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The Bulletin of Temple Beth Sholom, June 2004



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    TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM June 2004 Temple Beth Sholom THE BULLETIN Sivan-Tammuz 5764 Vol. 4, No. 6 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Rabbi's Message 2 President's Message 3 Executive Director's Message Men's Club Ritual Committee 4 Women's League 5 Preschool 6 Chevra Kadisha Flyer 8 Religious School 9 Donations 10 Donations/Bar Mitzvah 11 Bat Mitzvahs 12 Solomon Schechter Day School 13 Under the Dome 14 Calendar of Events 19 Schedule of Services 20 Temple Beth Sholom is a Conservative Congregation affiliated with The United Synagogue of TBS TO ESTABLISH SOLOMON SCHECHTER DAY SCHOOL With the raising of their hands, TBS's Board has led the synagogue into a new era. At the May Board meeting the Board voted to create a Solomon Schechter day school here at Temple Beth Sholom. The school will open this coming Fall with Grade One. Plans call for a new grade to be added each successive year until a full elementary school is in place. Plans also include expansion of school facilities to accommodate the new school within the next 2 years. "It's one of the most exciting thing to happen here since I became Rabbi, Felipe Goodman said. "Las Vegas will now have a Conservative Day School of the highest caliber. We invite anyone with interest in enrolling their children in this program to contact us for information." Calls should be made to Debra Lazer-Dixon at 804-1333 x 113. ELECTIONS THROUGHOUT TBS America may be waiting until November for its election, but TBS has just completed its round of elections for the new fiscal year. The officers for the synagogue, elected by the Board of Direc-tors at its May 16th meeting are the same as the current year: Jeff Zucker, President for a third term, Ed Seltzer, First Vice-President, Bob Fischer, Second Vice-President, Teri Thienhaus, Treasurer and Audrey Merkin, Secretary. Women's League slate is: President - Patricia Kane Executive Vice-President- Jackie Turshinsky Membership Vice-President - Kim Memar Judaica Shop Vice-President - Dorothy Klegerman Torah Fund Vice-President - Blanche Meisel Ways and Means Vice-President - Rosalie Lazar Treasurer - Viola Goldstein Financial Secretary - Adele Baratz Corresponding Secretary - Renee Premack Recording Secretary - Margret Ofek Counselor (Immediate Past President) - Florence Frost (Cont'd on Page 11) 2?Rabbi's Message A Solomon Schechter Day School in our midst. Rabbi Felipe Goodman Throughout the past six years I have experienced some of the most incredible and exhilarating moments that any Rabbi could ever experience in his career. We have seen our congregation grow to five times the size it was at the end of 1998. We have moved into a beautiful new facility which is among one of the most beautiful ever built in North America and we have also become not only the leading congregation in our State but also one of the most vibrant, exciting and influential congregations within the Conservative Movement. We have a preschool that is in itself as large as any other Day school in our community. Our religious school has grown from thirty five to almost two hundred children and besides the rewarding numbers that we see in our schools we offer one of the best Jewish educational experiences in the West Coast of the United States. When one thinks of our accomplishments there is an important question that must be asked. Why are these accomplish-ments important? To whom are they relevant? Are they only self rewarding goals that we have set for ourselves or do our accomplishments transcend beyond the local realm and have a real impact in North American Jewish Community at large? If we for one moment believe that what we have done is only of local and immediate relevance we would be greatly mistaken. What has happened at Temple Beth Sholom within the last years is the beginning of the "normalization" process of the Jewish Community of Las Vegas and everything we do and contribute is not only of relevance to us but to the larger Jewish Community. Everything we accomplish today will be relevant to our children and their children for gen-erations to come. The time has come to once again impact our community in the most positive of ways. Like many other Conservatives Synagogues in our country we have to realize that without a viable Conservative Day school in our midst we will never truly be able to reach our full potential. If you look at the general map of the North American Jewish Community you will notice that ALL