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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, March 1, 1922 to May 10, 1929, lvc000002-137


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    held on the 12th day of August, A. D. 1924, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF LAS VEGAS, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, AUGUST 12, 1924. At a regular adjourned meeting of the Board of City Commissioners, of the City of Las Vegas, held on the 12th day of August, A. D. 1924, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. Present, his Honor the Mayor, W. C. German, with Commissioners Shield and Matzdorf, together with the City Attorney and City Clerk. At this time it was ordered, upon motion of Commissioner Matzdorf, seconded by Com­missioner Shield, that the claim of Helen J. Stewart in the sum of $1400 for a right of way purchased by the City for the proposed highway be, and the same is hereby allowed, and the Clerk was directed to draw a warrant in said sum of $1400 in favor of Helen J. Stewart. Said warrant to be delivered to A. W. Ham, City Attorney, who shall deliver the same to the said Helen J. Stewart, after receiving a properly executed deed to the above mentioned right of way. Voting Commissioners Shield and Matzdorf, and his Honor the Mayor, W. C. German aye, Noes none. Upon motion of Commissioner Matzdorf, seconded by Commissioner Shield, the following resolution was ordered spread upon the minutes of the Board. WHEREAS, the Department of Highways at the request of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, is preparing plans and specifications for the improvement of Main and Fremont Streets within the City of Las Vegas, and WHEREAS, it has been decided to improve Fremont Street with a hard surface pavement and it appearing to the said Board of City Commissioners that an asphaltic concrete pavement will be more satisfactory and cheaper than any patented processes heretofore considered, be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Department of Highways be, and is hereby requested to improve Fremont Street between Main and Fifth Streets, with asphaltic, concrete pavement, in accord­ance with the proposed "cross-section of street improvement at Las Vegas", prepared by the Department of Highways March 7th, 1924, and be it therefore further RESOLVED, that the Department of Highways include in the improvement of Fremont Street the repairing of all cement curbs where necessary between Main and Third Streets, the removal of the existing timber curbs between Third and Fifth Streets, and their replacement with cement curbs. The vote on said resolution was as follows: Commissioners Matzdorf, Shield and his Honor the Mayor, W. C. German, aye, Noes none. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, it was ordered, upon motion duly made and carried, that the Board adjourn until the next regular meeting, to be held on Tuesday, September 2nd, 1924, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M.