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Executive committee meeting minutes, May 18, 1994



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    EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MAY 18, 1994 PRESENT ABSENT Dr. Allan Boruszak Michael Cherry Daryl Alterwitz Amy Boruszak Dan Goldfarb Sandy Mallin Gene Greenberg Art Marshall Michael Novick Dr. Marv Perer Dr. Neville Pokroy Leslie Simon Doug Unger GUESTS Laura Kaplansky Jonathan Kaufman Norman Tillis STAFF Ronni Epstein Tony Figueredo Sharon Heiman Suzan Loeb I. WELCOME Dr. Allan Boruszak welcomed everyone to the May 18th Executive Committee meeting. He asked for acceptance of the April 12th Minutes. Mike Novick motioned to accept the April 12 Minutes, Doug Unger seconded and the motion carried. II. INTRODUCTION OF NORMAN TILLIS Allan said when the Federation negotiated a program with the United Jewish Appeal to pay off our back debts, Mr. Norman Tillis a National Vice Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, from Rhode Island was instrumental in helping us achieve an amicable solution to this issue. He said Norman was with us tonight to reflect on his feelings of the past. Norman said he was appreciative of things the Las Vegas Federation has done, and reviewed UJA's "profile" of the Vegas Campaign. He said this years's campaign was outstanding, but he was disappointed 1 of the percentage UJA was to receive, although, he understood the percentage after meeting with Allan today. Norman said the 500,000th Russian Jew will come to Israel next week. He said there were 30,000 Jews in Turkey and they are very frightened. They are frightened of being assimilated as 10% - 15%, and probably more like 30%, of the children are intermarrying. He said, also, two months ago there were local elections and 19% of the vote went to Islamic Fundamentalists, and the Turkish Jews see Turkey once again becoming Islamic in the future. Norman said it was wonderful to see this community raise dollars to go overseas and urged a commitment that as the campaign goes up, the percentage to go overseas is raised 2 points a year until level with the rest of the country. He said the UJA/Federation relations were strained for many years and with negotiations some of the Federation's debt was written off and our payments over the last year and one-half have almost paid the remaining debt off. Allan thanked Norman for coming to speak to the Executive Committee, and for being supportive of the Las Vegas Jewish community. III. CAMPAIGN REPORT Allan said in the absence of Dr. Perer Mike Novick will make the Campaign Report. Mike said the Campaign has reached $1.1 million dollars. He said Campaign Chairman Marv Perer met with the Campaign Cabinet to analyze the 1994 Campaign and will be meeting with them again mid June to begin planning for 1995. He said there were still a few cards outstanding. Allan said UJA would like us to take 5% more of our Campaign and give it to UJA, but understood why we could not do this in 1994. He said the national average of giving from the Campaign to UJA is 41%. Allan thanked Mike for the Campaign Report. IV. WOMEN'S DIVISION REPORT Allan called on Amy Boruszak to make the Women's Division Report. Amy said the Women's Division held their 1994/95 installation at the Tournament Players Club. She said the Federation appreciated Sandy Mallin hosting this event. Amy said the event was attended by out going Board members, incoming Board members and their guests. Ronni said admission to the event was to bring someone who might be interested in becoming involved in the Federation. 2 ( Amy said the Women's Division has almost reached the $400,000 mark and would be there by the end of the Campaign. She said the Division would meet at the end of June to formally analyze the 1994 Women's Division Campaign and begin planning for Campaign 1995. Allan thanked Amy for the Women's Division Report. V. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT Allan conducted a closed meeting to discuss the Personnel Committee recommendations. Allan said a 6% pension plan was approved. VI. FEDERATION BUDGET Allan conducted a closed meeting to discuss the Federation Budget. Allan requested the Minutes reflect the General Fund Budget was motioned for acceptance by Doug Unger and seconded by Daryl Alterwitz with the motion carrying. VII. FUNDING FOR DEMOGRAPHIC STUDY Allan said even though the Campaign has significantly increased it is obvious that Las Vegas needs to raise significantly more than 1.1 million dollars to provide all the needed programs and services and still maintain our commitment to our family in Israel. He said the Board approved the Demographic Study and Needs Assessment for the next fiscal year, and he felt it would be a strain on the community to take the funding out of the 1994 Campaign. Allan said therefore, the Federation went to the Foundation Committee to request the funds to come from a variety of different endowments and unrestricted monies that are appropriately available for this purpose. He called on Daryl Alterwitz to advise us where the funds could come from. Daryl said the Endowment Committee need ways to become more visible in the community. He said we have the Goldberg Endowment which is to be used to provide senior housing in Las Vegas. He said it would be consistent to use the interest from this endowment for the Study. Daryl said the Shipper I & II Fund also has interest that can be used. Amy said the Planning Committee requested up to $55,000 to cover the Study. Daryl said by the Endowment Committee sponsoring the Study will have a good start to get name recognition within the community. 3 Daryl Alterwitz motioned the interest of the following funds be used to cover the Demographic Study and Meeds Assessment: Shipper I Fund $20,152 Shipper II Fund $ 7,348 Goldberg Fluid $27,500 TOTAL $55,000 Doug Unger seconded and after discussion the motion carried. Allan thanked Daryl for his report. VIII. NOMINATING COMMITTEE Allan called on Doug Unger for a brief Nominating Committee Report. Doug said the Nominating Committee has been holding meetings and have re-nominated the 10 members up for renewal and up to 10 new members to serve on the Board. Doug Unger announced the 94/95 Executive Committee as follows: President Dr. Allan N. Boruszak First Vice President Michael Novick Second Vice President Douglas Unger Treasurer Ira Fischbein Secretary Sandy Mallin Allan thanked Doug for his report. IX. GOOD AND WELFARE Ronni said the community should be proud of how they rallied together this year. She thanked everyone for being very supportive of her in her first year. X. ADJOURNMENT Allan asked for a motion to adjourn. Gene Greenberg motioned to adjourn the meeting with Daryl Alterwitz seconding the motion. Motion carried. AGENDA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 18, 1994 I. WELCOME II. INTRODUCTION OF NORMAN TILLIS III. CAMPAIGN REPORT IV. WOMEN'S DIVISION REPORT V. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT VI. FEDERATION BUDGET VII. FUNDING FOR DEMOGRAPHIC STUDY VIII. NOMINATING COMMITTEE IX. GOOD AND WELFARE X. ADJOURNMENT JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS S1GESMU.VD CEKTER - 3909 South Maryland Park?vy. Suite 400 - Las Vegas. Nevada 89119-7520 (702) 732-0556 - FAX (702) 732-3223