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The Bulletin of Temple Beth Sholom, September 2003



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    TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM September 2003 Temple Beth Sholom THE BULLETIN Elul - 5763 Tishrei-5764 Vol. 3, No. 9 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Rabbi's Message 2 High Holidays 3 President's Message Executive Director's Column 4 Under the Dome 5 Women's League 6 Men's Club Youth Activities 8 Other News 9 Donations 10 Year in Pictures 12 Volunteerism 14 Religious School 15 Calendar of Events 23 Schedule of Services 24 Temple Beth Sholom is a Conservative Congregation affiliated with The United Synagogue of / Conservative Judaism Friday Evening Saturday Morning Saturday Evening Sunday Morning Sunday Evening Monday Morning Monday Afternoon High Holidays 5764 ROSH HASHANAH September 26 September 27 September 27 September 28 KOL NIDRE October 5 YOM KIPPUR October 6 YOM KIPPUR/YIZKOR October 6 NEILAH 8:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 5:45 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Monday Evening October 6 SUKKOT 5:00 p.m. Friday Evening Saturday Morning Sunday Morning Monday Morning Tuesday Morning Wednesday Morning Thursday Morning October 10 October 11 October 12 October 13 October 14 October 15 October 16 HOSHANAH RABBAH 7:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. Friday Morning October 17 EREV SHMINI ATZERET 7:30 a.m. Friday Evening October 17 SHMINI ATZERET/YIZKOR 7:30 p.m. Saturday Morning October 18 9:00 a.m. Saturday Evening Sunday Morning SIMCHAT TORAH October 18 October 19 7:15 p.m. 9:00 a.m. L'Shanah Tovah Tikateivu 2?Rabbi's Message Recipe for Rosh Hashanah Rabbi Felipe Goodman My wife is always telling me that if I wouldn't have been a Rabbi I should have become a chef. Well, for all of you that haven't noticed, I just happen to love good food (Kosher of course!). The other day I read an article about The Cordon Bleu Academy opening up here in Las Vegas so I thought that in trying to demonstrate that I am indeed qualified to join them I would share with you one of my favorite recipes. Some of you might remember this recipe from when I first arrived in Las Vegas with Liz and Yoshua some years ago. I believe that recipes are meant to be shared; I know that some of us treasure our family recipes and don't share them with anyone. This recipe must be shared so please copy it freely. I no longer remember where I got it from but it always gets me out of trou-ble in a short notice. It serves as many guests as you can accommodate. If you are looking for that special dish for your Rosh Hashanah dinner or lunch, this might just be what you are looking for. Take 12 fine, full grown months, see that they are thoroughly free from all old memories of bitterness, hate and jealously, cleanse them completely from every clinging spite; pick off all specks of pettiness and littleness; in short see that the months are freed from the past - have them as fresh and clean as when they first came from the storehouse of time. Cut these months into 30 or 31 equal parts. This batch will keep for just one year. Do not attempt to make the whole batch at one time - so many people spoil their entire lot in this way - but prepare one day at a time as follows: Into each day put 12 parts of faith, 11 parts of patience, 10 parts of courage, 9 parts of work (some people omit this and so spoil the flavor of the rest), 8 parts of hope, 7 parts of fidelity, 6 parts of liberality, 5 parts of kindness, 4 parts of rest (leaving this out is like leaving the oil out of a salad), 3 parts prayer, 2 parts meditation and one well selected resolution. To the above, add a teaspoon of good spirits, a dash of fun, a pinch of folly, a sprinkling of play, and a "heaping" cupful of good humor. Pour in love and mix together. Cook thoroughly in a fervent heat; garnish with a few smiles and a sprig of joy; then serve with quietness, unselfishness and cheerfulness and a happy new year