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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Form 5 5 2 7 -B Thin 6-52-500M U N I O N P A C I F I C R A I L R O A D C O M P A N Y Fleaee prepare work order to record retirement of parcel of together with all water facilities at las Vegas, which was sold to the Vegas Valley Water District by the Las Vegas Land and Water Company. Ledger value and statistical data relating to sale follow: Description: A tract of land situated in si Sec. 30* wJ-Sec. 31* SWjf Sec. 29 and HW|- See. 32, Twp. 20S., Rge. 6lE., containing an area of 507 acres together with all water facilities and various items of miscellaneous equipment at Las Vegas, Nevada. Water facilities: Acquired various dates on work orders. All other facilities shown on General Balance Sheet Water System Las Vegas S A V E L E G R A P H I N G M A IL G R A M S A V E T E L E G R A P H I N G Omaha - August 4, 1954 Mr 3703-1 Mr. Wm. Reinhardt - Loo Angeles) Ledger Value: Account No* 12-1 Land $ 267.653*50 for Account 12-1 fetal Account 12-1 3,013.971.60 $ 3*281,625.10 Account No. 11 Oldsmobile sedan 1948, W.0. 60? 2,724.80 Account No. 14 fapping macllh.ine Chevrolet If ton truck 1947 * 579 International 3/4 ton truck 1949 W.0. 620 Chevrolet 3/^ tom truck 1950 " 652 1935 W.0. 264 " 130.50 1,779.43 1,739.00 1.829.26 Total Account 14 Total Ledger Value $ 3,289.828.09 aug ft 1954 L, C* C,