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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - April 22, 195^ Mr, George E* Wade Director of Public Works City of Las Vegas City Hall Las *Vegas, Nevada Dear Mr* Wades Please refer to your letter dated April 14, 1954 submitting two prints without date, which indicate proposed 6* water main lines which X discussed with you and which I understand will be constructed by the City to serve areas now being developed by the Recreation Department* Prints attached to your letter indicate that one of these lines will be constructed to serve an area located southerly of Stuart Avenue and easterly of 25th Street, and the other an area located westerly of "I* Street between Jefferson and Adams Streets* In our discussion of the construction of these proposed water lines it was understood that since transite pipe lines are not acceptable to the Water Company as part of its distribution system, the proposed lines if constructed by the City will be constructed and owned by the City ae private lines for its exclusive use and will at no time be incorporated in the water system of this Company* If you proceed with the construction of these water lines and desire a connection to our system it will be neces­sary for the Recreation Department to come into this office and arrange for the Water Company to make the connection to our existing mains on the basis of cost plus ten per cent as provided for in our regulations* Very truly yours, LRMSejp L. R* Maag