conservative congregations with our characteristics have a Solomon Schechter Day school within their campus. This is the way of the future, not only because Solomon Schechter Day school produces children that will grow to be seriously committed Jews but also because through it we have a real chance of impacting their families. It has been statistically proven that Solomon Schechter Day School parents not only drop their children off at school but become very active participants in Synagogue life and become very important building blocks in a developing community. When we look back at what we have done together we must also look forward towards what still needs to be completed. We are just in the middle of a journey and just like the generation that God led out of Egypt we sometimes fear what lies ahead, just like the Israelites did we are tempted to say let's go back to Egypt where we had no responsibilities. We, just like our ancestors must understand that true commitment to a better future means to be bold enough to say yes even to that which seems unattainable at times. Following in the visionary spirit of our people, Temple Beth Sholom will host a Solomon Schechter Day School in its midst. Starting in September we will open our first grade class that will serve as a compliment to our already successful Kindergarten program. We look forward to many years of strong and intense Jew-ish educational experiences surrounded by a framework of top academic excellence like only a Solomon Schechter Day School can offer. President/Executive Director Messages?3 Hello, Hello ... Goodbye, Goodbye By Jeff Zucker Final Column By Robert Mirisch When I was "somewhat" younger, June was a bright line of de-marcation between one year and the next. The beginning of summer vacation. "No more teachers, no more books..." A time to say goodbye to old friends and to meet new ones. For most of us, the "real" world is much different. Sure, there is New Year's, secular and Jewish, but the day before is pretty much like the day after. This year at Temple Beth Sholom, however, is one where the changes of June will be memorable. As I wrote about a few months ago, Bob Mirisch's term as Executive Director is end-ing. Also, by the time you are reading this, Helene Rosen will be in Phoenix, preparing for her wedding. Helene's formal title over the years was Controller or Bookkeeper, but that only de-scribed a small portion of what she was to TBS. She was the "Source." If you wanted to know why someone always made a pledge in the strange amount of $536.75, you asked Helene. If you wanted to know who wanted what honors on High Holy Days, you asked Helene. If you wanted to know who to seat with whom at the Passover Seder, you asked Helene. If any-one needed help, board member or congregant, you went to Helene and you got that help. While the departure of familiar faces is always hard, we are fortunate that this June is not only one of the departures, but also significant arrivals. Debra Lazer-Dixon comes to lead our preschool after years as a Jewish educator in British Columbia. With the exception of her decision to leave Vancouver, she has shown the intelligence and direction needed for our preschool to continue to be one of, if not the best, in Las Vegas. And she is not alone. Laura Sussman will soon be taking over as our Executive Director. Many of us on the Board have al-ready had the opportunity to work with her as part of the transi-tion. Her intelligence, experience, wit and patience make us confident that with her at our helm Temple Beth Sholom will continue to go from strength to strength. While the departure of familiar faces is never easy, we can at the same time anticipate exciting new direction. To those who are leaving, farewell and be well. For those who are coming, welcome. This is my final Bulletin column. As such, I want to thank the community for allowing me to serve for these past two years. They have gone swiftly. They have been productive and always challenging. I have made many new friends. I have deepened my understanding of living a Jewish life, and I have gained insights into the community and the congre-gation. My thanks to all for your patience, your un-derstanding and support. As I leave I have a few wishes for TBS and its members: May your membership increase and your dues decrease. May your involvement go up and your blood pressure go down. May you come to services and go to Israel. May you find a Kosher butcher that's afford-able and taste a Kosher steak that's edible. May you win at the slots and lose at the gym. May you be inspired even when you're retired. May you join the daily minyan when