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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, August 2002



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    June/July 2002 - Vol. XVII No. 9 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Jennifer C. Weiner Assistant Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Stewart Blumenfeld President 21 Sivan - 22 Av 5762 Irv DUCHOWNY Executive Director Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Lois Bergman Preschool Director Andrea Brunner Bulletin Editor CNT's Sign is Rising!! Congregation Ner Tamid has entered escrow on a 10-acre piece of land located just northwest of the intersection of 215 and West Sunset! Recently a construction sign was raised on the future site of the new CNT campus for Reform Judaism in Las Vegas. (Pictured are Rabbi Akselrad, Scott Stolberg, chair of the L?Dor VaDor, Yad b?Yad Campaign and Jerry Gordon, Land Acquisition sub-chair). Slated to open mid-2005, this campus will embody Jewish life, learning and spiritual renewal and serve the needs of the congre?gation and the broader community for generations to come. If you have questions, or want to visit the site, contact Scott Stolberg or Yvonne Gordon THE VOICES OF PLURALISM WIN AGAIN! THANK YOU TO ALL WHO VOTED AND HELPED IN THE CAMPAIGN! ARZA/WORLD UNION (REFORM) WINS 42% AT WORLD ZIONIST CONGRESS, MERCAZ (CONSERVATIVE) WINS 22% Please join us in welcoming Meyer Bodoff, Executive Director of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, to CNT on Friday June 14 th at 7:30 PM Mr. Bodoff will be speaking about Israel. In This Issue... Worship Services 2 Rabbi's Message 2 Message from our President 3 Executive Director Message 4 Religious School/Preschool 5-6 Auxiliaries 7-8 June & July B'nai Mitzvahs 9 Birthdays 18 Anniversaries 15 Tributes 19-20 In Memoriam 20 Yahrzeits 21 (the Bulletin is published monthly) A SpeciaC (Place To (BeCongCongregation N e r Tam id Rabbi vs Mtssace # Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem ?Grant us peace, Thy most precious gift. O Thou eternal source of Peace...? 1 remember those words from the old Union Prayer Book from my childhood. They seemed so beautiful, so poetic, so relevant. Growing up in the 60?s I related those words to Vietnam and in 1967 to Israel. The cold war loomed large in the backdrop of the tension between the super powers, I hoped to grow up in a world where nuclear war would become a remote possibility. Grant us peace, we prayed. And we wondered when people would leam how to live in harmony with their neighbor, when democracy would rule, and communism would be defeated. Towards the end of the 20th century we seemed closer to world peace than ever before. The cold war ended, democra?cy flourished throughout the world, and Israel and her neigh?bors seemed to be making increasing progress towards peace. But this new century has not brought with it the promise of the old. It is as if in some respects we are starting afresh. Peace and the thought of peace seem far away in the Middj^^ East. Writing this column at the end of April, there are some positive signs on the horizon of the cooling of tensions, but I do not feel that Israel and her neighbors are any closer to peace. Nineteen months ago, the Palestinians were offered a deal where they could have received control over 97 % of their desired territory, with the disputed 3 % being swapped for other land. A deal that many wondered if then Prime Minister Barak could have brought to fruition because of security concerns in Israel. But nonetheless there was hope. Hope for sincere negotiations on both sides. Hope for peace. Hope for a renaissance of trade and relations in the region where everyone would benefit. And it all turned to bitter water when Arafat turned it down and called for the intifada. Some 20 months have gone by and it seems clearer than ever before that Arafat cares only about one thing-that there will be a Palestinian state only in the land of Israel. Not adjacent to Israel. The world that so loudly declared its antipathy to terror after 9/11 has become confused. There is no desire to declare Arafat or his organization terrorists. Yet, there are loud Euro?pean denunciations of Israel at every corner, even whilel continues on page 11 June/July 2002 Temple Board Members Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld President Scott Stolberg Richard Granich Ira Spector Hilary Torchin Mindy Wadkins Scott Dockswell Ira Miller Leon Marco Lynn Sasso Esther Saltzman Jacky Rosen Robb Worth Beth Bromberg Cookie Lea Olshein Esq. Cecilia Schafler Gina Polovina Doug Unger Ruth Urban Michael Milano Samantha Saltzman Sandy Pittle Drew Levy Bob Unger Esq. Jerry Gordon Esq. Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Dr. Steve Kollins Hon. Michael Cherry 1r. Bernard Farrow Eugene Kirshbaum* David Goldwater* Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Rabbi Jennifer Weiner VP Administration VP Membership VP Religious Activities VP Education & Youth VP Member Activities VP Social Action VP Ways & Means Treasurer Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Sisterhood Brotherhood NTTY Golden Chai PastPresident Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Ex Officio Ex Officio //// ESSAGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT A YEAR'S GONE BY Until just a year ago, CNTs fiscal year ran from July to June, while the membership year ran from Jan?uary to December. Last Spring, for reasons related to more effi?cient annual planning, the Board voted to change our fiscal year to the calendar year. For now, how?ever, were still holding our annual congregational meeting, as our by?laws require, on the second Sun?day in June?June 9th, this year. At our annual congregational meet?ing, besides eating hotdogs and hamburgers, we elect trustees and some officers. We also use the occasion for the rabbi to deliver his "State-of-the-Schul" address and for the officers to present a written report to the congregation on significant events in their ar?eas of responsibility. I hope most of you are planning to be with us on the 9th. It?s been a full year. Even before the last temple year ended, the Board had decided that new tem?ple management software could con?tribute greatly to improving the accuracy of our membership records and our financial manage?ment system. The switchover was accomplished in the first several months of the year (Jacky Rosen helped a lot with this effort) and many new accounting procedures were put in place by our treasur?er, Leon Marco. The result is in?deed a system that enables us to send out more accurate state?ments and provides much clearer financial reports to the Board. The Board also decided to move its meetings from the first Tues?day of the month to the second Tuesday so that it could be sure of receiving complete financial re?ports for the previous month. (Board meetings, by the way, are open to all members of the con?gregation. We start at 7:15; you're invited.) In July, following a major search effort led by David Stahl, we suc?ceeded in hiring Rabbi Jennifer Weiner to be our Assistant Rab?bi, making CNT the first synagogue in the state to enjoy the services on the pulpit of two rabbis and the first in Las Vegas to have a female rabbi. (Our sister UAHC congregation in Reno also has a lady rabbi.) No sooner had we set?tled that matter than we found ourselves in need of a new temple administrator. The search was long and arduous and in the inter?im, CNT was blessed to have the voluntary services of Leon Marco as Interim Executive Director. The Search Committee reviewed the resumes of more than 90 ap?plicants for the job. Of those, we interviewed four and ultimate?ly selected Irv Duchowny, who was then based in Los Angeles. Irv, as you know, began working with us in March. Throughout the year, we made lots of small improve?ments in the energy-efficiency of the temple facility by changing lights, sealing doors, and improv- continues on page 10 A S pecial June/July 2002 Place To Belong ^ 3 ^ It?s hard to believe we just completed our second season of Family Services with the Shabbatones. The remarks and feedback from th congregation have been extremely positive and we, as a band, appreciate everyone?s comments. One of the greatest compliments I received about the service came from a gentleman in his 70?s. He told me he had been coming to services all of his life, but never felt so spiritual as when he comes to hear our Shabbas Band. This compliment really struck me. I know that we?re reaching people and that feels good. The band will take a break during the summer from playing on second Friday?s, but will be rehearsing throughout the upcoming months for our next season. We are working on some new melodies and liturgy for the New Year. We are also working on ideas to encourage our families to attend regularly, especially those with religious school aged children. Look for the upcoming information in the fall. I have to thank all of those who are involved in the band for their friendship and efforts. Everyone works on a volunteer basis and we are truly blessed to have such dedicated musicians among us. Ira Spector on Lead Guitar, Glori Rosenberger on Guitar and vocals, Alan Molasky also on guitar, Jay Poster on clarinet, Brad