr. Choir along with some of our Shabbatone band members and Lori Frankl, all help to make this a wonderful event. Thank you all. Our next Shabbatone service is April 8th, and I'm looking forward to the Passover Seder on the 23rd and all the familiar melodies. On Sunday, May 1stat 2 p.m. I'm bringing back the group from San Francisco, "Ensemble Vocalis", that last year "wow'd" everyone with Opera, Broadway, Yiddish and World music. It's going to be another amazing performance. Please get your tickets early (still only $10.00 each... such a deal!), as we were overwhelmed with people buying their tickets at the door. If you were at this concert last year, (over 150 of you were) you know what a talented group of singers and musicians they were. Tickets go on sale April 4th, so call the Temple office for more information. Philip?s M essage_________________ Until next month... Shalom, Philip An Afternoon of World Music and Broadway on the Opera Stage ?ENSEMBLE VOCALIS? MAY 1C 2:00 PM FROM SAN FRANCISCO TICKETS: $10 A Join us after the picnic! RSVP to temple office 733-6292. Mark Your Calendars! Yom Hashoah Services Wednesday, May 4th at 7:00 pm Temple Beth Sholom, 10700 Havenwood Lane in Summerlin 4 www.lvnert3rnicl.01-g Attention Parents!!! .^holar-ln-Residence, Joel Grishaver, will be meeting with both Parents and Students, Sunday, April 17. Please plan on attending with your child's class. You won't want to miss it! ~ Sunday Morning ~ Joel speaks to Parents and Students of Religious School ~ Sunday Afternoon ~ Teen Program Zachary Colen April 9, 2005 Hello, my name is Zachary Colen. I am a 7th grader at Bob Miller Middle School in Henderson. My favorite subject is math. I would like to become a video game designer when I grow uj^^ive with my mom and dad, grandma, little sister and oll^Pbrother. I also have two older sisters, one has three children and the other is going to have her first baby in J une. We have two clogs and two cats. For my mitzvah project I have adopted a Platoon Leader and Convoy Commander with the 536th Maint. Company who is serving in the Middle East. I believe it is important for us to support our troops regardless of how we many feel about the war. I hope you will join me and my family as I become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday April 9. Shalom! NTTY EVENTS Attention All 9th - 12th Graders! April 2 - All City Purim Maxquerade Dance TBA April 3 - Interfaith Teen Seder April 7-10 - Spring Kallah, Arizona April 17 - Scholar-ln-Residence Teen Program May 1 - Rock Climbing 2:00 pm If you would like to attend an event, or have q^rtions, contact Yvonne Weiss-Greenfield at 3^^0605 or OR NTTY President Jen Zuckerman at B?nai Mitzvah &r Youth News Youth Advisor Wanted! CNT is accepting applications for an energetic $ creative part-time ?Youth Advisor for grades 9-12. potential applicants must he available to work Sundays and be able to participate in weekend retreats several times a year, interested persons should contact Jackie ^leekop at 733-6292 or e-mail Roberta iJnger at Preschool News March was a fun filled month here at the Preschool. Our youngsters began our read-a- thon program, and celebrated Dr. Seuss?s 101s1 Birthday. Our boys and girls also all enjoyed preparing for the jolly holiday of Purim. We made Hamentashen (or Haman?s ears as they are called in Hebrew) that were so delicious. The youngsters all came in costume and we enjoyed hearing the traditional reading of the Megillah, stamping and twirling our groggers when we heard the name of that mean man, Haman?s name. The students exchanged Purim treats. Handmade groggers and crowns rounded out our celebration of fun. Immediately after Purim we began to prepare for the model Passover Seder. We will all enjoy hearing our youngsters chant the Four Questions and all of the traditional Passover prayers. The students continue to learn and grow in their secular studies and social skills as well. CNT preschool/ kindergarten is a very busy and exciting place to be. Of course this month we will also celebrate April Fools day and talk about April showers and May flowers. Next month we will be preparing for Mother?s Day and Memorial Day. Have a Happy And Kosher Passover From all of us at the Preschool Lois Bergman - Early Childhood Director A p ril 2 0 0 5 5 Your Executive Director - 3 Years ........ _______ As you read this, I want to share with you how fortunate and blessed I am to have been with Congregation Ner Tamid for 3 years now. I find working here to be fulfilling, rewarding, challenging and different, each and every day. Thank you for allowing me to be here with you, and for you. Now, I?d like to share some thoughts with you: ?* Congregation Ner Tamid has an extremely hard working, dedicated and caring staff. People don?t realize how caring and helpful the office staff is when our congregants are in need; in the aid of dealing with the death of a loved one, a sickness, going through turmoil; sometimes, just dealing with life. All this, while keeping the sacred covenant of confidentiality. As 2004 drew to an end, we were all involved with over 8 families who came to the Temple, seeking time with Rabbi due to a loved one?s passing. This can be stressful for all involved, especially as someone usually knows the person who passed, or someone in the family. It was the caring family atmosphere in the office that helped us all pull through to be able to help those who needed help themselves. ?> Helping congregants by answering questions (and the number one answer, to the number one question we get on the phone is ?services start at 7:30 Friday nights"), taking reservations for all of our various activities, making sure that the temple runs smoothly and quietly during all adult ed courses, music programs, services, Religious School Sundays and events, Pre-School sessions, each and every Saturday?s Torah Parsha, Minyan and Bible Study, planning our future B?nai Mitzvot, making sure that NTTY has what it needs at temple, proof-reading and getting our bulletins and emails and fliers out on time, coordinating (with our auxiliaries) all events that we run and participate in (Israel Independence Day, Game Night, Havarot re-start up, Board meetings, and breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, to just name a few). These are the individuals who keep this process running so smoothly, and most importantly really care about YOU, our congregants. Thank you David, John, Angie, Lynette, Karen, Mary, Laura, Maxine, Roberta, Lois, Jackie, Philip and Rabbi - you are the BEST! ?* We are also blessed with dedicated and caring Volunteers. The temple could not function AT ALL without those individuals who give of their time and energy so willingly. As examples, but not a complete list by any means: our Adult choir, lead by our own Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein; our Junior and Teen choirs, led so well by Lori Frankel; our Board of Trustees, led with vision and long-range goal-planning by our President Scott and helped so well by the Executive Board of V.P.?s, Treasurer and Recording Secretary; those who volunteer in the office to help with mailings and various projects; our Religious School Parent committee; our Auxiliary Boards^ both Men?s Club and Sisterhood, led so ably by Sheryl Chenin-Webb and Dr. Fred Toffel; our Outreach, Social Action, Adult Ed, ll^| and Chesed committees. These are just a few of those who make Congregation Ner Tamid truly A Special Place to Belong. ?+ Our Perpetual Trust Fund has been around for a few years, but lately I?ve seen fabulous additions to this wonderful, worthwhile project. In a nutshell, this is so we can have an Endowment Plan in effect, so that without touching any of it?s principal balance, there is a continued spin-off of funds to help the temple afford programs that we all enjoy. Please consider making a contribution today, or at least think about adding something in your will, as this is truly ?The Gift that Keeps on Giving?. Everyone is buzzing with excitement over the plans for our new facility at Valle Verde and the 1-215, in Henderson. While there may not be much publicity regarding this wonderful project, we are very hard at work to make this the best possible facility in the Las Vegas Valley. We truly will have A Campus for Jewish Life, Learning and Spiritual Renewal, and I have been privileged to be on the Fund-Raising committee, the Event committee, the Design committee and the Building Committee. For me, this is truly an incredibly awesome, once-in-a-lifetime project, and people such as Jerry Gordon, Bob Unger, Drew Levy (all past Presidents), of course our Rabbi, and our architect, Jon Sparer, are to be recognized and thanked for their incredible vision and planning skills. The amount of work that?s entailed in bringing this together successfully is nothing short of miraculous (sorry, Rabbi, I know that word is generally in your area of expertise). I also want to acknowledge the wonderful and generous Greenspun family, without who?s support would make this so much more difficult, if not impossible at this time. Thank you all! ?