you are not in mourning. May your soul grow and your waist shrink. May you laugh with others and at yourself. May you always live a Jewish life, honoring the spirituality, wisdom and humanity of our faith. And may you always remember the immortal words of Chuckles the Clown whose wish for everyone was: "A little song, A little dance, A little seltzer down your pants." June 2004 4?Men's Club Men's Club Happenings By Dr. Howard X. Kramer Due to some recent new memberships, TBS Men's Club now numbers 100. Our thanks go to these recent additions to help us reach this milestone. We had two events in May, as it turned out, both on the same day. On Sunday morning, May 16 we had a breakfast and general meeting at which time new officers were elected for the 2004-5 year. We are pleased to announce that the incoming officers are: At noon on that Sunday, members of the Men's Club and TBS gathered at Cashman Field to watch the 51's win an exciting game. Rabbi Goodman threw out the first pitch, a high looper but it did reach home plate. Cantor Friedman sung an inspiring National Anthem. On Friday night, June 18, we will be honored to participate in a joint installation with the TBS Women's League. Following services, there will be a wonderful Oneg Shabbat sponsored by the Men's Club and Women's League. In late June, our TBS Men's Club sponsored Softball team coached by Jeff Michelman takes the field for 14 games in the Summerlin league. The games will all be on Tuesday evenings and played lo-cally. We encourage you and your children to attend and root our member athletes to victory. From time to time it is important for the Ritual Committee of Temple Beth Sholom to share its decisions and proceedings with the congregation so that all of our members are aware not only of our approach to Jewish Law but also of the hard work done by this committee in different areas of the congregation. All decisions of our committee are based on opinions published by The Committee of Jewish Law and Standards of The Rabbinical Assembly and although Rabbi Goodman as Mara D'Atra of the con-gregation has the ultimate word on maters of ritual, all of our deliberations reflect the pluralistic nature not only of our congrega-tion but of our Conservative Movement. Both Rabbi and Cantor participate in our meetings and together we try to establish a common ground in matters of observance and ritual within Temple Beth Sholom. Together we have made some important decisions that have very positively impacted our Temple and we are constantly trying to develop new ways of approaching ritual and liturgy to be able to enhance the spiritual experience of our congregation mem-bers. One of our recent decisions include the development of a monthly early Kabbalat Shabbat service where only the melo-dies and nigunim written by Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach will be used. This Kabbalat Shabbat will take place in our chapel right at the onset of Shabbat beginning in September. We have also been working hard in revising our Siddurim and trying to provide a transliterated version of the Saturday morning services for people who can't fluently follow the service in Hebrew; within the next few months we hope to be able to share with the entire congregation a transliterated insert for Siddur Sim Shalom so that (continued on page 15) Secretary - Treasurer- President - Vice-President - Howard X Kramer, M.D. Marlowe Mogill Harvey Gitel Sam Showel Financial Secretary - Dick Eskenazi Ritual Committee Report By Ruth Goldfarb, Chair Women's League?5 FOE CONSERVATIVE JUDAISM AT TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM FLORENCE FROST, PRESIDENT It is hard to beCieve tfiat this wiCCbe my Cast articCe as Tresident of Women's League. It das been a great year and an experience I wiCC never forget. Nothing ever stays the same and it is time to move on... I am very pCeased that so many members, new andoCd, have become invoCved, working on committees, heCping us raise funds, and attending our various functions. 