is a certainty. Let me know if your guests liked it, but more importantly please let me know if you liked it! High Holy Days?3 HIGH HOLY DAYS 5764 Registration ? If you have not already done so, you must register now or all seating will be filled. ? Registrations will not be accepted over the telephone. ? Fax registration is available with credit card payment only. ? All prior financial obligations must have been paid and 1/3 of your 2003/2004 dues order to be eligible for membership privileges. Childcare ? For security and safety purposes, all children must be picked up at the pre-school. For everyone's benefit we should not have unsupervised children. Therefore, all children between 1-17 must register for the appropriate program so they will have somewhere to go when they are not attending services with their family. ? Childcare will be provided from 15 minutes prior to the services until 15 minutes after the services. Parking ? For safety reasons, only those vehicles with proper TBS vehicle identification will be permitted to park on the premises. ? Handicapped parking is available for only those vehicles that have designated handicapped authorization. Deadlines ? September 5- Registration, Book of Memory, & Kol Nidre Book Deadline H i g h f-tc?Ly T ^ a y s T>o's avui Dow/ts DO DON'T DO arrive early. DON'T come in multiple cars when you can come together. DO bring your tickets and photo I.D. DON'T brinq machzors when thev are suDDlied. or large purses or bags that require inspection. DO follow the direction of guards. DON'T park in handicapped spaces without a "handicapped" placard. DO follow the directions of ushers. DON'T block the aisles or sit in other people's seats. DO be courteous to fellow worshippers. DON'T brinq cell phones (unless vou are a physi-cian on call) or disturb your neighbors. DO respect the sanctity of the day DON'T disreqard posted siqns that restrict entry to services (e.g. during sermon, Kedusha or Hineini). DO dress appropriately for the occasion. DON'T qo onto Bimah with head uncovered. September 2003 4?President's Message/Executive Director's Column A Time to Give Fall is upon us. It is the time for back to school, the World Series and - the Kol Nidre Appeal. I know that many of us look upon the latter with about as much anticipation as a trip to the dentist. In fact, that may not be a bad anal-ogy, because it shows the disconnect between the myth and the reality. We joke about going to the dentist, but usually the appointments themselves are painless and the result is a healthier body. In the case of the Kol Nidre Appeal, we do not merely preserve our teeth, we preserve our people. This is particularly true of TBS. We are a Las Vegas institution. We were here before UNLV. We were here before any major Strip hotel. We were here before any other synagogue. When we support TBS we are not only supporting a place of worship, but are also keeping alive an important part of Las Vegas' Jewish heritage. This is both a responsibility and an honor - and it is ours. If this tradition is to be maintained, only we can do it. At Yizkor we will be saying Kaddish for past members of the Las Vegas Jewish community who might otherwise be long forgotten. Our hall of memory is a hall of Las Vegas Jewish history. And now, with the dedication of the Warsaw Ghetto Memorial Garden, we have incorpo-rated all of those lost in the Holocaust into our collective lives and memories. However, it is important to support Temple Beth Sholom not only for the purpose of preserving tradition and memories, but also to make sure that Judaism never becomes merely history. This year we have 24 Bar/Bat Mitzvahs scheduled. On some weekends we will be doubling up. We already have about 140 children en-rolled in religious school. We have tried to help those in need, both here and in Israel by assisting other Jewish organizations providing necessary services. At TBS it-self, we provide substantial amounts of scholarships to those who cannot afford a Jewish education. All of this costs money. I wish