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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 1 £ 2 C 21 2S 2Z 2^ 2 £ 2* siii itt the fH the west by a Hr f: the westerly line of 8ain it I® of said Main Street, m H by to let# on the g north by | ? Section 3. flit deed ©enreyliig the Ihttd referred to is (a) of Beetle® 1 hereof to the District shall contain a covenant in the fora indicated in Exhibit B” providing that the grantor or grantors in said deed, and their- successors in cmmmM.} of tain land, agree, that for a term of fifty years subsequent to fill sale date no water wells stall be drilled or dag to a depth exceed $m 100 feet upon any lands owned fey them# other than the lands re ferred to in aufepaiagraph' (a) of Beotton 1 hereof, in Sections gf, S§# fS* 30> 31, 3t# $1 and $t# fewnsMp so Sooth, Bang® 61 last, it* 0* B. ft R„ €lark bounty, Sereda, except smoh lends: within, such felons as lie within the boundaries of the shop IMI. e. it is the District or W ill facilities aai the at las feributien ill list I I used far the purpose of serving bhei slant of the ffttSREB wm%T tXFHESB m$ t of said railroad ii If! and made a transmit' tStiwtat