Torchin on bass, Mike Adler on drums and Ed Birch on keyboards. You are all so special!!! Another group that rehearses throughout the summer is our High Holiday Adult Choir. Since I have had a ?core group? of singers for the past 10 years, I feel it?s necessary to give some special attention to new members; therefore, I am trying something new to encourage new members to join the group (especially tenors and basses). During the month of July, I will hold four ?new member rehearsals? where we will focus on learning some of the basic music for the High Holidays. These rehearsals will begin Tuesday, July 9 from 7:00 - 9:00 pm and continue each Tuesday throughout the month. If you are interested in joining the choir, please call me in the temple office so we might discuss the entire rehearsal schedule and requirements. B?shalom, ?Be.fta A Messaqe From T^e Executive Director My Hat?s Off To ...... Our Volunteers!!! Temple offices often run in mysterious and magical ways. Decisions are made, actions are implemented. Information gets disseminated via the printed word, tele?phone or the internet, and events hap?pen. We have a very busy event calendar, and we appreciate the help that we re?ceive. As I continue in the explorations of my new job, I have now seen not only our wonderful staff hard at work, but our great volunteers who contribute so much as well. We have some very caring, very giving Volunteers who make so many of our weekly and special functions run so smoothly. I?d like to recognize some of our hard?working Volunteers - those who come in each week and help with the mailings, or the copying that we all share, or the Fri?day night service participants we all see - these following people, plus anyone else I may have accidentally forgotten to list which I apologize for, all deserve the recognition and our heartfelt Thank You: Shirley Gellin, Ida Aberman, Jan & Doug Fleckner, Larry & Anne Sandell, Esther Esbin, Tammy Ostrow, Joe & Ronae Fink, Barbara Shulman, Toni Popowcer, Max?ine Molinsky and Frances Klamian. A special Thank You goes to our Shabba?tones Ira Spector, Alan Molasky, Jay Poster, Brad Torchin, Glori Rosenberger, Ed Birch and Mike Adler. In addition, I?d like to thank our Choir members Sus?an Breene, Bonni Casale, Dick DeFranco, DeeAnn Emmer, Marty Fessler, Randi Macosko, Michael Mehr, Christy Molas?ky, Jill Oaks, Fern Percheski, Sheldon & Barbara Rosenberg, Larry Rudolph (Rudy), Larry Sasso, Leah Sichel, Nanette Spector and Dina Wallin. In addition, I want to add a special line of recognition to our Men?s club volun?teers, for their ushering assistance we re?ceive each week, and to our Ladies of the Sisterhood and their volunteers who help out in the kitchen and gift shop on a regular basis. Again, a giant Thank You to all our won?derful volunteers who make CNT ?A Spe?cial Place to Belong?. Have a wonderful summer, and please stop by the office and say hi to our staff and volunteers. To be continued................ lrv check out Congregation N e r Tam id June/July 2002 Religious School News SCHOOL?S OUT TGIS (THANK GOD ITS SHABBAT) Recently, my son Eric wrote an essay for one of his many applications for college. He elaborated on a quote on the bottom of an inspirational picture that hangs on his bedroom wall, ?Success is the sum of small efforts day in and day out?. This year we had some new students who thought they would never learn to read Hebrew successfully, but they caught up with their grade level. Some of our special learners had their Bat/Bar Mitzvahs and did wonderfully. We found a few new teachers that know the joy of working with young people. These teachers are enjoying the experi?ence of teaching and are wonderful role models. Students are more prepared than ever when tested by Bella. There seems to be a greater level of respect for the Syna?gogue. (If only students, especially girls, would learn what is j^oper attire for services). Bffl of these have made us successful. Perhaps it is because of the students desire to please, the teachers enhancement of the curriculum and the parental support you give your child. Remember, the temple does not close down in summer. If you are afraid your child has fallen behind we will arrange summer tutoring. Please call the office 733-6292. Stu?dents preparing for Bat/Bar Mitzvah will have summer tutori?als and Bema appointments. Speeches need to be written. Materials will be sorted and evaluated as well as curriculum. Services will still take place. Please check your calendar. Several teachers are leaving so we are looking for energetic, creative people with patience. Don?t forget to register your child(ren), so