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    bbb mb B' mbb bbbbbmBBb bb bhb Miscellaneous products—Continued Schedule n Fire protection equipment, Includ­ing portable add fixed fire extin­guishers and systems other than carbon dioxide types; stirrup pumps; automatic sprinkler sys­tems; fire hose, hose dryers, racks, reels and related products; and fire hydrant Indicator posts and stand pipe equipment. I Fishing equipment, commercial. n Floor coverings, linoleum and felt base. n Floor finishing and floor mainte­nance machines, as defined by WPB Order L-222. Q Food preparation and serving fix­tures, equipment and appliances, commercial. n Furniture. I Glass products: fibrous glass prod­ucts for military, industrial and structural use, and technical glass for military and industrial use. n Glass Products: not elsewhere list­ed, excluding mirrors. U Hairpins, bob pins and hair curlers. H Hardware, not elsewhere listed. I Heating equipment (except elec­tric) including heating system controls and hot water equip­ment. ? Hooks and eyes, slide and snap fasteners, buckles, buttons and miscellaneous apparel findings. H Houses, mobile and prefabricated. I Ice. II Identification badges, emblems, pin tickets, plates, tags not military. I Instruments, apparatus, equip­ment, supplies and appliances; dental. I Instruments and apparatus; labora­tory. I I I I I 1 Instruments and equipment; en­gineering (including surveyors’ drawing and mathematical). Instruments and apparatus; ana­lytical and industrial testing. Instruments, equipment, supplies; surgical and medical, including orthopedic appliances. Instruments and lenses; optical. Instruments; musical. Jewel bearings. Kitchen, household and other mis­cellaneous articles, as defined in WPB Order L-30. Lamps and lanterns, non-electric. Laundry, dry cleaning and pressing machinery, commercial. Laundry machinery, domestic. Lawn mowers, band and power. Leather and leather products. Lenses and instruments; optical. Loose leaf binders. Morticians’ goods. Needles. Office machinery. Office supplies, including marking devices. Ophthalmic goods. Pens and pencils. Photographic equipment, apparatus and materials, excluding projec­tion apparatus. Phonographs, parts, records and needles. Pins, common and safety. Plastic products; moulding and laminating. Projection apparatus. Pulp and paper and paper products. Razors and blades. Refractories. Refrigerators and parts (domestic). Miscellaneous products—Continued Schedule H Rope. I Rubber and rubber products. II Scales and balances, industrial and commercial. 1 Sensitized film and paper. U Sewing machines, n Textiles and clothing. II Time stamps and recording devices, n Tools, farm and garden, edge and hand. I Tools; including edge tools, hand tools, mechanics hand service tools, gauges and machinists pre­cision measuring tools, files and rasps; excluding farm and garden edge and hand tools, n Traps and cages, animal, n Unit heaters and unit ventilators. H Vitreous enameled products. H Wood products, n Products for military, industrial and structural use not elsewhere listed. Conduct of the following businesses or activities n Cotton ginning and compressing. II Construction. I Detinning. I n Drainage and irrigation. I Electrical and mechanical repair shops for industrial, commercial and agricultural equipment; and public, industrial and commer­cial transportation equipment.8 I Electro-mating, galvanizing and other tpetpl treating and finish­ing. H Engraving cm metal. I Fabricating and rifting mica. I Feed and grain (stock and poultry) processing and storage. I Fishing, commercial. H Hemp, flax, and similar fiber decor­tication. I Industrial food manufacturing. processing, packaging, preserva­tion and storage, (except soft drink and alcoholic beverages, and chewing gum). Restaurants, hotels, retail stores, and farms are not included in this category.* I Logging operations, sawmills, ve­neer mills, plywood mills, plan­ing mills, shingle mills, and dry kilns operated in connection with ? sawmills. I Military and Naval establishments: camps, posts, bases, stations, air fields and depots. H Motion picture production. I Operation of ships, vessels and other craft, except pleasure ves­sels.10 n Printing and publishing, including blueprinting and' allied . repro­duction. I Public utilities; gas, light, power, water and central heating and sanitation (except producers as defined in Utilities Order U-l). I Public transportation, terminal and dock facilities, including steve­doring.11 8 See also Interpretation No. 6: Public transportation means common carriers; Di­rection No. 10: Welding rods for service re­pair shops. •See also Interpretation No. 7 relating to distribution of food products. 10 See also Direction No. 6: ships of friendly foreign nations. 11 See also Interpretation No. 6: Public Transportation means common carriers. Conduct of the following businesses or activities—Continued f Schedule I Petroleum and natural gas produc­tion, transportation, refining and marketing (except to the extent covered by P-98 (b). It Refrigeration (Commercial) other than food. H Scrap salvage, sorting and process- tag. I ?? I Seed processing, packaging, preser­vation and storage. I Ship repair and maintenance. I Slag recovery and disposal. I Smelting and refining (except pro­ducers to whom a serial number has been issued under P-73). n Solid fuel distribution and market­ing including only those dealers with equipped yards (a dealer with an equipped yard is one who regularly maintains storage and sorting facilities as a part of his own operations, and loading, car­rying and other machinery for handling and weighing). n Tire and tube recapping, retreading and vulcanizing. . I Vegetable oil extraction. n Warehousing, metal. n , Warehouses: public: dry and open storage. I Warehouses, refrigerated; -perish­able food products. I Wire communications industries (except operators as defined in Utilities Orders U-3 and U-4). List of directions 1 through 17 to OMP Regulation No. 5 as revised: (1) How to Obtain Aluminum Pattern Equipment under CMP. (2) steel Shoe Wire. (3) Rerating not Compulsory—Obsolete. (4) Stitching Wire for the Printing and Publishing Industry. (5) Farmers. (6) Ships of Friendly Foreign Nations. (7) Welding Rod. ~ (8) Determining Quantity Restrictions on a Receipt Basis. (9) Hand Tools Purchased by Em- ployees — Revoked December 20, 1943. Covered by Direction 4 to Priorities Regulation No. 3~ (10) Welding Rod tor Repair Shops—Re- . yoked January 28, 1944, Covered by CMP Regulation No. 9Ai (11) Safety Equipment Purchased by Em- ployees — Revoked December 20i 1943. Covered by Direction 4 to Priorities Regulation No. 3. (12) Rerating not Compulsory—Obsolete. (13) Quota and Expenditure Records—Re^ voked February 26, 1944. Super­seded by paragraphs (f) (5) and (f) <«)_. ' ^ “ (14) Use of MRO Symbol by Manufactur­ers of Roll Roofing, Shingles and Corkboard. (16) Use of MRO Symbol and Rating to Buy Installation Materials where Authorization to Construct is not Required under L-41. (16) Broom Wire. (17) Motion Picture Theaters. Interpretation 1 (Note: List A has been supplanted by List B of Priorities Regulation No. 3. Reference should be made to the items listed there.) GPO— War Board 989SA— p. 6 the procedures provided by the regulation may be used to obtain such supplies provided they do not come within the following cate gories which are specifically mentioned in List A : Item 2. Printed matter and stationery This re ten only to printed matter and Items such as letterheads, envelopes and forms 3. Paper paperboard, and products manu­factured therefrom; molded pulp products 5. Office machinery or office equipment. Safety shoes are included in List A of the regulation and consequently the procedures provided by the regulation may not be used to obtain them. Safety shoes are not in­cluded among the items constituting excep­tions to item d of the list. (Issued April 5, 1943.) Interpretation 2 A person who is permitted to get con­trolled materials under paragraph (cl 111 of CMP Regulation No. 5 for maintenance repair and operating supplies is not entitled to use the MRO symbol for purposes of al­lotting controlled materials to others For example, a manufacturer of a product listed in Schedule I or Schedule H of the regula­tion requires a spring as a repair part. He may use the MRO symbol to place an au­thorized controlled material order for steel which he will fabricate into the spring which he requires; but If he buys the spring from a spring manufacturer, he may not make an allotment with the MRO symbol to the spring manufacturer. The spring manufac­turer receives his allotment direct from the War Production Board as provided in para­graph (k-1) of CMP Regulation No. 1 (is­sued April 20, 1943.) ' Interpretation 3 OFFICES, ETC. * ItaStatiofNo liSt by CMP be used to obtain ma?nt*CUlar busIness may operating supplies repair and offices sahSrjSm? 5 general offices, branch tiafto facilities esse“ May 20, 1943.) °f the business. (Issued Interpretation 6 COMMON CARRIERS he i! clMaifSJ“Pb^tation, regardless of how statute a^®*1 Under any Federal or State a ycS?nundeW0,ad ^Sin included £thTlhe “ C°“Un0n law ls cludeSHVa^,°r,“ntract carrler 18 not to- ciuaed. (Issued May 20,1943.) Interpretation 7 manotacture and distribution op pood products Note: Interpretation 3 superseded h« sub­sequent amendments. Interpretation 4 I943°TE: Interpretatlon 4 was revoked Nov. 19, Industrial food manufacturing pro­cessing, packaging, preservation and sto?- taUon^No01^ 8chedule 1 of CMP Regu- occunatirtn 5 and persons engaged in such occupation are entitled to use a rating of s^usm^r60'1011 with the c<“ °f I (b) Distribution of food products as dis- !m^frr,th-elr Production, does no? con- lndustrlal f°od manufacturing or processing under Schedule I and is not in “nere ln "HE 1 °r Vof tbe regulation. Persons engaged ln selling food entHU^ *h,Ch they d0 not Produce are only entitled vu„,use the AA-5 rating to obtain WtS&mRm repair and operating supplies for their business. (c) In those cases where a person is en­gaged in both producing and distributing tanance, repair and menta at the rating assigned to the p3£l onlv whi*1 ^bkffi he ls engaged where, and reaulrem^; “J3 ^practicable to apportion requirements to his several activities fin sued May 27. 1948.) «c.*vraes. (Is- Interpretation 8 CAPITALIZED REPAIRS Products or materials needed for repairs no/ta^nht1?11^ willch are capitalized can- 5 under CMP Regulation No. L‘L3iI5 5‘ ®X?ept the extent permitted latintrafraphi b* of the regulation re- {L*to “lnor caPItal Additions costing less than 8600. (Issued July 17, 1943.) B Interpretation 9 relationship between cmp regulation no s AND CONSERVATION ORDER L-41 BniVri mi Y41 re1ulres War Production Board authorization before beginning anv construction work except in those c^s thoriLtihe <Tder “pressly states that au- thorization is not necessary nntbLCMP^egUlati0n No- 8' <§ 3175.5) may not be used to get materials or products for any construction work of the type which re­quires authorization under Order L-41 un- less the authorization specifically savs that- CMP Regulation No. 5 may be used (c) In those cases where specific War Pro­duction Board authorization is not required before beginning construction, and where the materials needed for the construction cost no more than $500, CMP Regulation No 8 ™ay be ^ed to buy materials and producte m3) the constructlon. (Issued July 29, Interpretation 10 CONCRETE AND AGGREGATES The term “products for structural use not wJT, 1,ls.‘ed" “PPearing under “Build- ing Materials on Schedule II of CMP Regu- lation No. 6 includes light-weight aggregates ready-mixed concrete and pre-mlxed bltuml- nous concrete. (Issued Nov. 9, 1948.) iiPO— War Board 9893A— p. 7