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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    (ADVANCE FOR By Hubbard Keavy HBHDERSGE, (AP)?╜?╟÷Amid plenty, Al Zn?╜ms ms literally starving. He could not retain a bite of foot la the hospital whe '?½ he was In an oxygen tent for $ a dust infection in his lunge. Then a nun fed him a piece of hot buttered bread, Freeoan lived on bread for five days, saying all the tine with the emotion of a nan freed from great hunger, ?╟≤This is truly angsl bread,* And that's the start, hut fhr fr???? the finish, of the story of Angeibread, (cap A). Freeman, an effervescent press agent, works for one of the big strip hotels in nearby las Vegas, the gaabling capital of the west. Is vowed that he would somehow repay the Dominican nuns of Roes de lien hospital for, as hs puts it, saving his life. Is oissed the bread when he got home and often me back to get the hospital to imp a loaf. The nuns oouldn't sell the bread, not being in that business, but Al, like many another patient who bad partaken of it, always left a generous donation* Al found that the nun Oie baked the bread, by coincidence or the hand of providence, was named Sister Angslita. "An angel in the kitchen, both by name and occupation,* said Freeman, to Sister Angelita *s embarrassment. The sister's reelpe was one that had been in her ffemily for nearly 100 yeare in bar native Germany, Vhen Freeman learned this, it gave him an idea, 8b was a member of a committee trying to devise ways to raise money to build a much-needed addition to Rose de Use ip hospital. It is the only accredited hospital in Southern Nevada, Freeman's great idea was to market commercially fli the angel bread with a royalty on each loaf for Rose de lima, A few months pass, during which Freemen personally sent hundreds of loaves all over the country for testing, very one agreed that Sister Angelita bread had something other breads tarwhmt lacked. Tire difference was largely in the winring, the way and the order in which the innwuii itmw?╟÷irAnwm