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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, December 8, 1959 to February 17, 1960, lvc000012-10


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    20 people to coordinate the activities of the Urban Renewal Group. These people must he outstanding, intelligent individuals who can give leadership and prestige to the Program. They should represent a cross section of the area on a non-political basis. This group can serve as a liaison to the general population or network of neighborhood committees to coordinate neighborhood studies to the whole community and to make suggestions. We feel this will be the backbone of the entire Program. We need a comprehensive Program. The key to the importance of the Urban Renewal Plan is a comprehensive plan. The City is concerned with the most efficient use of the land in the best interest of the community at large and a good plan must look far ahead to anticipate any growth or change. No City can replace everything that is less than perfect but can consider how much can be saved and how much must be removed and rebuilt. It should bring a balanced economy to the City - and foster higher pride in every neighborhood. We believe the Urban Renewal Program will break down the old laws but it is going to take the combined effort of all. All across the country these plans are being put into effect. The only way is to have citizens on the Committee by action on the part of the City Commission so that we can avoid rush action and curtail rumors. This is why more people from other parts of the City Should be on the Urban Renewal Committee." Mayor Gragson: That is in planning - to increase the number of people in that group? If we could have a recommendation from the Planning Department to the City Commission to get someone from the church groups, service organizations and throughout the community - is that the thinking you had on that? Bills: "I think what we have been thinking on is very close to what Mr. Moore has said - what we have tentatively suggested - we have had in mind for some time and have been working on the idea of City-wide Urban Renewal Committee which would have a function somewhat different than the Area Committee. As Mr. Bailey as well pointed out, this Committee has been working diligently for two and a half years. They are now coming into the real work of their job- to help the Planning Department, the Planning Commission and City Commission on these jobs which involve actual execution of the Project. As Mr. Moore has pointed out - to get the total community interested in what Urban Renewal means - not just 42 acres on the Westside, but also Rancho Circle or Sixth Street or whatever it may be. My suggestion is that we create a Citizens' Committee including representatives from the various segments of the community and representatives from this Urban Renewal Committee. The two groups will have somewhat different functions." Then followed a general discussion on the probable length of time a Citizen's Committee would be functioning and Mr. Kennedy, City Manager, stated he felt they were committed to approximately ten years at this point. The next item of importance for discussion was the advent of the Freeway and Urban Renewal and how it would affect Jackson Avenue. Mr. Bailey said that if the Committee and the Planning Staff were not cognizant of every item as the Program moved along in the Urban Renewal Effort, "we are going to scuttle Jackson Avenue as a commercial street." Following a question by Commissioner Fountain on the method of appraising the properties to be encompassed within the Urban Renewal. District Dave Kennedy stated "they are required to pay a fair market price" - plus up to $200 for moving costs. Mayor Gragson at this point said he was sure that the transition would be such as to hurt any individual the least possible - "we know there are going to be some that are unhappy and some that are hurt, but we will work to minimize it." Mr. Bailey then addressed the Commissions, as a last point in his presentation, generally as follows: "We feel that because we need a closer liaison, that we are going to have to keep a much closer connection with the City Planning Department and it has been the general thinking, and has been approached and brought to the attention of our Committee for policy thinking, and as soon as it is possible we feel there should be a negro on the City Planning Commission. It is a matter of representation and I don't think it is an unfair request. I think it would be of some consequence to the City Planning Board and I think it is time for it. The area designated as the Westside Area is experiencing a fast growth.......and I have a feeling there should be someone on the Planning Commission from this section of our community. I don't believe there are very many there who read these legal notices and because of this fact are not aware of what is going on in the area. Commissioner Fountain stated he thought the suggestion was completely in line and saw no reason why, when a vacancy occurs, that the area shouldn't have a representative on the Planning Commission. Miss Elliott stated "we feel a need of this on our Board. We originally wanted someone from URAAC to serve on the Planning Board." 12-8-59