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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    fi Jack Entratter November ?, 195? Archie Loveland Holiday in Lae Vegas Attended meeting 2:00 PM Riviera Hotel called by Ben Goffstein Thursday, November seven. Learned that stars involved will be stopping at hotels a s follows: 1 (M Ip /M Vic Damone Jayne Mansfield Mickey Hargaty Ann iothem Tony Randall Sammy Davis, Jr* El Rancho Vegas .Riviera Riviera Desert Inn Sahara Sands Sands Hotel will house Mr. and Mrs. Irving Roseman {very attractive suite) starting Wednesday, November thirteen, out Sunday, November seventeen. {Me Is advertising manager for the sponsor). Bob Wolfe of the Gray Agency New York City * date of arrival to be determined. Charges on the above people are to be billed to: Fuller ton Productions 444 Malison Avenue Room 4932; New York City, New York We were advieed AM certain press people would attend starting at various times and a draw was held to determine locations. El Rancho Vegas drew Earl Wilson * Riviera got Bemscott - Desert Inn, Harvey Pack * Sahara, Lee Belaer * Sands, Fred Othman coming in Tuesday, November twelve, out Sunday, November seventeen. Sponsor of above ehow, Exquisite Form Bra. Bill Phillips on, ftn charge of production.