it were not so, but it is. However, if I may return to a modified version of my starting analogy, who wouldn't pay to maintain an indi-vidual's health? How much more should we pay to ensure the health and strength of our people? If you share this conviction please help us make this year's Kol Nidre Appeal the most successful ever. NEW YEAR NEW FRIENDS NEW OPPORTUNITIES L'SHANA TOVA! Soon we will be joining together to begin the New Year. Judy and I wish everyone the happiest year ever. May it bring you joys without limit. One of the most wonderful things for a synagogue greeting the New Year is the fact that at this time of year people reassess their spiritual and cultural connections and many decide to affili-ate with a synagogue. They may be new in town and have shopped around among the now many choices Las Vegas offers. Or they may have been unaffiliated and felt the need to reconnect with their roots. Or they may have decided, for a myriad of reasons, that the place with which they had been affiliated is no longer the place for them. All these reasons have prompted many new families to choose to join Temple Beth Sholom at this time of year. We welcome them with open arms. Their energies, new ideas and new participation revitalize a congregation, help it grow in accomplishing its goals and, of course, help to bring in needed resources. Members are the lifeblood of any organization, and it certainly is true for us. We have a responsibility to our new shul-mates. It is to make them comfortable in their choice to join TBS. We must make them feel warm, welcome and comfortable every time they set foot in this building - no matter if its shul or school. We must listen to their observations, and we must offer them opportunities to fully integrate into every aspect of synagogue life. It is the responsibility of each one of us, members and staff, to make the extra ef-fort for our new friends. If you see a face that is unfamiliar to you here, go up to that person, introduce yourself and let them know that you are pleased they are here at TBS. Talk to them - they may turn out to be your new best friend if you give them the chance. One opportunity for new and old members to be more comfortable in a congregation our size is Chavurah. Re-cently our new co-chairs sent out to the entire congrega-tion invitations to become part of our existing and forming Chavurot, together with an explanation of what a Cha-vurah is and a new and more comprehensive application form. We have had a gratifying response to this mailing, demonstrating that many of you would like to be part of the extended family that a Chavurah can provide. For new members to our community and our shul, there is no better way to create a circle of friends that can last a life time. If you somehow didn't get the mailing or threw it out thinking it's just more shul spam (in the e-mail, not meat sense), please call either the office or liana Shapiro at 655-6241 or Jacquie Frye at 242-9979. See page 8. Let's all make this a truly Happy New Year for all of the TBS family. Under the Dome?5 Radio Broadcast For the third straight year, TBS will broadcast two hours of holiday observances on the radio. This service is designed for people who are un-able to attend services - ONLY. If you can come we hope to see you, but if you can't, or a family member o r friend can't, t ell t hem t o t une i n o n Erev Rosh Hashanah, September 26 to KLAV - 1230 on the AM dial from 8PM to 9 PM and on Kol Nidre, October 5 to KSHP - 1400 on the AM dial from 5PM to 6PM. For those calling the of-fice and requesting it in advance, printed versions of the services are available to be mailed. REAL LIFE LAUGHS FROM TBS Bob Mirisch was taking some people around the temple to get some information on the cost of work that may be required in the future. One of the men was taking some pictures. "I hope you're not from Al-Quida," quipped Mirisch. "No," said the man with the camera, "I'm from Alcoa." That's the "emis." Mirisch received some correspondence from a Gary Reed. The