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    0*K39m722 a n t e * May 1#, 1954. *« #* Bennett (lee Angeles) i («• * Mr. A. I* Hr. la. Sttak»Hlf los wageles. Hr. W . B . Huloiser Hr. &• H. Sutton Hr. Salvit K. Cory, Las fagas* Hr. 0. M. Bates, lee Angeles. % *• Haag, las fcgae. Hr. 1. T . Burri) Referring to your lottar of Mar 6th relative to, «.« enclosing eeplee of, proposed escrow instructions incidental to gfcg of the Lae Vegas water system to U t Vegas falley Water Matrlat. aad to roar farther latter to no oaly of Mfi 14th, attached eopy of Mr. heawlek'e letter te Mr. heBamee of the same date, advisee af changes la the proposed •••row laetraetleae teotatively agreed to between Mr. Eeawlek aad Mr. Haailtoa of the hater District: 1 offer the following 1! Page 2, Seetlea 12, Its® If. he *have.« the word *has" should 2 * Iint®en Itli ounaHllky mt w}it%te d pferrese^r tahoeh 6p#r olpioesse d 9.d ocutmheenrte eisf easement described la this paragraph the pipe line (Wk-| 5e;f SJ*e*e*t?l1e*a ?1 *e*f t^khep aSralaeg wApghre e(m1e*n6t) , oft aplaer asgorlapeh-ilea Is espialaed la Mr* Eeawiek*# above letter hy the fact that an easement for this pipe lias has al* * " * heea granted by the iallraada t T t h o Water Oompany aad that the Water Ceapaay will la turn can* roy Its easeaeat to the Metric! on the solo date. Ifbhle arrangement le satisfactory to the district. X have no objection te it. * I) Pages 3 and 4, Seetlea XII. Hr. Heawiek says that It has beta tentatively agreed that paragraph 3 of Seetlea XXX be eliminated aad all remaining para* graphe in that u M I m he roamahered accordingly, there le as objection. 1.