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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Hf] HB. CAlfWOXt I object to the attorney trying to load the witness in something that is not his testimony* MB* SElflfETTs Q. In other words, Mr. Shamberger, isn’t it a fact that the peak months whieh have been suggested as June, July and August, and possibly September, is the time when the Searles well would probably hare a production below two and a half million gallons per day as testified by Sr, Jameson? A* That would be reasonable to assume, yes, sir, MB. BESBETT* X think that is all. MB* CANBOSt f. Hr. Shamberger, do you hare any Idea what the expense of putting pomps on these three wells would amount tc A. I haven*t even thought of it, Hr. Cannon. It wouldn't be prohibitive. Q, Do you have any opinion as to the relative cost of the installation of meters as compared to the installation of pumps on those wells? A. The installation of meters would be many times as high. Q, Probably ten or twelve times as high? A, Possibly more. Q. So that for a temporary measure, such as we are con­fronted with here, the installation of additional pumps or the supply of additional water would be more practical than the in­stallation of meters? A. It would be the most economical. SfH. ilSSlffi Q, But the installation of pimps would tend ? to increase the overdraft, whereas the installation of meters would tend to permit the Basin to recharge faster.