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J.HERBER'F BALLANTINE, PRESIDENT. JO H N H.BALLANTINE, v ic e p r e s id e n t. J. BAYARD KIRKPATRICK,secretary. cable address“TRIDMETCO!’ Neptune Meter Company Manufacturers of Trident Water Meters Trident-Disk Trident- Crest Trident- Compound Trident-Protectus MAIN OFFICE, 50 East42nd Street, NewYork. BRANCHES CHICAGO, 565-571 WEST WASHINGTON BOULEVARD CINCINNATI,OHIO, 211 WEST 4T“ STREET. ATLANTA,GA. BOSTON. MASS. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. PORTLAND, OREGON. DENVER,COLO FACTORIES, LONG ISLAND CITY, N.Y. TORONTO, ONT. Los Anoexes Branch Office 701 East Third St. April 26, 1926. Las Vegas Land & Water Co., Las Vegas, Nevada. Attention Mr. Walter R. Bracken. Gentlemen: On March. 1st, we had the pleasure of quoting you on 2” Trident Disc and Crest Meters. As yet we have not received your order for the above material and take this opportunity of inquiring whether or not you are in the market for the same. Trusting to hear from you further, we remain Yours very truly, NEPTUNE METER COMPANY. WPH:BL ALL COMMUNICATIONS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE COMPANY