man is either the most honest man around or the most brazen. His e-mail address is "greed@?.com" Continued from last months ED column Family Dues from some added congregations not included in last month's ED column: Congregation Beth Shalom, Atlanta, Ga. ? $1550 Congregation Or Zarua, 82nd St in NYC -- $1550 Congregation Ohev Shalom - Orlando, Fla.? $1350 Northwest Suburban Jewish Congregation - Morton Grove, 111. $1525 West End Synagogue - New York City ? $2080 Congregation B'nai Tikvah , New Brunswick, NJ $1587 A note after touring this group through the Temple and Warsaw Ghetto Garden Thank you once again for hosting our group from Penn-sylvania. It was a very meaningful experience for them, one they will not forget. We look forward to perhaps having more groups come and having Temple Beth Sholom as part of their experience also. Thank you again for all your help, it's been a real privilege to work with you. God bless you for your kindness to us. Jonathan & Linda Craft and Friends of Israel "Under the Dome" is an ongoing column of general information. Read "Under the Dome" to find out the latest tidbits about people and events at Temple Beth Sholom. September 2003 6?Women's League Our J-feritage...Our Traditions...Our 'Remembrances... The Birthday of the worCcC, Hosh J-Cashanah, arrives with the month ofTishri, ancCwith Tishri comes introspection, soCemn thoughts, remembrances and hopefuCjoy... ancCcuCminates -with yom Xippur. In the TempCe, speciaCprayers, white garb and the sound of the shofar create the mood for weC-coming the coming year. M home, the hoCy day is officiary ushered in with the fighting of the candCes at sunset, enabCing the New year to Begin with "Light" and "Joy". In addition to the usuaC bCessing, we aCso recite the "Shehehe'yanu" benediction ? the bCessing of thanksgiving, with which we Jews greet every speciaC occasion. J-fowever, on the eve of the second day, the tabCe shouCd have upon it a "Shehehe'yanu fruit or vegetabCe" as part of the second day's recitation of this bCessing - something you and your famiCy are eating for the first time this year. This adds a new dimension to the yom Tov. The round ChaCCot are important to the 3-Cigh ^CoCiday period since they represent the cycCe of the Jewish year by their round shape. Sweeten them with raisins and they represent our hopes for a year fiCCedwith sweetness. IVeput honey andappCes on the yom Tov tabCe, andwe begin the meaCwith Xiddush,foCCowed by 3-Camotzu JAs each person receives apiece of the ChaCCah, they dip it into honey saying, "May it be your wiCC, O Lord our Cj-d and Cj-d of our fathers, to renew unto us a good and sweet year." The hoCiday atmosphere shared with friends and famiCy, speciaC memories and Cove, has kept Ju-daism aCive for centuries. May you aCCbe inscribed in the book of Cife...L "SJCJANJA ToyjA3C from the Officers and'Board Members of yvomen's League of TempCe Beth ShoCom fCorence frost, "President Women's League eordiallq invites qou to savor an elegant sit down meal, prepared bg Gustav Mauler, Be treated to a professional fashion show bu ^KNU-'ftonna Karan New Work, f i n d delight in seeing friends qou have missed all summer. Women's l e a g u e annual paid-up Membership Jkmeheon fiundaq, September 14,2005, Temple Beth <?>holom 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Registration will be-gin at 11:00 & lunch will be served at noon $ Please RSVP by September 4th with your choice of entree RSVP to liana ?hapiro at 655-6241 Mimi Katz at 233-3785 f l o r e n e e f r o s t at 735-0414 This luncheon is our gift to you. With your paid Women's League membership of $36.00 TBS members and $50.00 non-TBS members, Luncheon guests of Women's League members $28.00 per person. Women's League?7 *** WOMEN'S LEAGUE FOR CONSERVATIVE JUDAISM AT TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM FLORENCE FROST, PRESIDENT R E M I N D E R ! ! ! R E M I N D E R ! ! ! R E M I N D E R ! ! ! ROSH HASHANAH is fast approaching. Have you returned your New Year's Greeting for our High Holiday Book? The greeting book will measure 8 1/2" X 5 1/2", you may select a full page, half page, quarter page, or name only greeting. SIZE Full Page Half Page Quarter Page Name Only Child's Name Only COST $ 100.