From the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records (MS-01014) -- Chapter records file.
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man001884. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records, 1965-2015, MS-010104. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT March 3,2001The 1st Membership Intake Process Workshop was held on March 3, 2001, at 12:30pm. There were 3*7 sorors in attendance. They all signed the commitment statement. The sorors in attendance received the following handouts:Policy against HazingOrganizational ChartMIP organizational ChartDo’s and Don’t for SororsMIP Sponsorship and Recommendation FormsInformation on Voting ProcessSponsorship InformationAttire for ceremoniesChapter Requirements for Soror Participation in Membership Intake ProcessThe next MIP workshop is scheduled for September 8th at 12:30pm.The Membership committee will meet on March 28, 2001, at 6:00pm at Billie’s office..Submitted/byJac^elitie R. Hall
Membership Chair
Membership Committee Report April 2001The membership committee met on Wednesday, March 28,2001, at 6:00pm. We met at the School District Area office (Billie’s office).Members Present: Donnyss Rucker, Dawn Barnes, Willa White, Marian Bums, Carolyn Parks, Wilhelmina Lee, Ethel Archibald, Ina Dorman, Lavonne Lewis, Stacy Hardy-Desmond, & Elizabeth Sheffield.Soror Lavonne Lewis will write a short article for the May newsletter. This article will be due to the Epistoleus on April 7, 2001. The article will talk about committees and how important they are to the chapter’s success.The committee agrees to move the membership intake weekend to September 14-16,2001. This will allow the sorors to attend the Public Policy Conference which is set for September 27-29, 2001, in Washington, DC. This change will be presented at the sorority meeting for chapter approval. Sorors, turned in their guide to sponsorship forms and will have all documents ready prior to th April 7* meeting. Voting on prospective candidates will take place on April 7th at the regular meeting. Sorors Rhoda and Jackie will check the Wellesley Inn for prices and their ability to hold a large group in their conference room. Soror Carolyn will check with the Amerisuites.It was decided to combine the Homecoming and Summer Cooler activities. The Summer Cooler/Homecoming will be on July 14, 2001. We will still try to keep it at the home of Soror Kaweeda. It will be an reactivation activity. The food will be pot luck. All sorors will be asked to submit names and addresses of inactive sorors to Soror Stacey so that a mailing list can be developed. A computer generated invitation will be sent out. This will save money.The Retreat will be on August 11,2001. Soror Willa will again be the facilitator. Soror Carolyn will check for accommodations in Mesquite, Nevada. The Wellesley Inn on Flamingo will also be looked at as a place.The meeting adjourned at 7:00pmThe next meeting will be on April 25th, 2001, at the School District Office. 6:00pmSubmitted byJacqueline R. Hall
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE MEETING January 24, 2001 - 6:00pm
Members present: Billie Rayford, Carolyn Parks, Donnyss Rucker, Stacey Hardy-Desmond, Dawn Barnes, Lavonne Lewis, Marian Bums, and Lisa McNeil
The membership committee will be highlighting several sorors in the newsletter every month. We will be using the profile sheets that sorors filled out.
The committee is also working on developing Chapter awards. We will be developing these awards in line with the International Program Targets. The committee will also work with the Regional Awards committee to ensure that awards packets are presented at the Regional Conference. A chapter Awards booklet will be developed.
The committee is recommending Membership Intake Weekend take place on September 28, 29, & 30*. The Sponsor sheets will be available at the March meeting. The committee will also distribute the Lagacy Applications and instruction sheet, soror Do’s and Don’ts, and Sponsor Information at the February meeting. We will secure permission to proceed from Soror Diana Shipley before the February meeting. The sponsorship forms and recommendation forms will be due back to the committee on March 28*. Voting for the candidates will take place at the April meeting, April 7, 2001. The first MIP workshop will be at 12:30pm on March 3,2001 before the regular sorority meeting - conducted by Soror Jackie Hall. The second workshop will be at 12:30pm on September 8, 2001, before the regular sorority meeting - conducted by Soror Stacey Hardy-Desmond. The third workshop if necessary will take place at 6:30pm on September 28* - conducted by Soror Willisha Moore.
Other items on the Membership calendar are as follows:
Homecoming (Reactivation activity) - April
Stacey Hardy-Desmond will chair
Lavonne Lewis and Carolyn Parks will assist
Summer Cooler - July
Chapter Retreat - August
The Summer Cooler and Chapter Retreat will be discussed at the March committee meeting.
The following committee members paid for the Graduate Intake Manual that will be ordered: Lavonne Lewis, Carolyn Parks, Billie Rayford, Donnyss Rucker, and Dawn Barnes. Two manuals will be ordered for the Committee co-chairs from the Committee Budget. We will also order another copy of the Rituals.
The next committee meeting will be on March 28, 2001, at 6:00pm at Billie’s office.
Submitted by - Jacquelinte R. Hall //