* Last, but certainly not least, are the people who make my coming to work each day a blessing - You, the Congregants of Ner Tamid. Dealing with so many people, families and personalities is such a wondrous blessing. I count my lucky stars and appreciate what I have; for where I am; for being hired over 3 years ago; for being allowed to know so many wonderful people who come to CNT and find their own fulfillment. I will continue to do my best in making this truly a Special Place to Belong, because you deserve the best! Thank you, and, to be continued ...... Irv 6 www.lvnertami4.oi-g P resident?s M essage Temple Board ? Scott Stolberg, President Marla Letizia, VP Administration Mike Unger, VP Ways &r Means Hillary Torchin, VP Education & Youth Maxine Mol insky, VP Ritual David Shapin, VP Membership Recruitment Andrea Harris, VP Membership Retention David Stahl, VP Social Action Debbie Levy, Treasurer dlevyl Yvonne Gordon, Corporate Secretary Nanette Spector, Trustee ? Jordie Primack, Trustee Stacey Yahra us, Trustee Fern Percheski, Trustee Debra Cohen, Trustee deb 1 mi tch@aol .com Bernie Matusow, T rustee Beth Bromberg, Trustee Beth Falk, Trustee CindyJensen, Trustee Sheryl Chenin'Webb, Sisterhood President Dr. Fred Toffel, Men?s Club President Jen Zuckerman, NTTY President I am writing this about thirty days before you read it, and this subject is changing very quickly. In fact, some of the information may be outdated by the time you read this, however, I am going to give it a try. What I would like to do is bring everyone up to date regarding our new campus. Much has been accomplished since the fall and we are about to see the dream come true. The entire New Campus Committee has worked diligently to keep us on schedule for a fall 2006 move. Our plans have been submitted to the City of Henderson for final review and we expect to receive building permits some time this spring. The design subcommittee with Bob Unger as its chair continues to work on interior and exterior design aspects. We expect to put the plans out to bid shortly and choose a contractor soon after that. Selling our current building is a key to realizing our dream and commencing construction. There has been a great deal of interest in our current facility. Drew Levy has been overseeing this task. When an offer is received the board will negotiate with the purchaser until we feel we have an acceptable offer. In accordance with our bylaws, we will then present the offer to the entire congregation for a vote that is required to sell our building. Of course, there is the need to reach our major gifts goal. A great many new gifts have come in. I have said in previous articles we are blessed with a unique congregation. Everyone gives to there individual ability and, because of that, we always reach our goals. We still have a ways to go but our chairmen, Jerry Gordon, is as confident as I am that we will reach the goal. When all the components are put together we can really see our new campus coming together. By this spring we will have firm timelines that we will be able to share with the congregation. There have been so many people that have helped to get us this far that I could not name them all even if I tried. However you know who you are and I want to say thank you on behalf of the entire congregation. You will be hearing more and more as all of these facets reach their conclusion. I have said before how we are ?A Special Place to Belong? and this article and my last show another one of those reasons. Last month I told you all about how Stewart Blumenfled is heading up the CNT Perpetual Trust. In most congregations past presidents run for the hills, which is true in most volunteer organizations. My four immediate predecessors are all still involved and not just on a peripheral basis either. They are each working on major projects to secure our future. Several who came before them have been there with advice, ideas or another opinion when we needed them. I want to personally thank them, as they have made my job not only much easier but a lot more fun. B?Shalom Scott Stolberg A p ril 2 0 0 5 7 Special Announcements Ms. Lisa Alberts Erica Alonzo Mrs. Eileen Anes Mrs. Adeline Banks Mr. David Becker Mr. Leo Beigelman Mrs. Laurie Berman Mr. Kenny Berman Mrs. Francine Bernstein Mrs. Clarice Birnbaum Ms. Eleanor Bossak Lindsay Boyers Kara Brody Mrs. Beth Bromberg