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 10.00 $ 5.00 WOMEN'S LEAGUE DONOR CREDIT $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 12.50 $ 5.00 None Please fill out the form below and mail it with your check to Women's League of Temple Beth Sholom in the enclosed envelope, addressed to; Women's League c/o Adele Baratz, 3206 Turning Bridge, Las Vegas, NV89135. Your check and greeting must be received NO LA TER THAN SEPTEMBER 10, 2003. Thank you for your support of this important project. L'Shanah Tovah Tikateivu, Fran Levien, Chairman (382-8908) Adele Baratz (382-6456) Viola Goldstein (256-7552) Order Form Greeting or Name to be listed: Full Page $100 Half Page $50 Quarter Page $25 Name Only $10 Child's Name $5 By: Phone #: Amt. End.: September 2003 8?Men's Club I Mazel Tovs/Youth Activities TBS MEN'S CLUB "TO BE OR NOT TO BE....THATIS THE QUESTION". That's not much of a question! The answer is simple. It is better to be a member of Men's Club than not to be. So what are you waiting for??? I know that each and every one of you has sent in your dues right?? Good! Now that summer is coming to a close and everyone is getting ready for the High Holiday season, the Men's Club not only needs you to put on your kappot but also your thinking caps. We are preparing our schedule of events for the upcoming year and we would like to know what activities YOU would like to see happen. But more impor-tantly, what activities YOU would like to participate in. Does a Sunday football game with the guys interest you? How about a card night? Do you have something in your life's experience or current business that would be of interest to the Men's Club? Of course you do! Well, we would like to hear all about it and include you (or some-one you know) in our Temple Beth Sholom Men's Club Speaker's Forum (or TBSMCSF for short). I was once told that, "Behind every successful husband is a surprised mother-in-law." Well, the Men's Club is not surprised because we know that our member's (and members to be) are full of both surprises and successes. Here is your chance to tell us about them. You can either give me a call at 702-808-9499 or drop me an E-mail at and let me know how you would like to participate. Better yet, at Friday night services or Shabbat morning services, look for someone wearing a red kappot tell them you want to participate! Remember it is better "to be". Warren Jay Stamm, Publicity Chairman MazeCTbv to T)r Joseph & Sharon JAdashek on the birth of their daughter Sydney Rose ^rcjp^ j m ^ MAZEL TOV ON YOUR BAR MITZVAH? BRETT LEIBOWITZ - { " September 6, 2003 V -cr*? & Brett is a 7th grade Meadows School student. He loves sport fishing for the big fish in Alaska, horseback riding, football, basket-ball, and surfing. Brett loves to travel with the family to Hawaii, Alaska, Malibu, and points unknown. Academically, he is a superb student with interests in computers and mathematics. Brett has an older brother, Jer-emy, and a younger sister, Shaine. YOUTH ACTIVITIES We are having a "Back to School Swim Party and Barbecue" in September for all USY kids. Come and find out what USY is all about. USY is for all students in 7th-12th grade. For children in 4th-6th grades we have Kadima. Kadima also combines religious and social events and goes on regional Shabbatons 4 times a year. Kadima kicks off the Jewish New Year in September. We combine Jewish and social events for both mem-bers and non-members of Temple Beth Sholom. If you are interested in doing fun activities with Jewish students and going on regional events in California and Arizona please come to this get together. For more information, call David Frydman at 336-7583 or 804-1333 ext. 122. Other News?9 TBS TRYING TO HELP LOWER RX COSTS With the cost of prescription medicines constantly rising many of our members are looking for ways of lowering their costs. People who must take medication on an on-going basis are being hit with huge monthly bills, only a portion of which may be covered by their health insurance. In an effort to bring to the congregation's attention methods that can help them in this matter, we are bringing to TBS the folks from Medication Savers to make their program available to TBS members. On Monday September 15 and Tuesday September 16 this company will be in the Small Social Hall from 9 AM to 3 PM. They will ex-plain the way their program reduces prescription costs by purchasing from Canada. Bring original prescriptions. Come during those hours and sign up if you choose. Take a look at their ad in this Bulletin for more information. Their presence here does not constitute an endorsement by TBS. We are providing you with an opportunity to look into a way that has saved others big bucks. Come and be in-formed. You pay for only the medication you order plus shipping. Free refreshments will be available. Message from New Chavurah Co-Chairs L'Shanah Tovah. Welcome to a new year and a new beginning for the Chavurah program at Temple Beth Sholom. We are very excited to be the coordinators for this exciting program. Let us tell you our experience with the Chavurah program. Our names are liana Shapiro and Jacquie Frye. We both moved to Las Vegas in the summer of 2001 from different parts of the country. At the time we had few friends in town. This is until our Chavurah was formed. Our Chavurah has met faithfully every month since our group started a year and a half ago. We have become an extended family. Each family in our Chavurah has children ranging from newborn to age 11. We always have somewhere to spend the Jewish as well as the secular holidays. The most special part of our Chavurah is being able to share in the mitzvahs and simchas of all of our Chavurah families. Now that we have shared our experiences of being part of a Chavurah, we would like to invite the entire membership of Temple Beth Sholom to experience the priceless memories and feeling of community that we receive in our Chavurah. We are here to help set up various Chavurot and assist with the organization of each group. We will at-tend and help organize the initial meeting, so that it can get off to a great start. The Rabbi, Cantor and other temple leadership will also be available to each Chavurah. Please take a few minutes and fill out the Chavurah forms that were mailed out to you, and mail them back to us. If you did not receive these forms, please contact the temple. We hope that you are as ex-cited about this as we are. If you have any questions, please feel free to call liana at 655-6241 or Jacquie at 242-9979. Your Chavurah mavens, liana Shapiro & Jacquie Frye September 2003 10?Tributes...Donations from our Hearts EDUCATION FUND Theresa Bajor In memory of: Penny J. Mendlovic Sophie Katzman Jack Baiter Mimi Katz Roberta Baiter Joel Berger BUILDING FUND Natalie & Artie Berger In memory of: Sam Best Estelle Auslander Mona & Charles Silverman Arlene & Jerry Blut Lorraine (Chaia) Borukh Susan Molasky RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Edward Robert Boyle Albert Karbal Edythe Goldberg Amy May Bert Cohen Brett Morgan & Bessie Cohen Doreen Lewis Dr. Andrew & Rose Raphael Kimberly Cohen Deborah Weller-Walton Hyman Coplin Elaine & Jack Chernikoff In honor of: Robert Demby An Aliyah Dorothy Demby Norman Marsh Hyman Ehrenberg Charley's Baby Naming: Mary Ehrenberg Stacey & Ronen Tregerman Julius Epstein Brett Leibowitz's Bar Mitzvah Phyllis & David Dale Deena Cooperman Adele Feitelson In memory of: Roselyn Silkes Estelle Auslander Bertha Finkelstein Elaine & Irv Steinberg & Doris & David Bluth Debbie Lapping Maurice H. Friedman Louis Gertz Norisse Friedman Morris Gertz Howard A. Geller Morris Wolf Jo-Ann Geller Morris Gertz Diane Ginsburg David Ginsburg CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY William Goldberg FUND Mimi Katz Amy May Abe Groman In honor of: Eunice Galsky Brett Leibowitz's Bar Mitzvah Ida Groman Deena Cooperman Cantor Charles S. Gudovitz In memory of: Albert A. Kulwin Bianka Marsh Woolfe W. Harris Norman Marsh Eve Harris & Family Ida Horowitz YAHRZEIT/MEMORIAL FUND Bess Sala In memory of: Arthur Jansson Ethel Abraham Teri Thienhaus Florence Sokoloff Edith Jones Joseph Aitkin Esther Jones-Frankenstein Warren Aitkin Ben Kahn Karen & Jeffrey Langbert Sarah Kahn Frieda Applebaum Kim, Fred, Alex & Bobbee Finkel Sarah Memar Simon Aprill Tillie Katz Eunice & Albert Merkin Mimi Katz Meyer Kenig Barbara, Howard & Jay Kenig Hannah Kester Teri & Ole Thienhaus Philip Kossovsky Lily & Max Phillips Rivka Koulange Ethel Koulange Reuben Kravitz Shirley Kravitz Lillian Kronheim Joan Silverstein Carl M. Kwartler Sharon R. Gottlieb Lewis Langbert Karen & Jeffrey Langbert Milton Langsner Susan & Scott Langsner Jean Lasky Marshall Lasky Marvin Lasky Karen & Jeffrey Langbert Kalman Lazar Molly Lazar Jack Lazar Gussie Lillenstein Joan Silverstein Rose Lipsky Dr. Doris Soroky-Aarenau Julius M. Mandler Carmela Mandler Kalman Marmor William Marmor Mollie Weiss Memorial Funi Albert Mosse Sanford Mosse Myra & David Berkovits Max Pearl Theodore Pearl Selma Altose Garry Phillips Lily & Max Phillips Lucille Post Pat & Don Gordon Toba Reiter Norma Wilensky Betty H. Resnik Harriet Resnik Betty Rich Deborah & John Miner Rose Rofey D'Vorre & Hal Ober Meyer Rosen Brenda & Jerry Katz Tributes...Donations from our Hearts?11 Morris Aaron Rosenberg Philip Rosenberg John Sala Bess Sala Betty Schmier Paul Schmier Samuel Schulman Debbie Lederer Chana Schwartzbart Stanley & Allyce Schwartzbart Libbeh Selver Ruthe Spector Philip Shapiro Florence Sokoloff Morris Showel Charlotte & Sam Showel Leo Silverstein Joan Silverstein Sam Simon Jack & Marcy Simon Joseph Sitzer Florence Weinstein Samson Stein Hilda Stein Murray Stewart Ethel Stewart Mollie Straus Jack Straus Sarah Tarr Sophie Weiner Morris Tepper Bernie Tepper Hyman Wexler Daniel Wexler Dr. Lawrence J. Wilchins Eleanor G. Wilchins Gertrude Wolk Evelyn Shafer Rita Zakar Ronnie & Neil Schwartz WARSAW GHETTO GARDEN Doris & David Bluth In memory of: Ida Schlom Elaine & Irving Steinberg In honor of: Marriage of Sally & Zadick Eskenazi's son Evelyn & Leon Goldstein Renee & Joe Premack Marsha & Steve Cohen Happy Anniversary to Dr. & Mrs. James Marx Ruthe Spector Speedy Recovery Mort Berg Leon & Evelyn Goldstein Get Well Myra Weiseman Lilian & Ken Glicken In memory of: Estelle Auslander Lilian & Ken Glicken HEATHER SAXE SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of: Estelle Auslander Dr. Steven & Marcy Saxe Shari Klein's Grandfather Dr. Steven & Marcy Saxe Cheri Levy's Mother Lawrence Saxe David Levy's Father Lawrence Saxe Dr. Michael & llanit Saxe and Family David Levy's Mother Lawrence Saxe Rosalie & Orin Lazer In honor of: Belated Happy Birthday to Ron Turshinsky Sid Kaplan Baby Naming Stacey & Ronen Tregerman Sara & Alan Cassell's new baby Sid Kaplan Ruth Goldfarb for all the hard work you do Sid Kaplan The Wonderful Picnic Lunch Else K. Spanier Delia Taub M. HALPERN MEMORIAL PARK FUND Staci & Noah Columbo GENERAL FUND Dale Epstein Bernardine & Sidney Zaben Speedy Recovery: Paul Weil Nadolyn & Ken Karchmer In memory of: Estelle Auslander Ed & Estelle Devore Marlene & Maury Jones Lou Oberne Hylda H. Leitner In honor of: Margo Silverman's Marriage Susan & Scott Langsner An Aliyah: Sally & Zadick Eskenazi THANK YOU TO ALL OUR TBS VOLUNTEERS WHO DONATE THEIR TIME AND EFFORT TO MAKE THE L'DOR V'DOR LUNCHEONS A GREAT SUCCESS!! YOU ARE ALL A TRUE BLESSING TO OUR TEMPLE AND TO OUR COMMUNITY. L'DOR V'DOR Get Well Irv Herman Sid Kaplan Barbara, Howard & Jay Kenig In memory of: Robert Scher September 2003 12- The Year in Pictures The Year in Pictures - 1 3 THE YEAR IN PICTURES September 2003 14?Heroes of Volunteerism/ S'lichot Heroes of Volunteerism A Hero of Volunteerism is a non-Board member, non-officer who has, through his/her ef-forts benefited Temple Beth Sholom in extraordinary ways. This month we honor ARLENE BLUT, the Hal Prince of TBS. Arlene is