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LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT % 919 W E S T B O N A N Z A RO AD P . O. BOX 1109 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS LAS VEGAS, NEVADA W IL L IAM C. RENSHAW T H O M A S A . C A M P B E L L P R E S I D E N T T e l e p h o n e DU. 2 -6 3 0 0 C H I E F E N G I N E E R A N D G E N E R A L M A N A G E R S. R. D u B R A V A C R. E. TH O R N W IL L IA M L. R O SEVEA R C. N O R M A N C O R N W A L L H A R R Y E. M IL L E R G. W IL L IA M C O U LT H A R D S E C Y . - T R E A S . A S S T . S E C Y . - T R E A S . V I C E P R E S I D E N T Union Pacific Railroad Company January 26 422 West Sixth Street j. Los Angeles 14, California Attention: Mr* T. E* Hammill, Assistant Land and Tax Agent Gentlemen: This is in reference to the relocation work under Section 5 of Agreement C.L.D. 11342* As indicated in the attached tabulation, all of the work which will be required has been completed with the exception of the transformer pole at the old Westside Pumping Station site, point HH* Removal of this pole is included under an agreement with the Southern Nevada Power Company, who have promised to remove it very shortly. 5(g) and a portion under 5(l) will not be necessary. The line covered by 5(f) was constructed prior to purchase by the District. The power lines under 5(g) have been rendered unnecessary by a rearrangement of the power supply on District property* The line between points £ and HH under Section 5(1) has been left in at the request of the Union Pacific, subject to granting of a suitable easement to the Water District* is suggested an inspection be made so that closing of the escrow and release of the Relocation Fund can be expedited as soon as the one power pole has been removed and the contractors paid off. It will be noted that the items covered by Sections 5(f) and In accordance with my recent discussion with Mr. Hammill, it W* C* Renshaw Engineer and Manager WCR:mjb Enc. cc: Mr. Mr* Mr. Calvin Cory Leo McNamee M. E. Davis