'The Women's League 'Board and their committees did an out-standing job. yvhen you were needed you were aCC there to heCp. Sometimes, we forget that this organization is run by voCunteers. We have raised the bar for IVomen's League and have met every chaCCenge with dignity, honesty and Cove for TempCe and Tor ah. This year we exceeded our Tor ah JundpCedge which wiCCheCp educate future Ceaders andcCergy in the Jewish Community worCdwide. On May 10th, we presented the TempCe with a 525,000 donation. JACso, we enabCedthe Cantor to purchased a grand piano for the TempCe. IVe have succeeded far beyond our expectations. Our sincere congratuCations to a wonderfuCnew board headed by Tat Xane andJackie Turshinsky. lYe wish them every success in the coming year. ShaCom, jCorence frost,president June 2004 6?Preschool News from the Preschool By Deborah Lazer Dixon May was very exciting and busy month for our School. The first week of May we celebrated "teacher Appreciation Week", which is a Nationally endorsed week. The administration gave daily gifts to our teachers which culminated in a delicious lunch on that Friday. The teachers very much appreciated the kind words and gifts they received from their students as well. Through the month the children have also participate in performance of their after school activities. The Dance performance was held at the Lake Mead Library and the Karate exhibition was held at TBS. Children showed how much they learned by going through routines and costume changes to wonderful music and great instruction by Wonderland. The children finishing the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten classes have been practicing very hard towards their graduation on June 10. The Pre- Kindergartens graduate at 3:30 PM and the Kindergartens graduate at 6:00 PM. We're currently working on a yearbook showcasing our year together. Parents and other family members are welcome to phone the office to dedicate a love line into the year book. There will also be videos available for purchase of the Graduation ceremony. Israel Independence Day was a humungous success! All the classes rotated through regions of Is-rael for a virtual day of exploration and hands on playing, painting, stringing and eating. Each class-room was transformed into Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ber Sheva, the Galil and the Negev. We made necklaces from Shells collect from the beach of Tel Aviv, wrote messages on the Western Wall in Jerusalem, ate our way through Dizengoff Street and went on an Archeological dig where the chil-dren found ancient plates, bowls and cookware from a village of long long ago. You should all join us for next year's trip. Lag B'Omer was celebrated this year by inviting our children to the Social Hall for a picnic style lunch. Children ate together with their bag lunches and pretended to be Camping out in a different from other than our regular Shabbat room. Our last holiday for the year is Shavuot, and we're very excited to produce our own class com-mandments which are posted outside on our walls. Take a trip down our halls and reflect on the year through our children's art. It will also be highlighted during our annual Shabbat dinner fund-raiser on June 4, 2004. Lastly, we'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you to Danielle Friefeld, our out going Director of the Preschool. For the past two years, Mrs. Friefeld stepped in and led the preschool through its toddler stages of operation. She has done a great job and we want to wish her well as she returns to the class in the fall. To all of our supporters and participants, Todah Rabah (Thank You) for a great year! We are look-ing forward to a fabulously full and fun summer ahead and a great school year ahead. We are still registering for all ages next year including our r newest addition the 1st grade. Preschool?7 The Summerlin Children's Forum presented teachers, students and parents awards for outstanding contribu-tions to the quality of education at Summerlin schools for this school year. At their "Magic of Summerlin" dinner, held Saturday, May 15, at the JW Marriott Ho-tel, the Forum honored three people from each school in the community. Cantor Daniel Friedman gave the Invocation for the over 200 people attending the din-ner. The Pre-school admim-submit- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f t ^ l B B H ^ ^ M awardees for I consideration. ^ E h l L j : ^ ^ We are very proud each of them. Jonathan Litman received the TBS student award. He was rec-ognized for his "empathy, cooperation and positive leadership traits" and for his "keen interest in academics and his wonderful disposition." Teri Weisbord's service to the school has initiated fundraisers and chaired such as the school's Purim carnival, something needs to be done to benefit all the children in the Preschool. is a model for other parents. She numerous special school events, She is the "go-to" person when Debra Pike was recognized in the teacher category. In her tenth year of teaching , but her first in Las Vegas, she brought her skills to TBS's Kindergarten this year. She helped make this inaugural year a resounding sue years. and has set a standard for future June 2004 8?Chevra Kadisha 2nd North American Chevra