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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, January 26, 1989






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 19 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000614. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT MINUTES SENATE MEETING 19-8 THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1989 4:00PM BEH 542 I. CALL TO ORDER CSUN Acting Senate President Greg Bailey called Senate Meeting 19-8 to order at 4:05pm in Beam Hall room 542. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Senator Kurzer Senator Wilcox (Unexcused) Senator Saunders Senator Geihs Senator Hoferer Senator Polovina Senator Rosenberg Senator Elliott Senator Frankulin Senator Valenti Senator Walker Senator Bauhs Senator Colebrook Senator DeMars Senator Young III. STATE OF THE CAMPUS ADDRESS CSUN President Steve E. Evenson gave his State of the Campus Address. IV. APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES 19-7 Motion to approve Senate Minutes 19-7 by Senator Walker. Seconded by Senator Kurzer. There was discussion. The following corrections were made: page 4, item E. Motion carried, with fifteen in favor, no oppos and one abstention (Saunders). Page 5 VIII. Open Discussion Senator Bauhs mentioned that there are still no desks in the Engineering Building. He also nominated Paige Zielinski for the Engineering Seat. Call for a vote. Motion carried with corrections, unanimously. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 Senate Minutes -19-8 age 2 V. ANNOUNCEMENTS CSUN Acting Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Bailey announced that this meeting would be his first that he has chaired in the Senate; he mentioned that he will do his best. CSUN President Steve Evenson mentioned that Monday-he spoke with the CSUN Business Manager Barbara McFarland concerning the $1200 debt in the Food and Beverage Account. He mentioned that the reason he vetoed the item of business was because he wanted the Senate to know the situation of the Food and Beverage account. He mentioned that he vetoing this issue was invalid. He introduced Senate Resolution Number 1. See Attached Page for resolution. He also mentioned that the Senators need to make sure that if they were going to Reverend Abernathy they need to see Joyce Garcia in the CSUN office. A representative from Phi Delta Theta addressed the Senate for CSUN recognition. CSUN Senator Walker addressed the Senate regarding an organization being left out of the ticket distribution. A representative from the College Republicans addressed the Senate regarding CSUN recognition. A representative from AIAA addressed the Senate regarding CSUN recognition. VI. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Publications Board Chairman Philip DaQuino announced that next week will be the Publications Board Meeting. Yellin' Rebel Editor Mike Keller announced that everything is going O.K. at the newspaper. CSUN Businesss Manager Barbara McFarland announced that KUNV is over budget. SHAC Chairman Philip DaQuino announced that next Friday will be a meeting. They will be deciding on a Vice President for the SHAC committee. He also mentioned that SHAC is in need of members for the board. — Entertainment and Programming Assistant Director Tyra Flaig announced that spring festival is in the works. She also mentioned that she hoped that all the Senators would come to the Ralph Abernathy event. Organiz ations Board chair, Vice President Dick Hubbell announced that the next meeting is February 7, 1989 at 3pm. Senate Minutes Page 3 19-8 CSUN President Steve Evenson announced that Seattle TV show needed students for a show being done in Las Vegas on February 5,6,7,8; any students interested in more information should see him. VII. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. Approval of Tyra Flaig as Assistant Entertainment and Programming Director. B. Introduction/Approval of Jamel Allen as the Office Public Informations Director. C. Introduction/Approval of Michelle Saunders as the Nevada Student Affairs Director. D. Introduction/Approval of Ray Frankulin as the Appropriations Board Director. E. Introduction/Approval of waiving bylaw 4 and approving Jeff Giehs as CSUN Vice President Pro Tempore. VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was none. IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of National Federation of Community Broadcasters Conference, May 12-18th for $719.00. Rob Rosenthal and J.P. Muntal will attend the conference. To come out of the 901 account. There was no action taken at this time. B. Introduction/Approval of $25 for Quciksilver Editor; raise a month. Motion by Senator Kurzer to approve items B. and D., as a whole. B. Approval of $25 for Quicksilver Editor; raise a month. D. Approval of $25 for Student Services Director; raise a month. Seconded by Senator Frankulin. