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    Form 5527-B U N I O N P A C I F I C R A I L R O A D C O M P A N Y 1-4 9 -1M M SAVE^ T E L E G R A P H ING M A I L G R A W ® ^SaVe Me l e g r a p h i n g Account o f Work Order No. 598*, r e fle e t in g a t o t a l expenditure to date o f |l9,327,75 . completed as o f May 31, 1949; th e re fo re , p le a se review charges and c re d it s as d e t a ile d on attached Forms 4907, fu rn ish in g c lo se out rep ort or ad vise. chargeable to “Investment Account", "Unimproved Real Estate - Nevada"; however, since t h is i s ra th e r a su b s ta n tia l improvement and i t s cost su bject to d e p re c ia tio n , i t is suggested that the account, "Unimproved R eal Estate - Nevada" be c lo se d and new account, "R eal E state and Improvements - Las Vegas, Nevada" be opened on the books o f the L^V.L.& W .Co., t r a n s fe r r in g the amount now c a r r ie d in the account "Unimproved Real Estate - Nevada* to the new account and to accrue d ep re c iatio n on the cost o f the water w e ll in new account, "Accrued D epreciation - Water W e ll, Las Vegas Ranch" charging the amount o f a c c ru a ls to new op eratin g expense account: "D epreciation Water W ell, Las Vegas Ranch." W ill ap p re c iate re c e iv in g your comments and/or recommendations re g a rd in g t h is proposed accounting. a r is e s as to whether con sid eration has or should be given to in c re a sin g the r e n t a l o f the ranch p rop erty , now covered by le a s e Audit No. 10250, w ith W. T. and W. U. Stew art, Vernon E. Bunker and E a rl L e a v itt* W ill you p le a se ad vise. S-674. 49 NOV 23 AM 9 3 9 ^ LAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER COMPANY Omaha “ e r 22 , 1949 Mr* Wm. Reinhardt - Los A n geles, C a l i f . I Mr* C harles Adams - Los Angeles, C a l i f . ) Herewith cop ies o f Forms 4907, "D e t a il o f Expenditures (CC - Mr. A. M. F o lg e r - Las Vegas, Nevada According to our record s t h is p ro je c t was p h y s ic a lly Form 30, "Work Order A u th ority" shows th is expenditure Due to the expense o f the water w e ll, question a ls o L* For the A uditor BD 9 -2 -1