that we can prepare classes and materials according to the special indi?vidual needs of all our students. CNT?s Religious School is planning an exciting education experience for your child. We are very aware that the childhood memories of religious school carry over to posi?tive involvement as a Jewish adult. Have a GREAT SUMMER?don?t forget to drink a lot of water and wear sunscreen. ^Shalom Jacfie ?Jbedgop Students are given a credit card that is punched when they attend services. In order to qualify for the Pizza Party, students in grades K, 1,2 & 3 must attend 9 services. Students in grades 4, 5, 6 & 7 must attend 12 services to enjoy the Pizza Party. Those who enjoyed the Pizza Party: Dillon Farrow Jacob Goldberg Jenna Hardaway Jasmyn Hardaway Jordan Hardaway Anna Lieberman Rebecca Mann Rachael McDermott Rachel Moody Melyssa Roe Rebecca Weiss Alec Wolfson Students who attend 18 or more services were invited to Circus Circus Grand Slam Canyon as well as the Pizza Party. 18 Shabbats & more: Jessica Popowcer Zachary Popowcer Makenzie Coon Ashley Frankl Kaitlin Shapin Ian Shapin Douglas Brill Anthony Brill Benjamin Stolberg Megan Stolberg Josh Weiner Justin Webb Jessica Heller-Knox Joshua Knox Megan Roe Gabriel Milano This year we will have two young people honored for attending services more than anyone else: Shomer Torah JESSICA POPOWCER Shomer Torah ZACHARY POPOWCER Each will carry a Torah during High Holiday services. Congratulations to all who participated!!!! A S p ecial June/July 2002 Place To Belong CNT ?RES?HeeL/ltlN?EI)CAftTEN//?MMtCft C The summer months are here and our preschool kindergarten year is coming to an end. It has been a year of fun and excitement, growth, and learning, for our students as well as our staff. Our preschool was at capacity and the second year of our kindergarten program was also a huge success. With the expanding student population we needed to hire more staff. What a great year. I really want to thank so many individuals who helped to make our year such a success. Our teaching staff is the best, Miss Eva, Miss Dorit, Miss Jean, Miss Alyson and Miss Johnson, you are superior in every way. You taught, assisted, carried, moved, painted, wiped away tears, fixed broken hearts, broken toys and broken furniture. The children and I all love you and thank you for being sooo wonderful. A special thanks to the ladies in the office, Mary, Marcia, Roberta, Karen and Michelle our bookkeeper. I couldn?t have done it without you. Irv Duchowny, our Executive Director has been helpful in supporting our school as well. Our dynamic Jacky Rosen who has always been there to help and guide us in any capacity: you are delightful, caring and talented, we thank you. Rabbi Akselrad has been there to guide, offer support and a helping hand. Thank you to all of you. All of our parents, friends and students have helped to make this our fourth year, a banner year. This last month of school has been very busy, as usual. We celebrated Mother?s Day with a great brunch and program, Shavout with songs, stories, pictures and crafts about the giving of the Torah. We also celebrated our country, learning about those who made it great, for Memorial Day. This month we are making final preparations for our two graduations and closing day celebrations. We are gearing up for next year, when preschool and kindergarten will resume on Monday August 26th. Our waiting list for next year grows every day, please call and make an appointment tN visit our school if you have a child or grandchild between the ages of 2 l\2-6 years of age and want a quality Jewish Preschooh Kindergarten education to begin your child's school experience on the right foot. CNT Camp Chaverium Our summer program is gearing up for a summer of fun, excitement and fellowship. Summer Camp will run from June 24!h through July 26th. We will accept children between the ages of 2 1\2- 9 years of age. Camp will have a summer filled with Jewish programming revolving around sports, arts and crafts, music, drama, karate, gymnastics, computer, talent shows, cooking etc. We will go on weekly field trips, enjoy Shabbat together and have a camp play, and puppet show. Our themes for the little ones 2 1 \2 -4 will be Noah?s Ark and It?s a Small World. There are a few spots remaing please reserve your spot so you won?t be left out. Lois ?Bergman Early Childhood Director Kindergarten learns about turtles from Miss Johnson L-R: Avi Feldman & Victor Arizza learn about paints L-R: Romi Sinay, Danielle Goldstein, Braden Pleggenkuhle sing a pajama song Congregation N e r Tamid June/July 2002 Auxiliaries tO" ?