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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, November 1, 1984






Includes meeting agenda and minutes with additional information about bylaws. CSUN Session 15 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000449. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA Senate Meeting #15-1 November 1, 19 84 MSU Lounge 203 4:00 p.m. X. call to Order II. Roll Call III. Administration of Oath IV. Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations VI. Board, Committee Reports A. Entertainment and Programming B. Intramurals C. Organization Board D. Student Services E. Radio Board F. Nevada Student Affairs J. 1. Action - approval of amendments to Operating Policy G. Appropriations Board H. Yell I. Other VII. New Business A. Nomination for vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement (1) 2. Education (1) B. Approval of Executive Board Nominations 1. Tom Muir to Academic Standards Committee 2. Debra Cone to Radio Board Member 3. Bill DiBennadetto to NSA 4. Robert Ashley to Elections Board Chairman C. Approval of Entertainment & Programming Contracts 1. Avengers 2. Rock ' n Roll Heaven 3. Nemisis 4. Shiela Cloud 5. Fair Warning D. Approval of S.B. 15-1 - Motor Pool and Travel UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA Senate Meeting #15-1 November 1, 19 84 MSU Lounge 203 4:00 p.m. X. call to Order II. Roll Call III. Administration of Oath IV. Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations VI. Board, Committee Reports A. Entertainment and Programming B. Intramurals C. Organization Board D. Student Services E. Radio Board F. Nevada Student Affairs J. 1. Action - approval of amendments to Operating Policy G. Appropriations Board H. Yell I. Other VII. New Business A. Nomination for vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement (1) 2. Education (1) B. Approval of Executive Board Nominations 1. Tom Muir to Academic Standards Committee 2. Debra Cone to Radio Board Member 3. Bill DiBennadetto to NSA 4. Robert Ashley to Elections Board Chairman C. Approval of Entertainment & Programming Contracts 1. Avengers 2. Rock 'n Roll Heaven 3. Nemisis 4. Shiela Cloud 5. Fair Warning D. Approval of S.B. 15-1 - Motor Pool and Travel UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 E. Approval of Resolution #15-1 - Withdrawl refund Policy F. Approval of 14th Session recommendation, retain Bylaws Committee members and Chairman. G. Action - KUNV/Urban Sumirs Dance November 10, 1984. H. Approval of' $600 for Intramural Indoor Soccer League. I. Approval of Publications Board recommendation #1, Board authorized Chairperson to take an inventory of all existing "Epilogue" year books and to promote their sale to either the UNLV Alumni Association or through their News Letter to interested parties. Chairperson was authorized by Board to distribute News releases to local News Papers to solicit the sale of remaining yearbooks. J. Approval of Publications Board recommendation #2, recommend the advertising begin immediately to recruit a new editor for the "Quicksilver"" publication to~be published in the late — spring of 19 85. Candidates for the position must be a matricu-lated undergraduate students in good standing. The final date for the acceptance of applications is November 16, 1984 by 5:00 p.m. All applciatns must submit completed applications and detailed proposal for Quicksilver and grade verification sheet. .'II. Open Discussion IX. Adjournment typ cpy pst SUPPLEMENT TO AGENDA SENATE MEETING #15-1 November 1, 19 8 4 MSU Lounge 20 3 4:00 p.m. VII. New Business C. Approval of Entertainment & Programming Contracts 6. Tailer Rentals CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT MINUTES Senate Meeting #15-1 November 1, 19 8 4 MSU 203 I. CALL TO ORDER Senate President Haldeman called the meeting to order at 4:06pm. II. ROLL CALL The Secretary called the roll of the Senate-elect: III. ADMINISTRATION OF THE OATH Chief Justice Earl Mitchell approached the Senate-elect to admin-ister the oath of office. All Senators-elect repeated the oath and were applauded. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS UNLV President Maxson, present at the meeting, announced the receipt of a $1 million donation from Margaret Elardi for scholarships for Nevada Valedictorians. Senate President Haldeman asked President Anderson to draft a thank you letter to Ms. Elardi. President Anderson concurred. President Anderson stated that a report on his trip to Washington, D. C. for the Creative Management on Higher Education Conference will be available shortly. Senator Varona announced that he is circulating a petition to get better lighting on campus. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 present absent Senator Acker Senator Adams (excused) Senator Champagne Senator Mortenson (unexcused) Senator Davis Senator Nellis (excused) Senator Harrington Senator Hendrick Senator Holm Senator Kelleher Senator Kowalczyk Senator Larson Senator Maestas Senator Muir Senator Nichols Senator Smith Senator Varona Senator Warn SENATE MEETING #15-1 p. 2 V. