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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Ret Sale of Las Vegaa water System Los Angeles* May 12* 1954 30-11 Mr. R. L. Adamsont (cc - Mr. Wm. Reinhardt Mr. R* M. Sutton Mr* V. V. Smith Mr. C. M. Bates ^ Mr. L. R. M a a g ) i ^ ^ It Is now time to assemble at Las Vegas the documents which are to be delivered to the Las Vegas Valley Vater District when the Las Vegas water system is transferred to it. It is my understanding that all of the documents re­ferred to in Item 3* ‘Engineering and Operating Records”, of Exhibit "6” attached to the agreement between the Rail­roads* the Water Company and the District* dated June 1* 1953* for the sale of the water system are in your posses­sion or in the Division Engineer's office. Will you please see that all of the documents referred to in Item 3. of Ex­hibit "S" are promptly sent to Mr. Maag at Las Vegas for safekeeping pending delivery of them to the District. Will you please see that Mr. Maag is furnished with one copy* and that X am furnished with three copies* of the list of documents which are transmitted to him so that X can let the District representatives know the documents which are available for delivery at Las Vegas. IS you desire to make photostatic copies of any of these documents before they are delivered to the District* they should be promptly made so that we shall be in a po­sition to deliver the originals on the sale date* which may be as early as June 1* 1954* and probably will not be later than July 1* if 54* 1 1. E. Bennett