Mr. Mark Bromberg Dr. Donald Buchanan Mr. Steven Busch Taylor Butwinick Mrs. Helayne Celano Daniel Chenin Jason Chenin Mr. David Cohen Gregory Conklin Ms. Mercedes Connor Mr. Joe Cracraft Mrs. Ellen Cropp Judith Denton-Pratt Mr. Malcolm Doctors Ms. Jennifer Eisenberg Mr. Ivan Eisenberg Mrs. Stephanie Eisenhart Katie Epstein Mr. Daniel Fendeil Mrs. Athena Field Alyson Fine Mrs. Julie Fisher Ms. Jacqueline Fleekop Leah Freid David Glasser Mrs. Lilyan Goldberg Mrs. Lisa Gollard Scott Gordon Brittan Greenberg Mr. Leonard Grossman Birthdays Ms. Carol Hecht Mr. Craig Herring Mr. Richard Horowitz Rebecca Flusney Lauren Flusney Mr. Harold Israel Mr. Stephen Joseph Mrs. Sheila Kaufman Alexander Knopow Judith Kollins Blysse Lara Dr. Keith Lewis Mr. Samuel Lieberman Mr. Sam Lionel Mrs. Sherry Mayman Mr. David Mendelson Mr. Arthur Meyers Mr. Victor Miera Ms. Carol Milano Mr. Keybey Moldave Kylissa Moore Ronna Nitzkin Ms. Julie Pearlman Mr. Edgar V. Peresman Mrs. Lotty Polis Russell Posin Ms. Helen Presser Olivia Jade Pretner Mr. Gary Raimist Ari Rosenberg Dr. Beth Rosenberg Mr. Marc Rubinstein Mr. Merrill Schultz Mr. Joseph Schwartz Rebecca Schwartz Nick Segreti Mr. Allen Shapin Mrs. Juliann Shapin Mr. Gilbert Shaw Ms. Teri Shoofey Mr. Floward Skolnik Rachel Sloane Ms. Lesley Smith Mrs. Beth Sprague Benjamin Stolberg Samantha Swezey Matthew Swezey Mrs. Ronna Timpa Mr. Stuart Timpa Mr. Ira Tishk Ms. Brenda Tishk Corina Torchin Joseph Unger Mrs. Roberta Unger Rachel Vela Jeremy Walton Mikayla Shaine Warshaw Bryan M. Watman Ms. Carole Wein Mr. Phillip Weiner Mrs. Linda Weinstein Ms Gillian Wells Mrs. Eleanor Wender Dr. Abby Wikler Mrs. Jacqueline Wikler Mrs. Roberta Wisnosky Anniversaries Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bailin Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Barasch Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bradfield Mr. & Mrs. Lou Buffman Mr. & Mrs. David Cadish Dr. & Mrs. Joel Charon Mr. & Mrs. Alan Chenin Mr. & Mrs. Claudio Dreiman Mr. & Mrs. Sam Lionel Mr. & Mrs. Alan Miller Mr & Mrs. Len Newman Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Polis Mr. & Mrs. David Rounds Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schwartz Mr, & Mrs. Gary Soresman Dr. & Mrs. David Wasserman Dr. Stephen Rowland & Mrs. Deeann Emmer Mr. & Mrs. Alvin L. Esbin Mr. & Mrs. Brad Friedman Dr. & Mrs. Russell P. Gollard Mr. & Mrs. Larry Karp Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Kollins Mr. & Mrs. Allan Legator Mr. William & Dr. Kathleen Mahon Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Weiner Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Steven Weiss Dr. & Mrs. David Wikler Mr. & Mrs. William Yaffe Passover Yiskor Yiskor Morning Services Saturday, April 30 10:00 am Pat Alpcrt Rabbi William Kramer Ira Anderson Caroline LeBow Bernice Kaplan Barr Sidney Lienwohl Robert Beckwith Morton Livenston Albert Berman Janet Lobel Deborah Blinder Margreta Marquez Sol Bloom Sy Meyers Shirley Boyers Maryan Milstein Samuel Bumbaca Irene Mocugni Regina Charon Katherine Moffett Irene Chenin Eduardo Murillo Elaine Cohen Adele Nathan Michael Cook Maria Nunez Sharon Dockswell Marion Perlmutter Evelyn Ellwanger Freda Pittler ' Jeannette Epstein Marsha Pittman Morris Finkelstein Gloria Reid Abe F ox Silvia Roetter Sylvia Frank Marvin Ross Leon Friedman Martin Rothenstein Laser Gale Morris Saperstein Jason Giancaspro Harriet Schiff Fredric Goldstein Morris Schiller Ida Goldstein Selma Schneiderman Seymour Goldstein Kay Segal Sheila Goodman Phil Seltzer Ruth Gottesman Esther Shever Sol Halpert Lillian Stoler Arlene Harbach Michael Tashman Michelle Jensen Harry Tenenbaum Shaun Jensen Charles Tesser Seymour Joseph Emilie Wanderer Gerald Kaufman Ann Witt ( Marty Kleiman Lester Yollick 8 www.lvnertgrni4.ot-d Yahrzeits ~ M emoriams - Simchas IN MEMORIAM: Fj^det Schiff beloved mother of Jan Fleckner, bOTved motherdndaw of Doug Sylvia Frank, beloved Temple member, beloved mother of Sandy Hershberger Sol Bloom, beloved uncle of Ruth Urban Maria Nunez, beloved grandmother of Cecilia Schafler Martin Rothenstein, beloved cousin of Karen Galatz Morris Saperstein, beloved father of Fred Morris Schiller, beloved grandfather of Alan Popowcer, beloved great grandfather of Jessica, Zachary and Joshua Kay Segal beloved sister of Rose Seltzer Katherine Moffett, beloved mother of Pattie Roberts, beloved mother Tn-law of Harold Emilie Wanderer, beloved mother of John, beloved motherTndaw of Dorothy TELL & KVELL Mazel Tov to Alex and