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS No nominations were made. VI. BOARD, COMMITTEE, AND DIRECTOR REPORTS A. Entertainment and Programming Chairman Rathner reported on the Halloween Party that drew 200 paid and 100 comped people. He also announced the art sale in MSU netted E&P $196. Additionally, Rathner discussed the planned events for Homecoming,: B. Intramurals Chairman Fazi discussed the progress on the Soccer teams. C. Organizations Board No report. D. Student Services Chairman Varona discussed the progress in Student Services. E. Radio Board Chairman Smith stated that his last meeting failed to meet due to the holiday. F. Nevada Student Affairs President Anderson gave the report on behalf of the Chairman. He discussed the Honors Program survey, stating that a blue-print is being prepared for the program. No action was taken on the amendments to the Operating Policy. G. Appropriations Board Chairman Fischer reported on each account. President Anderson left the meeting at 4:36 pm. H. Publications Board No Report. I. Other Elections Board Chairman Ashley announced that Sari Bloom and Scott.Black received their third unexcused absence and were removed from the Board. Also, the Board certified the election at their last meeting. SENATE MEETING #15-1 p. 3 VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Nominations for vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement Senator Nichols nominated Bill DeBenedetto. 2. Education Senator Maestas nominated Nichole Peterson. B. Approval of Executive Board Nominations 1. Tom Muir to Academic Standards Committee 2. Debra Cone to Radio Board, member 3. Bill DeBenedetto to NSA 4. Robert Ashley to Elections Board Chairman Senator Nichols moved to approve items 1 through 4 as a whole. Senator Acker seconded. The motion carried with 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. C. Approval of Entertainment and Programming Contracts 1. Avengers Senator Varona moved to approve. There were several seconds. The motion carried with 15 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstaining. Items 2 through 6 were removed from the agenda. D. Approval of S.B. 15-1: Motor Pool and Travel Senator Varona introduced the bill. E. Approval of Resolution #15-1: Withdrawl refund policy No action. F. Approval of 14th session recommendation, retain Bylaws Committee members and Chairman. Senator Varona moved to reappoint the Bylaws Committee members and Chairman as it stood prior to the new Senate. Senator Holm seconded. The motion carried with 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. Vice President Fischer left the meeting at 4:55 pm. G. Action: KUNV Urban Sunrise Dance No action was taken. SENATE MEETING #15-1 p. 4 H. Approval of $600 for Intramural Indoor Soccer Team. Senator Nichols moved to approve, with the monies coming from the 906 Contingency Account. Senator Larson seconded. The motion carried with 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. I. Approval of Publications Board recommendation #1, Board author-ized Chairperson to take an inventory of all existing "Epilogue" year books and to promote their sale to either the UNLV Alumni Association or through their News Letter to interested parties. Chairperson was authorized by Board to distribute News Releases to local newspapers to solicit the sale of re-maining yearbooks. Senator Holm moved, Senator Acker seconded. The motion carried with 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. J. Approval of Publications Board recommendation #2, recommend the advertising begin immediately to recruit a new editor for the Quicksilver publication to be published in the late spring of 1985. Candidates for the position must be a matriculated undergraduate student in good standing. The final date for the acceptance of applications is November 16, 1984 by 5:00 pm. All applicants must submit completed applications and detailed proposal for Quicksilver and grade verification sheet. Senator Holm moved to approve. Senator Acker seconded. The motion carried with 14 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstaining (Champagne). Senator Nichols announced that he would distribute football tickets. Senator Larson asked about the Senate retreat. After much discus-sion, it was decided to hold the retreat on Friday, November 30th, from 6pm to 10 pm. Senate President Haldeman reminded the new Senators of the deadline for agenda submissions. Senator Varona distributed petitions. Senator Acker moved to adjourn. Senator Larson seconded. The motion carried with 12 in favor, 1 opposed (Nichols), and 2 abstaining (Maestas, Champagne). The Senate adjourned at 5:14 pm. VIII. Open Discussion IX. Adjournment Attesrt : James Ohriner, Executive ^ Secretary CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT AGENDA Senate Meeting #15-2 November 8, 198 4 M&8~Oasis Lounge ^<£>"3 4:00 p.m. I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes IV. Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations VI. Board, Committee, and Director Reports A. Entertainment and Programming B. Intramurals C. Organizations Board D. Student Services E. Radio Board F. Publications Board G. Nevada Student Affairs 1. Action - Approval of amendments to operating policy H. Appropriations Board I. Other VII. Old Business A. Nominations for vacant Senate Seats 1. Academic Advisement (1): Bill DeBenedetto 2. Education (1): Nichole Peterson B. Nominations for Senate President Pro Tempore C. Approval of S-B. 15-1: Motor Pool and Travel UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 page 2 D. Action - KUNV/Urban Sunrise Dance VIII. New Business A. Appointment of candidates to fill vacant Senate seats. B. Appointment of Senate President Pro Tempore C. Action - Yellin' Rebel Editors D. Approval of contracts, Entertainment and Programming 1. Roger K. Saint ($700) 2. ATO Pledge Class ($50) for clean up of Halloween Party 3. $200 for clean up of Homecoming, three days, organization TBA E. Approval of Senate Resolution #15-1: Withdrawl refund policy F. Endorsement of Petition: Lighting on campus - Varona „ _ JL 38 Fh IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment typ: J j Q cpy: pst: