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    Jlllen s PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU |sMfr*^ Established 1888 LOS ANGELES San Francisco Portland - Seattle Hollywood, Cal. Citizen News (Cir. 36,011) fej Thggias P. Robinson has been I 'apjgtfmted regional'manager for the! I.Station' velations djgj^tjhents of ! the ABC Nov York :vid. Now England radio and TV stations. L Ed" Bloody/orth, product: on supervisor >of KNX's "The Whistler, ||is'6'^S)??ating his 10th anniversary |! with the show. "So Soon," a song tl in which' Bloodworth collaborated^ l&.-t-he basis jbfl Sunday's script which he also wrjote, *r~?╜flS|l: trreyj- singer now appearing at the Mocombo, has been signed to appear on the Eddie Cantor "Comedy Hour" bi 'Jafc 18. - Cantor will conserve jpslenergy by letting Grey do^mo^of Hie singing and dancing arr^'t#ing|)f jokes. I Ralph Strapeji locals baritone, who has made Several radio-TV and night clAbfappeaiances, has been signed ff r m"six-wf ek engage jment at the^ajids Hftel in Ren- beginning D|p. Jf.5.. ^ ISsiHf PRESS cfi||NG BUREAU lo5 Church Street - New York LANCASTER, OHIO EAGLE GAZETTE Circ. D. 13,087 NOV 8 ?╜82 BEHIND THE SCENES * * * ?╓¬ * * By HARRISON CARROLL* ROSEMARY SPILLS SECRET ABOUT TONY ON FILM SET * * * * ?╤ LAS VEGAS, Nev., Nov. 8.?╟÷The Sands, this town's newest hotel is now headed by Jack Entratter ex-Copa partner, and Jack Freedman. of Texas, and is pitching for -as many big names as it can line up after December 15 when the spot is due to start running. Entratter, who was with the Copa for 12 years and prior to that with the Stork, has a wide personal relationship with many of the cafe attractions, and is using it to the fullest The talent budget vill oe extremely flexible, which means ?╟≤ that bidding for I talent will be on a competitive \ basis. In addition to Entratter's talent contacts, he's also hired the George Evans Associates (Buddy Granoff and Al Freeman, principals) to handle the national publicity. The Evans office also has wide talent contacts handling Joe I E. Lewis, Martin and Lewis and , equally important box office names. Entratter's opening show will be Danny Thomas, plus Connie Russell and Lou Wills Jr The next show will headline Edith, Piaf. followed by Billy Eckstine \ The Sands also has a verbal okay for Martin and Lewis whi haven't played Vegas for threi vears. All production ^^Horfes will bd nandled by Sntratter with ehoreg ; raphy to ^^&?╜>iQenteF~Bob Gil bert. The Jll^t is als@|paying ou top dofjg|?║p?for chorus line; offering $110 a week The Sands will have a capac| ity jf 400 wnen it opens m m Dpfpmhfir Its bedrooms will b\ HOLLYWOOD ?╟÷ Until a dra matic moment on the set, Paramount never realized the drama of casting Rosemary Clooney and Tony Martin as co-stars in "Here Come the Girls." Rosemary spilled the secret when she led Martin to a phonograph, put on a battered disc and played an audition record of "My Old Ken- tuckyHomex that she made II years ago in Cincinnati when she was only 13. Laughingly, Tony Martin she told Tony she had sent him a copy of the disc with a request for advice about her voice. And then topped it by producing the actual letter which she had saved through all the years. Tony nearly flipped when he read, "If you insist on making an auditor record of 'My Old Kentucky Home,' at least sing it straight. You have a good basic voice but you are making strange sounds with it." ?