Summer Rivlin on the birth of their first child, Alison Sarah born January 4. She weighed 7 pounds, 4 ozs and was 21 inches long. Mazel Tov to Sheila and Norma Kaufman on the engagement of their daughter, Melissa to Marc Sternfield. A wedding is planned in Las Vegas on December 10th, 2005. We wish them many happy years together. Mazel Tov to the Flushman Family on the birth of their first grandson, Zachary Joseph Wolfe. He was born on February 17, weighed 6 pounds, 5 ozs. and was 19-1/2 inches long. Proud parents are Ami and Michael. A hearty Mazel Tov to Maxine and Steve Gratz on the birth of their first grandchild, Seth Yaniv Seth was born on February 24 in Houston, Texas and weighed 7 pounds, 11 ozs. Proud parents ai^^Ali and Andrew. Mi^rel Tov to Helene and Norm Laefer on the birth of their first grandchild, Juliet Falter. She was born on January 23. Proud parents are Debra Laefer and Holger Falter. April 1 Dorothy Bark Natalie Budgar John Elman James T. Fratrick Martha Gordon Bebe Herzog Hyman Kuller Samuel Leigh Henri Magalnik Solomon J. Mink Tracy Morris Anna Moskowitz Annabel Rivkind Harry Rotter Miriam Sacks Cecile Salomon Leonard Schiff Isidore Schuman Ada Solomon Rose Stein Murray Weidenfeld Florence Weinstein Ashley Williams April 8 Lily Board Ruth Bossak Ruth Chasnick Oscar Fleckner Gilbert Flores, Sr. Margaret Goodheart Simie Green Sally Greenspan Marvin Greenspan Nancy Helene Hughes Lloyd Katz Rebecca Klinger Jack Kreisman Dorothy LeBow Adele Lieberman Carl Lipschultz Helen Maribos Marlene Neafsey Irving Schultz M. Harry Shiroff Abraham Siegel Hermine Markowitz Stem Henry Wolf Annie Zon Arthur Zucker Yahrzeits April 15 Selma Abrams Lena Benisch Mary Canter Anna Cassorla Elaine Catanzaro Ada Chaiken Charles Daien Aaron Finkelstein Ida Gold Rosalyn Green Frank Greensweig Molly Pitcher Krauss Howard S.Landun Joseph Leboff Bertha Lewin Phil Light Ida Marco Esther Miller Jennie Canes Rabin Ben Sandell Amy Spector Frieda Spector Lillian Sprinzen Sol Stahl Dorothy Weiss Julius Weitzman April 22 Mike Barr Goldie Black Phoebe Brown Barnett Chaiken David Charach Irving Cohn Catherine Comer Michael Cook Marty Cooper Eddie Fishier Evelyn Fox Thomas Friedlander Ruth Friedman Alvin Glantz Fannie Glasser Alfred Gratz Henry J. Greenstein Mary Hallerman Mary Hollander Aaron Jolcover April 22 cont. Rick Kaner Kurt Klein Rosalie ?Roz? Kominsky Phil F. Krumholz Robert McGraw Jacob Rubin Sheila Ruclnick Dora Sanoff Penny Sheer Harold Stralser AlanTobman Michael Tryson Joseph Unger Lillian W asserman Rabbi Stephen E.Weisberg David Wright Lester Yollick April 29 Theresa Abramson Rudy Brooks Julius Brothman Lillian Eisner Sarah Fainbilt Morris Finkelstein Phyllis Freid Ethel Futernick Irving Goldbrener Margaret Gottlieb Fred Granich Sheila Hoit Gustav Kahn Dr. Carl Kaufman Harold Kochberg Bob Landun Dora Levene Dale McCright Bessie Miller Betty Miller Sarah Millman Jean Myers Hennoine Nash David Nyman Niles Osguthorpe Marian Polinsky Wolf Reichel Robert Stone Frieda Walton David Wanderer A p ril 2 0 0 5 9 Ongoing Monthly Programs ^ Community/Self-Help J JACS TUESDAYS, 7:00 pm, Room 6 Are you a Jewish alcoholic or cheically dependant person? Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent and Significant Others is a self-help support group. Tell love. Alzheimer's Support Group MONDAY, April 11th, 7:00 pm, In the Library This support group is open to caregivers, family, and friends of loved ones suffering from dementia related to alzheimer's disease. For more information please call 617-6430. Alcoholics Anonymous THURSDAYS, 7-9:00 pm In the Socail Hall Now meeting at CNT weekly. For more information, contact the temple office at 733-6292. Do you have a family member or friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Due to confidentiality laws, there is no notification from the hospitals. Please contact Karen at the temple office 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. JFSA Needs Food Questions? Call Temple office CNT delivers food left in the bin in the front lobby to JFSA Community Food Bank all throughout the year. Baby formula, cereal, peanut butter, canned vegetables, pasta, soup, and canned chicken or tuna are always needed. Committees / Auxilaries IHN Needs Volunteers April 3-10 To volunteer, contact Bette Stahl 735-8104 / OR Jennifer Cohen 896-4973 / jcohenl IHN, Interfaith Hospitality Network, is a community wide program. Homeless families come to our synagogue each evening for a week, enjoy a hot meal, sleep