Kculishd Conference M f c i S J e w i s h Communal Obligations in Dying and Death Las Vegas, Nevada June 6th - 8th, 2004 j Kavod v'Nichum and Temple Beth Sholom of Las Vegas are pleased to present the ' second annual North American Chevra Kadisha Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada | from June 6-8, 2004. The conference will explore the obligations of the community, ranjSpl the synagogue and the Chevra Kadisha in facilitating Jewish funeral, burial, and mourning practices. Through teaching, discussion, training, networking and exploration of available resources, we will further refine the role of the Chevra Kadisha in the 21st century. The conference is geared to Chevra Kadisha committee members, lay leaders and B ^ l f B l professionals including synagogue" administrators, rabbis/cantors, chaplains, | students, funeral coordinators and directors, cemetery administrators, counselors, | educators, medical professionals and other interested parties. Whether you are l l l i f l | new, or experienced, observant or just interested, the Chevra Kadisha conference PJ' will provide you with a first class and hands on experience, including top speakers, ^ J l r a S e r a B i -provoking workshops and opportunities to network and find answers to all your questions. ? You may want to spend additional time before or after the conference to enjoy the BSHUh h S S ^ H K I wildlife of Las Vegas, either on the "Strip" or hiking in our beautiful national parks I l i l r a H B f f l H S B l f an<* surroundings. Looking forward to seeing you in June. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your stay more enjoyable. Wm!v Km ft David Zimtr Rrtbl'i Fdift Gceilman Melftnie Greenkty Airtrlewf Mtqil! Confcrorcc Coordinator Ivconrerencc&jewishfuner E*-Xi;iive Director info& I'emp'e Seth Sholcrr. ra6bi.i:emslebathsholorrlvoig Program Coorcmascr melar.ieHSg ivr.cxTiail.coni Loo stics Coord rarer VI3MOGILL" jol.coi'i Sponsors Temple Beth - Kavod v' Midbar Kodesh Sholom Nichum Temple Department of Temple Beth Sholom The Estelle Silverstone Jewish Family Concerns; Men's Club Foundation For Jewish Union for Reform Judaism Spiritual Revival Religious School?9 Kehillah - Community One of the most remarkable things about Temple Beth Sholom is that we create a real Kehillah (community) together by problem-solving together. Each and every one of us count and can make a difference. Our Religious School has grown so rapidly that Sunday classes are becoming too large to maintain the high quality of instruction required as a "USCJ Framework for Excellence School." It has there-fore become necessary to split the largest classes. Since we do not have enough classroom space to accommodate all of these additional classes on Sunday, an additional class session is needed. The entire staff along with our volunteer committees and board members have been working incredi-bly hard to problem-solve WITH YOU to find the best solution for all. A special Schmear and Schmooze last month invited families to present their opinions and hear scheduling alternatives. An email survey to those classes effected was sent out and results are being tabulated at the moment this is being written. Feedback regarding the effort has been incredibly positive with appreciation for the process of com-municating and sharing pros and cons together (even when the discussions get a bit heated as they often do with such strong people and opinions.) With all the conversations, there is a wonderful lesson learned. For the majority of us here at Temple Beth Sholom, being a part of this community and assuring the priority of Jewish education in our families' lives is what it is all about....and that's where a real Kehillah begins. I would like to wish you all a wonderful summer and I'm already looking forward for sharing another wonderful year with your children and family. B'vracha Ayelet. FTQ-Family Thought Question Why is religious education important to you and your family? Have everyone in your family share their favorite or most interesting thing they learned about Jewish thought or practice this past year? June 2004 10?Donations, Tributes and From The Heart Miriem Fuhrman RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Melita Fuhrman Denise & Marc Abramow Madeline Gamble Harvey Gitel Debbie, John Jordan, Ariana Zelda Goodman & Cody Miner Philip Miller Murray Hochberg Edith Reback Denise & Marc Abramow In Honor of: Howard Hyzen An Aliyah: Pauline Shlisky Hyzen Daniel S. Miller Rabbi Samuel Jones Philip Miller Esther Frankenstein Sam Showel Marlene & Maury Jones Good Luck to Helene & Efraim Sonya Kirshenbaum Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Yvette & Dale Galsky In Memory of: Julius B. Klatzman Debbie Connelly's Step-Father JoAnn Geller Wendy Kraft & Laura Sussman Abbey Jane Kravitz Sam Newman's Father Shirley Kravitz Ellen & Paul Bodner Naomi Lambert Teri Thienhaus Beatrice Lederer PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION FUND Debbie Lederer Brenda Caplan Minnie Long Edie Morein Blanche & Phil Meisel Michael Marmor JUDY & RON MACK RELIGIOUS FUND Mollie Weiss Memorial Fund In Memory of: Otto Mayer Laura Goodman Hilde & Eric Mayer Mimi Katz Martin Mendlovic In Honor of: Penny & Eva Mendlovic Karen Schore Edward A. Miller Esq. Ruth Wolzinger Daniel S. Miller Jill & Adam Carmer Beatrice Peilte Zelda & Jordan Goodman YAHRZEIT/MEMORIAL FUND Rose Peterson In Memory of: Ellie Rosenstein Klara Alter Sidney Phillips Bobby Phelps Lily Philips Edith Banker Lottie Rabin Lester Banker Barbara & Bernard Fruchter Barbara Beckenstein Esther Rosenstein Louis Beckenstein Leonard Rosenstein Anna Berns Harry E. Rosenberg Celia Berns Rubin Phil Rosenberg Morris Chaplin Seymour Rudolf Shirley & Sidney Chaplin Clarice Kirsch Dr. David Coblentz Rebecca Salton Suzanne & Alan Feld Adele Baratz Colomba Colen Roberta Schack Yidia Colen Arnold Schneider Karen & Rene Colen Sidney Walter Selver Jacob Dondis Ruthe Spector Rosi Dondis Lena M. Solotist Fran & Len Levien Fran & Len Levien Ben Engel Ruth Steil Nadov Lee Engel Marcy Simon Adele & Philip Engel Elias Stendig Dorothy Entratter Faye Steinberg Michele Wolkoff Olla Stem Eva Flaum Dr. Albert & Nancy Rosten Freddie Glusman Isadore Tarr Nathan Fram Sophie Weiner Hariet Straus Jesse Ungar Isaac Eddie Friedman Edith Ungar Sharon & Steven Goldman Isaak Weiland Diana Frush Irene Weiland Sam Dvorak Isadore Weiss Albert Fuhrman Debbie, John, Jordan, Ariana Melita Fuhrman Vickter & Cody Miner Betty Weisman Irene & Herb Kaufman Shirley Willick Birdie & Jerry Willick Abraham Winner Dorothy Demby -Lasky Abraham Zwiren Bernadine & Sidney Zaben GENERAL FUND In Honor of: Helene & Efraim's Engagement Barbara & Marlowe Mogill In Memory of: Laura Goodman Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Charles Salton Betty & Jacob Garehime Joyce & Jay Levinsohn WARSAW REMEMBRANCE GARDEN Get Well: Gail Lawson Ed Weiner Evelyn & Leon Goldstein Speedy Recovery Shirley Chaplin: Lillian & Henry Kronberg In Honor of: Rob Murdock's Birthday Lil & Ken Glicken In Memory of: Harold Stralser Susan & Hillel Aronson L'DOR V'DOR Anna & Lola Kasten Helene Stadler Geraldine Toscher Get Well: Margie Wrobel Rita Tell In Honor of: Zach Burton's Bar Mitzvah Ruth Goldfarb Hazel Handelman's Birthday Ruth Goldfarb Dick Schweitzer's 65th Birthday Rosalie & Orin Lazer Jeralyn Scher Ron Turshinsky's Birthday Ruth Goldfarb Michele Turshinsky Mel Wolzinger Ruth Goldfarb In Memory of: Charles Salton Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Miriam Hoagland Dawn Navarro HEATHER SAXE SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of: Rob Murdock's Birthday Andrea, Richard, Drake & Scarlett Gordon Donations, Tributes /Bar Mitzvah?11 Neal Schore's 35th Birthday Andrea, Richard, Drake & Scarlett Gordon Karen & Shel Schore Laura & Stan Shuster's Wedding Anniversary Andrea, Richard, Drake & Scarlett Gordon In Memory of: Brenda Caplan Dr. Joshua & Felice Saxe & Family Lawrence Saxe Dr. Michael & llanit Saxe & Family Dr. Steven & Marcy Saxe & Family Laura Goodman Dr. Steven & Marcy Saxe & Family Emily Novick's Sister Dr. Steven & Marcy Saxe & Family Heather R. Saxe Lawrence Saxe & Family Dr. Steven & Marcy Saxe & Family CHAPLIN LECTURE SERIES In Honor of: Shirley & Sidney Chaplin's 55th Wedding Anniversary Louise & Jerry Appenzeller MASORTI In Memory Of: Irving Klegerman Neal Klegerman (Cont'd from Page 1) The Men's Club also voted in its slate of offi-cers for 2004-2005. They will be: President - Dr. Howard X. Kramer Vice-President - Marlowe Mogill Secretary - Harvey Gitel Treasurer - Sam Showel Financial Secretary - Dick Eskenazi. Congratulations to all the new officers for ac-tively participating in the Temple's activities. They provide an example for all members to follow. Please support them in their work for the coming temple year. Join them when they are installed at Shabbat services on June 18th' which will feature a Oneg Shabbat mutually sponsored by the Men's Club and the Women's League. Yasher koach to all those who are completing their terms. Thanks for your hard work. BAR MITZVAH?JUNE 12 Aaron Merkin Morokoff just completed the seventh grade at Hyde Park Magnet School where he is a member of the Junior Honor Society. His interests include hockey (he's a goalie), the saxophone (he plays with the Hyde Park Band) and he's learning guitar. Aaron is a third generation TBS member. His grandparents, Dr. Albert and Eunice Merkin, and his parents, Dr. Ellen Merkin and David Moro-koff, are long time TBS members. For his Mitzvah Project Aaron has chosen "Bottles of Hope" - he makes beautiful bottle from chemotherapy bottles for cancer patients and survivors. June 2004 12? Bat Mitzvahs BAT MITZVAHS Leah Michelle Sussman (left) Leah is a seventh grader at Becker Middle School. She is a serial reader, but still finds time for camping, swim-ming and acting. She is a violin player in the Becker School Orchestra and has performed in a number of theatri-cal productions with Becker Middle School and Labour of Love. Leah is the daughter of Laura Sussman and Wendy Kraft and the sister of Emma and Elyse Kraft. Nicole Leslie Snipper (right) Nikki is a seventh grader at Becker Middle School, where she is a member of the National Junior Honor Society. Nikki en-joys acting, camping, piano and swimming. She has performed in a number of theatrical produc-tions with Becker Middle School and Labour of Love. Nikki is the daughter of Drs. David and Lori Snipper and the sister of Josh. Solomon Schechter Day School?13 Solomon Schechter Day School at Temple Beth Sholom REGISTERING NOW FOR SEPTEMBER 2004-2005 KINDERGARTEN & FIRST GRADE THIS YEAR; MORE GRADES IN SUBSEQUENT YEARS WHERE: REGISTRATION PACKETS CAN BE OBTAINED AT TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM, 10700 HAVENWOOD LANE (between Sahara and Desert Inn off Town Center in Summerlin). Non-refiindable Deposit required: $250 payable at time of registration FOR INFORMATION: Call (702) 840-1333x112 ENROLL YOUR CHILD FOR THE START OF A LIFETIME OF LEARNING OPEN HOUSE JUNE 14 at 5:30 PM June 2004 14?Under the Dome WOMEN'S TBS Thanks the Women's League for their generous gift of $25,000 presented to the synagogue at its annual meeting. This repre-sents funds generated from the many Women's League activities held throughout the year. Please continue your support of Women's League functions. Shop the Ju-daica shop. The Temple benefits greatly. Thanks again. WISHING YOU WELL Debbie Connelly, who has been the assistant to Rabbi Goodman and Cantor Friedman for more than a year, has regrettably left TBS and Las Vegas to return to her family home in Virginia. We wish her well and appreciate the wonderful work and the spirit with which she performed her functions during her tenure at TBS. IT'S A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH We want you to come and go safely to TBS. Please be aware that the traffic lights at the corner of Havenwood Lane and Town Center are now fully operative. Obey the signals and you will be safe. It is more important that you and your family avoid an accident then it is to be on time for a service or other activity here at TBS. Group An Important Reminder?Every Tuesday morn-ing in the Library At Temple Beth Sholom from 10-11:30 a support group for those grieving or experiencing any loss at all meets regularly. It is a particularly warm and friendly group of all ages and it is open to the entire community as well as the members of TBS. Bagels and coffee are served.... Thank You A heartfelt thank you to everyone who worked on the L'Dor V'Dor luncheon from Ruth Goldfarb, Jackie and Ron Turshinsky, Rosalie Lazer and the entire L'Dor V'Dor Board. Your efforts con-tinue to make a real difference in the lives of homebound seniors. You're Invited On June 7th, 2004, Rabbi Brad Artson, Dean of Rabbinic Studies at the Zeigler School at the University of Judaism, will discuss the afterlife from a Jewish perspective at Temple Beth Sholom. Rabbi Artson's fascinating presentation is part of the North American Chevra Kadisha Conference, on Jewish Communal Obligations in Death and Dying, June 6-8, at TBS. Rabbi Artson's talk, at 7:00PM on June 7th, is free and open to the public. LEAGUE GIFT Bereavement "Under the Dome" is an ongoing column of general information. Read "Under the Dome" to find out the latest tidbits about people and events at Temple Beth Sholom. Advertisements?17 (continued from page 4) we can use only one Siddur for Friday nights and Saturday mornings instead of the two different Siddurim that we currently use. Some of our most important decisions in the last three years include the use of wine that has not been designated as Kosher in our catered events. Although all wine used for ritual purposes must be Kosher, wine that we use to accompany meals doesn't need to. We based our decision on a Teshuva written in the 1960's and approved by the CJLS of the Rabbinical Assembly. It is import