╟≤ U-I HEATED one of the biggest bath tubs in the history of the screen for Ann Sheridan's swimming scenes in "Vermillion O'Toole." It's tie two-and-a-half - acre lake on the back lot. Four steam boilers worked three days heating over 4,000,000 gallons of water to a temperature of the high sixties. NOV. 12 WILL BE the wedding day for Joan Fontaine and Collier Young. They'll say their vows in a little church at Saratoga with only Joan's mother and stepfather as guests. After that, they will take, the train to Chicago where Collier will be best man at his brother's wedding. Joan will keep her Paris apartment, and pictures may take her and Collier there later. I understand Joan will make no immediate attempt to persuade her ex, Bill Dozier. to let their daughter, Debbie, return and live with her. AREN'T Charlene Wrightsman and husband Igor Cassini (the Hearst newspapers' "Cholly Knickerbocker") expecting a baby in April? ,' M-G-M signed famed dancer Frank Veloz to coach Lana Turn er for her sambas, rumbas and tangos in "Latin Lovers." Why, for hevvinsake? What Lana already can -do with those Latin rhythms is enough to make your eyes bulge. Ted Briskin and his bride, Joan Dixon, went to Florida for a few days so he eould meet her fam iiy. Arthur Loew, Jr., invited Frank Lieberr^ati to a party and Humor Bice Mllifg Didn't Jake Fr| | of the soon-to-opj j in Las- Vegaw>-if killing on*tjjj|S| competitor,, thel Frfjgoo wju ^l Charley Foy'sjj Sugar King...,] back in town f< j ...WHO'S DA Dailey and Beets; Encdre Room; Pal Savage at cjiro"s>H&everlv Tyler and Dir^oiiDavid Miller I at the Captain's Table; Frances- i ca de Sc'affa confirms that she talked long distance with Bruce CabotiiifPatioma. The conversation got nowhere, though, and she hopes to start a film career ^ah^Wanger filnw%7 " Frank replied, "Shall I bring a I name or somebody I really like?" I ?╟≤ LINDA IS COMING; HOME, BUT WILL RETUR|ftN*S3 THE XONG-EXPECTED Constance Smith - Bryan Forbes di-; vorce probably will be filed when he returnSjJifiPAjh December to. J writC**&' SilsHWftijj&ay for Raoul j [Walsh. Connie sttfi ; jfelps because Forbes told trJjKJ|||msh press she had "gone HoiP#l(t)d." JUST BACK from Korea, Frances vLangford and Jon Halli will hop to North Africa at[ Christmas to entertain more GIs . . . Jimmy Stewart and Joanne Dru had to fly back from the | "Thunder Bay" location in i Louisiana but Jimmy's wife, Gloria, and John Ireland, who had been visiting the company, returned by train . ,. Both Monte Proser and the Persian room already have called from New York j bidding for Joanne Gilbert, who made a sensational singing debut at'the Mocambo. LINDA DARNELL'S chun\sl were wrong. She says she Will be*| back in Hollywood about the 12th. She'll return to Italy,! though, next yeab. .. Peggy Lee's j ex, Dave Barbour, writes attorney William Spivak from^asds .that he is working at l|g>t?on sera ous music and expejitfe to live ifi France for a year^%. June Horige and her ex, JagKie, GoOpeT7^w#B?║ lunching tog^fper'at Scandia jp . Dolores Hjplins, the Colujgbia j recordingjffar, opened at Giro's. I The FojiFStep. Brothers al are ! r_ew show . . . Mfhageri Jntratter says-he isjfooking forJjt;4 non-profej tojform the line" girls at Lp^ jjggas' soon - [far-- ^gfFSaads-hutel.. BATING: J oj Barrymore^^Jr,, | amd sinegirCar-'*' ole**ft&f^d%^t| the Encore I room; M i c k e y | RoOney..and a girl he introduced a f^A^lp e E Mahnkin a$3s|he;?║ h&ft&t s m e n' __-__^_?╟? Lod g e; iill^rna.%jj^r' Dell and fmp$<^J0mda - Darnell Deutsch at'Etob BaltOn's . . . Un-J destand Barbara Payton has ac/ quired a broad English accent/ #', JNew' RKO Production' p By Louella O. Parsons Motion Picture Editor International News Service Now that the RKO situation is cleared up you'll see production in full blast?