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried with thirteen in favor, one opposed (DeMars) and no abstentions. Senate Minutes Page 4 19-8 C. Introduction/Approval of $25 for Entertainment and Programming Director; raise a month. Motion by Senator Walker to approve. Seconded by Senator Saunders. There was discussion. Chief Justice Joe Bunin addressed the Senate. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. E. Nominations for vacant Education Seat. 1. Stephanie Corroran 2. Joel Koestman Motion by Senator Walker to close nominations. Seconded by Senator Frankulin. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. F. Nominations for vacant Health Sciences Seat. 1. Vicki New berry Greg Bailey nominated Deborah Johnson to the vacant Health Sciences Seat. Senator Rosenberg nominated David P. Anderson to the vacant Health Sciences Seat. Motion by Senator Rosenberg to close nominations for the vacant Health Sciences Seat. Seconded by Senator Saunders. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. G. Nominations for the vacant Business and Economics Seat. 1. Sami Alkahal 2. Steve Lee 3. Mario Menez 4. Rick Gillett 5. Peri Alletto Motion by Senator Bauhs to close nominations for the vacant Business and Economics Seat. Senate Meeting 19-8 P - 5 Seconded by Senator DeMars. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. H. Nominations for the vacant Science and Math Seat. 1. Mim Clay - withdrawn 2. Bud Benneman 3. Marion Deniston Motion by Senator Kurzer to close nominations. Seconded by Senator Walker. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. N. Nominations for the vacant Engineering Seat. 1. Paige Zielinski 2. David Berkowitz 3. Jay Brandli Motion by Senator Rosenberg to close nominations. Seconded by Senator Saunders. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. I. Nominations for Teacher and Excellence Award. (One per college). There was no action taken at this time concerning this issue. J. Nominations for three people to attend the Student Government Conference. CSUN President Steve Evenson nominated Jeff Geihs. Senator Walker nominated Melanie Rosenberg. Senator DeMars nominated Roderick Colebrook. Senator Kurzer nominated Chuck Walker. Senator Hoferer nominated Gina Polovina. Senator Saunders nominated Becky Hoferer. K. Approval of Student Government Conference for three students to attend at $368 per person. Senate Minutes 19-8 Page 6 Motion to approve by CSUN Vice President Dick Hubbell. Seconded by Senator Walker. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried with twelve in favor, no opposed, and two abstentions (Kurzer, Young). L. Override of CSUN President Steve Evenson's veto concerning the override of the Food and Beverage Operating Policy. There was no action taken. M. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. A. Approval of Tyra Flaig as Assistant Entertainment and Programming Director. This item was concerned out of order. B. Introduction/Approval of Jamel Allen as the Office of Public Information Director. This motion was concerned out of order. Motion by Senator Kurzer to move out of the order of the day and approve items D. and E., and waive bylaw 4. There were objections. Call for a vote. Motion failed with nine in favor, two opposed, and three abstentions. Motion to approve items D. and E. as a whole by Senator Kurzer. D. Approval of Ray Frankulin as the Appropriations Board Director. E. Approval of waiving bylaw 4 and approving Jeff Geihs as CSUN Vice President Pro Tempore. Seconded by CSUN Vice President Dick Hubbell. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried with twelve in favor, one opposed, and one abstention. CSUN Chief Justice Joe Bunin swore in Jeff Geihs as CSUN Vice President Pro Tempore. Motion by CSUN President Steve Evenson to approve item C. of Executive Board Nominations. C. Approval of Michelle Saunders as the Nevada Student Affairs Director. Seconded by Senator Hoferer. There was discussion. Senator Polovina moved to have Allen Chastain retain the floor. CSUN President Steve Evenson objected to Allen Chastain retaining the floor. There was discussion. CSUN President Steve Evenson withdrew his objection. There was no discussion. Allen Chastain addressed the Senate. There was discussion. Motion by CSUN Vice President Dick Hubbell to limit discussion to only three more people. Seconded by CSUN President Steve Evenson. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried with fourteen in favor, no opposed, and one abstention (DeMars). There was discussion. Call for a vote on the main motion. Roll Call vote. In Favor Opposed Abstention Kurzer Polovina Bailey Saunders Valenti Geihs Hoferer Rosenberg Elliott Frankulin Walker Bauhs Colebrook Senate Minutes 19-8 Page 8 In Favor Opposed Abstention DeMars Young Motion carried with tweleve in favor, two opposed, and one abstention. 0. Approval of $150 stipend a month for NSA Director and a 24 credit fee waiver. This motion was considered out of order. P. Approval of $150 stipend a month for OPI Director and a 24 credit fee waiver. This motion was considered out of order. Q. Approval of $100 stipend a month for CSUN Vice President Pro Tempore. This motion was considered out of order. X. OPEN DISCUSSION Senator Saunders resigned her Academic Advising Seat. She nominated James Swank to the vacant Academic Advising Seat. Senator Hoferer congratulated Michelle Saunders on being appointed to the Nevada Student Affairs as Director. She was upset that things are talked about behind the Senator's backs and that the Senate doesn't find out and things until the issue is brought before them. Senator Polovina wished Michelle Saunders luck with her directorship. Senator Valenti mentioned that she supported Michelle Saunders and she hoped that she do a good job. Senator Walker mentioned that there were no minorities on the Executive Board. He also spoke about the organizations board's problem concerning organization's getting CSUN recognized, funded and their basketball tickets. Senator Kurzer announced that the 49ers won the Superbowl. He has gave the Senate a sports run down in basketball. Senator Young announced that she didn't feel that there was much of a problem. She spoke about the basketball ticket issue. She felt that there should be a female on the Executive Board if she is qualified, and only if she is qualified. Tyron Smith mentioned that he used to be a senator and parlimentarian in the past in CSUN. Senate Minutes 19-8 ge 9 CSUN Vice President Jeff Geihs mentioned that Michelle Saunders had her work cut out for herself. Allen Chastain addressed the Senate. r Dean Ackerman addressed the Senate concerning basketball tickets. Marion Deniston addressed the Senate as a candidate for the Science and Math Seat. Paige Zielinski addressed the Senate as a candidate for the Engineering Seat. Mario Menez addressed the Senate as a candidate for the business and Economics Seat. CSUN Vice President Dick Hubbell spoke about the ticket distribution for basketball. He thanked Senator Rosenberg, Phil DaQuino, Joyce Gracia, Palma, Senator Young and Senator Walker for their help with ticket distribution. CSUN President Steve Evenson spoke concerning the Senate Resolution. Motion by CSUN President Steve Evenson to approve Senate Resolution 19-1 with the Following changes: A resolution regarding Utah State University basketball coach Kohn Smith. WHEREAS: The Utah State University basketball coach, Kohn Smith, made several ignorant, biased and an unfounded comments against UNLV student athletes and; WHEREAS: Kohn Smith made several untrue statements about the integrity of our campus and our faculty and; WHEREAS: Kohn Smith is a first year coach who's having a losing season with a program that has never beat UNLV and; WHEREAS; That until Kohn Smith can prove his outrageous charges against UNLV students and staff he should worry more about Utah State winning games and less about the cars students drive. Further, BE IT RESOLVED: That, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, represented in the CSUN Senate declare KOhn Smith persona-non-grata on the UNLV campus for eternity or until a team he coaches reaches the Final Four whichever comes first. Senate Minutes 19-8 Page 10 Seconded by Senator Saunders. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. Sam Liebrman addressed the Senate. CSUN Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Bailey congratulated everyone who was appointed at the Senate Meeting. He announced that his beeper number is 368-8375; this will enable everyone to get in touch with him. XI. ADJOURNMENT CSUN Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Bailey adjourned the Senate meeting at 6:42pm. Respectfully Submitted and Prepared By: CSUN Senate President Pro Tempore