- ,. ^ i . v. i .. . t. i . Shalom, Sisterhood recently held its Donor event, which honors the women who have donated at least $100.00 to Sisterhood above and beyond their regular membership dues. Women can ?earn credit? toward this $100 equivalency by volunteering time in a number of different ways. We are grateful to the 60+ women who achieved this distinction. These special women attended a magnificent dinner and evening hosted by new member, Andrea Harris at her home in Seven Hills, which overlooks the entire valley. Andrea is a fabulous cook and dazzled everyone with her culinary talents. Sandy Stolberg, Susan Rodin and yours truly volunteered to assist Andrea in the preparation of the meal so we could learn from a master. Debbie Hallerman and her committee did a great job with all the arrangements and made this a truly memorable event. It is hard to believe it is already June and soon school will be out and soon the camp season will be starting. Sisterhood is proud that it has helped 20 children attend Jewish camps this summer by funding partial scholarships from the money raised during our FUN-D 4 Youth program and the Chanukah Bazaar. ^terhood also funds the monthly Tot Shabbat Programs offered at CNT. Sisterhood Board member Aimee Knox has chaired this program for the last three years and has done a marvelous job. She was assisted this year by a new Sisterhood member, Dena Mann. Sisterhood appreciates all the creativity and dedication Dena has given to the program, which has inspired many toddlers and preschoolers, along with their parents. For some this was their first Jewish experience. Thanks to funding by Sisterhood, Tot Shabbat is a free program open to the entire community, not just CNT members. Sisterhood also welcomes a new co-chair, Jana Pleggenkuhle who grew up in CNT as her parents are long time members, Renee and Leo Diamond. Jana now has two children of her own and is a second grade teacher at Estes McDoniel. I know Jana and Dena will continue in Amy?s footsteps and assure our young people have a meaningful Jewish experience. Tot Shabbat is offered the first Friday of every month from 6:30 to 7pm beginning in September. The program breaks for the summer months. Sisterhood has had a VERY busy year and we are looking forward to a short respite over the summer. This year we will continue offering a monthly program via Rosh Chodesh, on Monday, June 10, Tuesday, July 9, and Thursday, August 8th. This is a volunteer run spiritual program, which has been so popular, that we have leaders signed up for the next 6 months. The programs are open to any women in the community. Each month we have many first timers as well as the core group of returning women, who find this program very meaningful and enjoyable. I hope you will join us at least once to see for yourself. I recently hosted a new member coffee at my home that was organized by the membership Vice Presidents, Sheryl Chenin-Webb and Donna Willey. 12 new members were in attendance and we all had a great time getting to know each other. I was especially pleased because several of the new members volunteered to assist Sisterhood by filling some board vacancies and needs. I heartily welcome Sonja Eldar, who recently moved to town, and was active in her Sisterhood in the San Diego area. She will join current Board Member, Darlene Vaturi, as the new Vice Presidents of Ways and Means. Joining them as a committee member is Roberta Kelison who hales from Chicago and recently moved to Southern Nevada. Roberta has a wealth of experience in fundraising, but this is her first Sisterhood experience. These wonderful new women join many of our long time Sisterhood members to help complete our outstanding Board. As we all know the capital campaign is underway and is important to the future growth of our synagogue. This will enable us to have the space necessary to do all the things we would like to do. Sisterhood is excited that CNT has now selected its future site. We look forward to taking an active role in the planning of the new facility, particularly the kitchen and the gift shop spaces and I hope all our members will get behind this important and progressive endeavor. Thank you to Fay Schoenfeld and Sandy Stolberg for helping promote the Jewelry Show that Sisterhood held as a fundraiser and thanks to all of the women (and men) who made purchases. If you are interested in finding out more about Sisterhood, please join us at our regular board meetings, the second Thursday of each month. The board meetings are open to any Sisterhood member. We meet in the CNT library at 7:00pm. Please feel free to call me at 768-8529, or email me at if you have any questions