the Gala Pro-ducer -extraordinaire. For more years than she cares to remember, Arlene has been the moving force behind the production of the major fundraising events at Temple Beth Sholom. In addition, she has designed and implemented such major events as the Dedica-tion of the Synagogue here in Summerlin and the Dedication of the Warsaw Ghetto Re-membrance Garden. Arlene comes to her events production expertise through her experiences as an actress, publicist, and development director for an art institute. She joined TBS when she married Jerry Blut in 1980. Jerry, a Past President of TBS, has been a member since 1968. Jerry's three children became Bar Mitzvahs at TBS. Arlene has two children, Jodi and Martin, who live in New York. Arlene is the recipient of many awards for her service to her community; including the Chamber of Commerce Award for Arts and Entertainment; an award from the Heart Association for Public Relations services; she has been President of Jewish Family Services here in Las Vegas, served on the Board of Hillel at UNLV, and was Fundraising Chair of Women's Division of Federation. CARLEBACH SINGS AT S'LICHOT World renowned performing artist Neshama Carlebach will bring the unmistakable Carlebach depth of soul and the ability to captivate when she joins Rabbi Felipe Goodman and Rabbi Jeremy Wiederhorn in the September 20 S'lichot Service that Temple Beth Sholom and Midbar Kodesh Temple will co-host at the Green Valley Ranch Station Amphitheater at 9 pm. Cantor Daniel Friedman and Bob Fisher will also share the evening with Neshama, whose powerful stage presence is said to captivate audiences in a warm embrace. Neshama is the oldest daughter of the late Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach. She is continuing in the tradition of her father who brought the depth of spirituality, his love of Torah and humanity to every song that he wrote. Neshama brings her own special kind of Jewish soul and spirit to her father's music, that she loves and performs so well, to audiences all over the world. With her song compositions, in collaboration with her pianist and producer, David Morgan, Neshama's has embarked in yet another creative direction. Her performances now include both her and David's original compositions in English, and Shlomo's Hebrew classics which she will share with those gath-ered for the S'lichot service. Temple Beth Sholom and Midbar Kodesh Temple are joint hosts in the S'lichot evening service, meant to spiritually prepare their congregations for the holy days to follow. Some chair seating will be available but guests are encouraged to bring blankets for seating in the grassy area. There is no charge for the September 20 service and it is open to all congregations and members of the community. Religious School?15 Religious School News For A Shanah Tovah of Education & Learning Two Talmudic sages, Rabbi Tarfon and Rabbi Akiva, discussed whether studying the Torah or living by Torah laws was more important. Rabbi Tarfon was convinced that following the laws of the Torah was more important. Rabbi Akiva, on the other hand, thought the only way to know those laws was to study the Torah. They determined that the study of Torah is greater than all other Mitzvot because it leads to them all. The beauty of this Midrash (Talmudic story) is that they were able to reach an agreement. The impor-tance of this is that it emphasizes the great value and influence education and learning have on our lives. Our congregation is a community of learning. It is blessed with many members and their families who are involved in education and learning one way or another. This strong sense of an ongoing Beit Midrash (house of learning) is a wonderful asset of our Temple. My personal appeal to you as the Days of Awe are approaching is to take the time to reflect on your life as learners and as a part of our community of learners. From our babies in the Mommy & Me through our Pre-School, Religious School and Midrasha high school, to the parents and grandparents who come t