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    i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 miLss amd 1, f ' l t w ra te s sh a ll be 4m and payable on the f i r e t nay # f anon psnih te r water furnished during the previous month* £* I f ra id water rates are net paid by the loth day Of the month in which they become due* they sh all become delltt* <pent and a charge o f twenty*f ive cents (#*2$) sh all thereupon be added to each b i l l . notice o f such delinquency w ill be given to the m m m « 7 .personally or by stall* and i f the Meant o f such o f the ?water rates together with the delinquent charge i t not paid with* .In f i r e days fro® the date of such personal notice, or within f i r e days frost the date o f n a ilin g such notice* the Company w ill discontinue the terete# to su«h delinquent un til cold amount is paid* together with the i s o f #1*00 fo r re*connectIng its service* 3* Where two or more services supply the earn* premise# or coneuaer* <m®b w i l l be rated as separate service. ' 4« S here two or acre elneeee o f consumer* are served by one cere ice, cash olaee w ill be separately rated* §* Water rates or chargee w ill be charged fo r e l l cenriecc, whether the premise® are occupied or not* u n til service sh all be, in w ritin g, ordered ditooiitinued* is Water m ice and chargee sh e ll be charged against the own er of the premie so served* ?• then service is die continued pure want to Jtalee I and §t. i t w ill not be re*established u n til m written order frost * m * fp M *