about Sisterhood. I welcome your input and questions and look forward to meeting you personally. My very best, %ulfi Urban Sisterhood President SisterfioocC Congregation 'J^er Tumid A A S pecial Place To Belong^ June/July 2002 Auxiliaries Continued Men s Club Shalom. Well, this is it, my last bulletin article. It has been a whirl?wind these past two years but I would not have had it any other way. I want to thank everyone for the support you have given us. As I leave office I take great pride in our accomplishments. To have been the leader of this great club at its most prosperous time ever has so much mean?ing to me. I will always be able to look back and know that I made a difference. Every time the ark is opened, those Torah Crowns will be testament to our dedication and devotion. From the day I took office, every event just got better and better. I thank you for that. We gave away more money than ever before, sent more kids to camp than ever before, gave more money to the Temple than ever before, created more smiling faces than ever before and won two national awards doing it. I know I made some mistakes over the past two years but all in all the comments you all have made to me and all of the best wishes and thanks made me feel that I did the right job. I will be working with the NFTB (North Ameri?can Federation of Temple Brotherhoods) from now on, traveling around the southwest trying to raise membership in Men?s Clubs and getting them more active on a national level. I look forward to that challenge. I want to thank ever member of my board from last year and this, without your hard work and patience with me none of this would have been possible. I especially am greatful for your help with every crazy idea I had (like the Desert Princess Cruise that no one thought would work). Despite it all you worked hard and got people to the events. I learned a lot Congratulations to Rabbi Akselrad who was asked to participate in a special program on reinventing the synagogue in the 21st century sponsored by the Star Foundation. The Star Foundation gathered community leaders from all streams of Judaism to focus on issues related to synagogue growth, programming, and spirituality. The day long meeting took place in San Francisco at the Fairmont Hotel on May 14th. these past two years and the experiences will stay with me forever. I want to thank Rabbi Akselrad for being the best friend a guy could have. I want to thank Drew Levy for getting me off on the right foot and Stu Blumenfeld for helping me go out in style. I want to thank Leon Marco for putting his money by his mouth when Men?s Club put our money by ours. Leon you stepped up to the plate when we needed you and if you ask me, with bases loaded and two out in the ninth 1 want the bat in your hands. And Scott Stolberg, I want to thank you. You may not realize it but coming forth and letting by-gones be by-gones and giving your unconditional support for Men?s Club was as big to our success as anything else. I want to thank Irv Duch- owny who in just a few short months has been so dedicat?ed to our cause. And finally 1 want to thank Stu Solomon. In all my years with the Men?s Club I have never seen a harder working more dedicated soul. The creation of the Internet Report and our website was a stroke of genius that we can never put a price on. All the hours he spent designing and printing our flyers was instru?mental in getting our word out. If I did not mention soma! one I?m sorry. So many people played instrumental rolesr If you know who you are please accept a thanks from me. I?d like to leave with this, when you think of me and my years at the helm I hope you all will think I had a ?Great Dash and Did It My Way.? G-d bless all of you, Shalom and thank you. Michael Milano We want to wish Jenna Hardaway a special Mazel Tov for being the first award winner of the Amy M. Spector Campership. This annual award was established by Ira and Nannette Spector in memory of their beloved daughter Amy. Amy loved camp and treasured her Judaism. This award was established in order to give a full camp scholarship to an outstanding student who might otherwise not have the experi?ence of attending a Jewish camp. fifi Congregation N e r Tam id June/July 2002 Leah Wikler m | 1 Bat Mitzvah June 7, 2002 Eric Kessler Bar Mitzvah June 15, 2002 Hi, my name is Leah Wikler. I am in the 7th grade at Greenspun Junior High School. I enjoy dancing and being with my friends. I am very excited about my Bat Mitzvah on June 7th and about celebrating with my family and friends. My name is Eric Kessler. I go to the Hebrew Academy. When I?m not in school I like to play