╟÷and soon. "Gambler Moon" by! Thames Williamson, an Eddie Grainger production which' has Robert Mitchum, Robert Ryan, Ursula Thiess and Mala Powers in the cast, goes before the cameras February 1.1 Vm very happy that Mala is well enough to return to| th. screen. It's a great victory ^.^ M LeRoy,s rg for her and a great story of J courage. This \will be Ursula's first for RKO, although she was signed by Howard Hughes two years ago. She, I predict, will be a great star. , ,'?-'J||k|^ I told you that the Matty Fox! deal for RKO would not go! through. The setup,s|9s at stands now, is Noah Dietrich, president; Ned Depihet, chairman of the] board, with Roy Disney and] Sherrill Corwin on the board of directors. The Stolkirf; crowd is out. "Papa's'': Dehcatjll Condition," Corinne Griffith^?½ book, was bought for Bing Q|Wby, but Bing has at least &$imakn pictures lined up and hd^mta't time to make it. So Par^ppnt is negotiating with Caj^ijirant to starj In the Griffith i$W$, Phoebe and Henry Ephrom fido a rewrite especially for C^^ if he signs the agreement. j% Bing is looking: much better again, and spends all of his spare time with ftis youngest son, Lindsay, who is the only one ofj w& .^r0sbj^|oys who goes toj school in Los Angeles. Bing at- tended-it ""school play the other ^niaftt. and t saw_JLindsay pick quest. Wonderful news that the sen-j sational dance team of Darvasl and Julia, who have just been! signed at $5500 a week at the! Desert Inn at Las Vegas, will appear. A really glamorous turnout for the dinner with Loretta; Young and Tom Lewis, Maureenj O'Sullivah Farrow, Irene Dunne,! who is toastmistress; Kathryn Grayson, who will sing; John Payne, Syd Charisse and Tony| Martin, 19-year-old Joel Grayj and many others. Maurice Kantra, in charge ofj the tickets, will be at the Statlerj Hotel all day Sunday for those who still haven't received tickets.l Today the City of Hope office is also open for ticket sales. Thej number is MAdison 6-4611. * * * Snapshots of Hollywood Col-\ lected at Randoms Buddy Rich, ace drummer, whoj was once the light in Lana Turner's eyes, is in town. This time it's Maria Ally son to whom he's! paying court. ?√ß -;|||i||$ Greta Garbo, sans big hat and disguising dark glasses, met Marlene Dietrich at a party given! by Fleur Cowles in New York.; Everyone expected a freeze but] the two girls, once rivals, were very cordial. At the Sportsman's Lodge, Martha Vickers wjRiWi unidentified man, and aj^jmble nearby Fat Neamy-nH j^Mn|self. Betty Hudsoj|Pne former Co- pacabana gir^^ho Jsuffered PRESS CL1PPIN0 BUREAU 165 Church Str'^1 - New York NEW YOR|^. Y. TELE&lgpa pulling down 20 Grand a: s Sahara in Las Vegas. Danny open the spot but turned it t't cease in Vegas. In addi- " ^that's goin' up, two more the Strip?╟÷and motels over the point. One hotel j 3 are 90y per cent, of capacity j le weeks and overflowing the! are plenty of people with >reaking their necks to get near I iround the clock.. .Charley Foy'sj the new Sahara is so swanky ^____ ;rvice that when he-s'tuck^his head out the %wjft call a maid, a bellhop promptly i combed hilNfair.. .Harry Richmaitt^flfe Max Marxj from London that when he retufa&^>m I^igland he'll start'% night club tour oi(^^c''oun|ry. No matter how inuch money Richman3|p:^>oh P. A.'s he'll never pull down the dougKlfti^ast cattle! ranch is minting for him near Reno. ^*if|fF^Jllfl RAY BOlMl ^week for hisjHpit Kaye was : o??rec down... Bi^ping tion to tl TpSand big hotel Kre f5i keep crcj ping u keeper si Ites the the early [days q rest ofja le time. plenty of i cabbage the gamil tg tables comic Di |e Bar J and offe^ isuchj^