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    I11?½1?║ *} 19 - m ?║p mmm mi*inn RESORT AND ENTERTAINMENT R ARC, AIN OF THE WORLD ' I hwmwwM jwi ipI I??I m H Trap?╟╓s ?╟ Folies Bergere?╟╓ is Jerry Jackson?╟╓s creation Special Advertising Supplement BOBBY DARIN Jerry Jackson is the master mind re- sponsible for staging, conceiving, choreographing and directing the 14th, 15th and now, the all-new 16th edition of the Tropicana?╟╓s ?╟úFolies Bergere?╟Ñ French revue. . In fact, Jacksort has been associated with the Trop?╟╓s ?╟úFolies?╟Ñ in one capacity or another since 1966. Back then, he was assistant choreographer to Herme Pans. It was also in ?╟╓66 that Jackson was hired by Paris "Folies?╟Ñ director Michel Gyarmathy to choreographjthe 100th- anniversary production of the original show. Gyarmathy and Jackson share equal interests in that both men have repre- sented the world famous Parisian revue for the past 45 years. Born in Bristow, Okla., a small rural community in the Midwest, Jackson grew up fascinated with the movie mu- sicals he watched on the silver screen. He began studying music at age 8, and although he couldn?╟╓t dance until age 18 (he suffered from a foot deformity in his earlier years), Jackson had already developed a love for the theater. He graduated from UCLA in 1960 with a master?╟╓s degree in art. While at the university, he was an assistant professor in the music department. Jackson also studied to be a concert pi- anist, and developed a keen eye for the eamera-a talent that led^him to be- come one of Saks Fifth Avenue?╟╓s lead- ing photographers in the mid-1960s. His photography experience also gained him expertise in the area Of tele- vision.-By the early and mid 1970s, Jackson was choreographing the week- ly variety show ?╟úTony Orlando and Dawn,?╟Ñ plus other TV variety specials, including the 25th anniversary of the ?╟úWonderful World of Disney?╟Ñ and an international TV production, ?╟úLine Dir rect,?╟Ñ starring Line Renaud in Paris, France. Jackson?╟╓s Broadway credits include ?╟úMan of La Mancha?╟Ñ with Lani Kazan, ?╟úPromises, Promises ?╟Ñ starring Frank Gorshin, and ?╟úSeven Brides for Seven Brothers,?╟Ñ starring Jane Powell and. Howard Keel. Although Jackson has become offi- cially tied to the ?╟úFolies Bergere ?╟Ñ he has directed and choreographed several other production shows and minirevues throughout the world and in Las Vegas, including ?╟úFire and Ice,?╟Ñ lounge revues for the Tropicana and Sahara hotels, and road shows for resort centers of Acapulco, the Bahamas and Europe. Today, Jerry Jackson is held in high esteem for his recognized talents in. staging, conceiving, choreographing and directing musicals, revues, spec- tacular productions and television spe- cials. Lynette Giese 26, entering into her fourth year uoith the "Folies BergerThe San Diego native sings an opera aria in the opening and a blues number in a later scene. hopes someday to performing Broadway. LAS VEGAS HILTON Winners Holiday Fantasy from Includes: ?╟≤ Two nights at the Las Vegas Hilton. ?╟≤ Late Show "Bal du Moulin Rouge?╟Ñ starring Suzanne Somers ?╟≤ Lounge show with cocktail. ?╟≤ Discount meal coupons. from Includes: e Two nights at the Flamingo Hilton, i e Late show of ?╟úCity Lites?╟Ñ. e Two Delicious Dinners, e One Breakfast, e All Taxes * Per person double occupancy. A weekend surcharge applies to all packages. Jerry Jackson Continued from 78th Page vorcing Sandra Dee in 1966. He then sold his possessions and moved into a trailer near Big Sur. He became, in the words of Dick Clark, ?╟úa latter-day hippie.?╟Ñ He made a brief comeback in 1972 with Motown Records and with a summer replacement TV show for Dean Martin. His health, however, was failing. He had a very weak heart from repeated bouts of rheumatic fever as a child. He had two heart valves replaced, but his cardiac prob- lems continued. He died in lStte 1973 at Cedars of Leban- on Hospital in Los Angeles. He was 37. His talent lives on for new generations, however, in his many records, his mdvies, and in a nightly perfor- mance by Raymond Wood in ?╟úLegends in Concert?╟Ñ Also recreated in the popular show are Buddy Holly, Marilyn Monroe, Janis Joplin, Nat ?╟úKing?╟Ñ Cole, John Lennon and Elvis Presley. ?╟úLegends in Concert is pre- sented twice nightly, at 8 and 11 at the Imperial Palace. Price for,the cocktail show is $9.95 plus tax. HANG ON, SNOOPY! Look, for'the rest of the Peanuts gang, too, in COMICS every Sunday . CosAnfieles (Times c*> Your Winner?╟╓s Holiday Includes... ?╟≤ 3 DAYS, 2 NIGHTS Luxurious accommodations in one of the Hilton?╟╓s 3,174 ex- quisite rooms. ?╟≤ HILTON SHOWROOM 2 cocktails per person at the mid- night performance of ?╟úBal du Moulin Rouge?╟Ñ starring Suzanne Somers. 0im Nabors opens June 20-July 9, Charo opens July 10- October 9.) ?╟≤ CASINO LOUNGE Cocktails, dancing and enter- ( tainment by America?╟╓s brightest young stars. PLUS ALL THIS... Discount food coupons, com- plimentary tennis, complimen- tary bus service to the Strip and back plus all taxes, tips and bag- gage handling included. Children under 12 always stay free in parent?╟╓s room and receive 50% discount on food. And don?╟╓t forget Hilton?╟╓s unique Youth Hotel for kids 3-18. LAS VEGAS HILTON For reservations call toll free 1-800-732-7117, Vourfavorite travel agent or nearest Hilton Reservation Service Office today $64.00 per person, single occupancy. Save on wiffapplv^Amiability ofLas Vegas Hilton