soccer, do photography, go horseback riding and building models. My bar mitzvah date is Saturday June 15, 2002. I can?t wait! David Weiser Bar Mitzvah July 5, 2002 Hello, my name is David Weiser. I am in the 7th grade at Cannon Junior High School. I am in the symphonic band at my school. I like to play video games. I also like to listen to music; some of my favorite bands are Tiger Army, Nekromatix, Flogging Molly and Johnny and the Blades. I am looking forward to my Bar Mitzvah on July 5, 2002. Please join my family and me for this special day. Alana Gross Bat Mitzvah June 29, 2002 Hi, my name is Alana Gross, but most people call me Ali. I?m in the seventh grade at Becker Middle School. I?m on their cheerleading squad, and will be co-captain next year. Outside of school I dance, talk on the phone, chat on AOL, hang out with my friends, and my favorite, shop. My Bat Mitzvah, which is coming up on June 29, 2002, means a lot to me and I can?t wait to celebrate with my family and friends. Tell iK-ticl TCTell Congratulations to Ranen Lardent, son of Laurel and Dennis. Ranen won the Nevada State High School Chess Championship Saturday April 20. He is off to the Nationals in July. Good luck Ranen! We hope you win it all! Mazel Tov to Karen and Marv Levine on the birth of their second granddaughter, Amanda (Mandy) Marie Levine born April 24. Mandy weighed 6 pounds, 8 ?unces and was 19 inches long. Proud and very happy ^parents are Susan and Jeff Levine of San Diego June/July 2002 Annual Meeting/BBQ June 9th Attention all Members of CNT!!!! You are hereby cordially invited to our Annual Congregation Meeting On June 9th 5 PM We will be electing several new Trustees and Installing our new Temple Board Immediately following will be our Annual Complementary Burger/Hot Dog Cookout With Salads, soft drinks and all the fixin?s Co-Sponsored by The Sisterhood and Men?s Club of CNT A S p ecial Place To Belong continued from page 3 (President's Message) ing the heating/airconditioning system. ('/lommy-n-|'/le Shabbat Daddies are welcome too! Mommy-n-Me Shabbat Are you and your tod?dler looking for something to do on Friday morn?ings? So you like fresh challah and apple juice? Would you like your child to learn the Shabbat prayers and interact with other Jewish children from the temple? Then do we have a program for you! We are proud to be expanding our early childhood program to include a daytime Mommy- n-Me Shabbat. In Mommy-n-Me Shabbat (dad?dies welcome too!), you will participate with our preschoolers in learning songs, singing prayers and having treats. The program will be every Friday morning in the Beit Tefillah. You and your child will have the opportunity to share the Shabbat experience with other parents and children and begin nurturing your child?s Jewish identity. There is no fee for the program (yes its free!) and you may bring a guest and their child (temple mem?bership is not required). We at Congregation Ner Tamid are committed to nurturing the Jewish iden?tity of all the children within the community. If you have any questions, or would like to RSVP for the program (we need to be sure to have enough challah), please contact me at the office 733-6292. Lois ?Bergman Do you have a family member or friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation ivho have been hospitalized. Due to confidentiality laws, there is no notification from the hospitals. Please contact Karen at the Temple office at 733-6292 when a family member orfriend is hospitalized. Congregation N e r Tam id Finally, CNT took a giant step toward implementing the vision of its Long-Range Plan by acquiring the land needed to build our new "Campus for Jewish Life and Learning". I hope you read the letter from Scott Stolberg, our Capital Campaign Committee chairman, announcing this momentous event. On May 7th, the members of the Committee held its monthly meeting at our new site to celebrate the unveiling of the sign declaring the land to be the "Future Home of Congregation Ner Tamid". Elsewhere in this edition of the Bulletin, you?ll find more detailed news and pictures related to that event and direc?tions to the site. Go out there and see what a beautiful place it is. Stand on the dirt, but use your imagination. Conjure up in your mind the most ex?traordinary synagogue complex that you've never seen. That?s what will be there in a few years. When you come back down to earth, help us build it. Your children and your grandchildren will thank you for it. B'shalom? Stezvart Connections at Congregation Ner Tamid Connoting Singles and Couples Age 25-39 to THEIR Judaism SAVE THE DATE Saturday July 27th at 8PM Havda